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Moon Kushner

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Everything posted by Moon Kushner

  1. Jebus Christ, I leave for a while and look at all the strange things you are talking about Personally, I think the Llama's look great. It looks like you have yourself a nice place there. Nice and open. Missed you all, and I will do my best to not be a stranger. Moon
  2. You have the mental picture of Ono just right. He is the last ferret that we got and after yelling at the other two, I swore that would be the name of the third one. The other two are from Beastmaster, and of course the albino is Kodo. Hope all works out for you for Kite Party, I am not going to be able to make it this year, but I am certain that John will have lots of stories upon his return.
  3. Nice to hear of you out and about Planey! Sorry I missed everyone, but it just makes you all want to see me more next time So how has 2005 been treating you? Same old, same old, except now I have a degree in Accounting and I am flying on a team with a bunch of cool guys. Best thing is that I am the only woman on the team. Got to represent OK I am being silly and I best get back to that thing I call work. Take care, Moon
  4. It has been dry, but windless in these parts. I have been able to really work on my low wind flying, which is a workout in itself. I have been able to pull of 360's on my Rev, so that has been exciting for me. Working with the team is a blast and a new experience for me. It keeps coming together nicely and my team mates are wondeful. All in all it has been an wonderful winter of kiting. Moon
  5. WOW!! And they leave you home alone all by yourself........ SCARY Just kidding. Wanted to get to Long Beach, didn't happen, maybe next time. I did get to ice skate aroud the back yard without the skate, and watch my doggies try to stay on all four legs.
  6. C-Ya then
  7. Get side tracked much Penny? I have not been flying too much on the indoor front. I will hopeful get to make it to Long Beach this weekend at least for Saturday. Just moved next to a school, so I may look into the possibilities of flying in there soon. Only indoor I have right now is my Deca, but that is never a problem when you are among other fliers.
  8. Looks like I am floating out there in the Ocean too Guess you have to be smarter than the map
  9. Cody, You offer is VERY appealing. Learning how to make a Cody would be most excellent. I would love to see if we could arrange something before Ft Worden as I am planning to attend and the extra knowledge would be most beneficial. Codys are a beautiful kite and it would be an honor to know how to build one. If you are serious let me know and lets start meking plans to make this happen I am an eager Moon.
  10. Watch it Place Girl..... I am learing to sew I it is only girly when Cody does it Still trying to learn to build a kite myself, not those Cody things though. People that fly those things are strabnge. Nice to chat at you, I hope that you had wonderful holidays. Moon
  11. Not until after all of you take off Mums the word
  12. However, the other half of the team does plan on being there. Not all of us are lucky enough to get away from the pending snow <_<
  13. Happy New Year to all!! Heres to good winds, cooperative sewing machines, and a whole lots of kite fun in 2005!
  14. Nice Procraft, Can't wait to see the photos when you are done. Moon
  15. Your making me look bad complaining about the rain It really is not all that bad, I am looking forward to getting out there and getting some flying done tomorrow. Moon
  16. Happy New Year one and all! I read the thread that asked if we talk about kites here anymore, and here it goes. How is winter kiteflying going? Here is the NW we have hit the raining season and it does make it a little more difficult. However I have done the most winter kiteflying this year with team TKS as we practice every Sunday here at Delta Park. You get use to the rain if it is not to hard, what gets me is the wind that wants to drag me away from the team Thank god for the vented Shiva! Still does not keep me off my butt though. It has been a while since I have flown a dual with all my quad line flying, but I am having a blast getting back into it, flying with the team, and gaining the experience. Take care everyone, Moon http://www.tksmidair.com
  17. What we seem to have here is a difference in opinion. You have yours and the reviewer has theirs. Both have the right to be respected. No need to be angered over things that are not in your control. Remeber what we compare opinions to...... we all have them and they all stink
  18. Yeah!!! This is one of my favorite holidays of the year Probably because my birthday is two days prior. Happy Halloween!!
  19. Careful there dear...... that is a scary image
  20. The only thing I see is that Carl is going to be without internet for a couple of weeks Yeah..... I didn't see John's Cody at Nationals. Where was it?
  21. Sounds like Convention to me Nice work on the update! The drum circle looked like lots of fun.
  22. Good luck tomorrow Johnny!!!! Have fun and show them how Mr.Barresi gets it done
  23. I will be living vicariously through the forum for the next couple of days Thanks, I needed that Dreaming of a sky full of kites and crazy kitefliers all aroung
  24. All I can say is..... I WANT TO BE THERE NOW!!!! There were so many people at Lincoln City that are headed to Seaside today it was hard for me to leave, ask Penny
  25. I will be seeing everyone on Thurday night Kirstie, get a hold of yourself you crazy girl
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