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    Newberg, OR
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  1. If your thinking of sport flying, we used to fly over near Intel in Hillsboro or near the airport over there. lots of Ag land near the business complexes with green grass!
  2. OK.... geeee... that is a BIG spread of dates..... Nov. 21, 10:50pm PST We'll go with that! good luck..... and have fun.....Oh, you already did that!


    Good Job Watty!
  4. Hmmmm.. this could get me back out flying again.....
  5. Well, you all...seemed to have had a great time as usual.... i sure do miss the action at times. But it is nice to hear the feedback of what has gone on there. So many people put in alot of hard work and time. And many never get credit for it... but I for one do appreciate many for the years past! It too is great to see the many new faces. Please keep the reports coming!
  6. Great Job to John and Al for their article written for Kitelines for the event at Brookings this year. Excellent grasp and presentation of this years event. As most know, my heart is very close to this event and it is such a pleasure read and feel it's life flow. John...Al...your skills are awesome. I continue to look for your future articles.! God Bless Rick looking for WSIKF article?
  7. John.... any photos posted yet for WSIKF?
  8. Geee John.... I remember when........ Gosh.... I am getting older....thanks buddy! Happy B day!
  9. WOW ! .......... I am stunned again! Am I getting old or what? Sue seemed so young to me even tho after all these years (I guess it has been over 20 years) She was still too young for this passing. WOW, my thoughts go to Lee and family... I can't believe this.... As a past MCEE for alot on the West Coast, I have always enjoyed Sue. She has always been an innovator and one to cause all to stop and see what she is going to do next. Her grace and calm (from a spectators view) she always had a way to make it all look easy.... We'll miss you Sue. We have lost so many over the years to such an early age.... Have I really experienced that many people in Kiting? or is there some attraction (cosmic force) that brings one so close to beauty, creativity and peace, that make it closer to reaching heaven? God Bless all of you!
  10. WaaaWaaaWaaa.... come on Penny....... how else do you get people to get to know you..and...build trust in you...and...look forward to meeting you...and...and maybe not be afraid to come up and talk or ask question about what your doing...and...you help others, by sharing about you! So let go gal...and allow others to enjoy things about you.. It is not about being self-centered. It is OK! AND, you have the greatest way to get rid of "writers block"...just go out side and fly a kite!
  11. I tell you........all you have to do, is spend some time to visit Carl and Lisa and you will be amazed at the new knowledge you will get about lLamas.. You too will then gain a sense of value for these creatures! By the way.... they dont smell either! Yep, they have no odor! Cool! what a pet to have!
  12. Well, Windofchange! It looks like your bid of $300 tops out your opponent ! Congratulations to you and to AOK for all the proceeds go to them! Please provide me with your address for shipping and or if you want to send a call tag, that could work as well! Let me know! I do know that there was one LLamaguy, who is really kicking the dust about now cause he really wanted it too! And to let you know a very good sport as well!
  13. OK... I now have a log-in for $275..... bid.....
  14. Ok ! Windofchange...........heres your chance on a great kite.... it now appears to be between you and LLamaguy..... You now have the bid at $270..... as soon as the two of you top out, i'll end the bidding. Unless another miracle pops in here. My goal was to do a good deed and see that AOK gain some funds as well as see this very nice kite go into the right hands who would appreciate it for what it is. And not end up in some dark lonely closet. There is value here.
  15. Well..........hmmmm.... a couple of days? grasswillgrowback!
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