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Moon Kushner

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Everything posted by Moon Kushner

  1. Welcome Paul, The first thing I am going to say is that you are going to love it. Ocean City, MD was also my first Nationals three years back. As far as your questions, here it goes. Expect: As great time with fliers from all across the US. It is a week of pure enjoyment. You will get to meet so many different fliers that you will never be able to remember all the names and you won't have to Dress: It is casual. However some people like to doll themselves up for the awards banquet. At least I do Kites: I have always checked my kites in. I know that John Barresi has the scoop on that one. Something about sporting equipment, I know he will drop his two cents in at some point. Anything else: Be ready for great times! Also the weather there can fool you, so pack for a little of everything. The last time we were there it was 90 degrees most of the week. Hope to see you there. Moon
  2. The gulf is going to be a little more of a drive for you. Not quite as close to Kissimmee. Too bad I am over here on the west coast doing a festival, it would be fun to fly around my old stomping grounds. Have a great time!! Moon
  3. Most beaches are only 1.5 hrs away from Kissimmee. I used to live there, but was not flying at the time so I can't give you the "inside" scoop. You could start at Cocoa beach and go south from there. Some of the beaches are going to be a little less touristy than others.
  4. Hey Penny, Does that mean you are going to swing by Ocean Shores ?????????
  5. Who says that 11 events is not relaxing Guess it all just depends on how strange you are
  6. Always braggin aren't ya Well I am in for 11, so lets rock this!!!!
  7. Thanks for painting oh such a pretty picture there llama. Geeze, boys
  8. I had the same thought Penny, our Revs are highly controllable. Hmmmmm...... what can we put on our revs????
  9. Chin up young grasshopper So are you guys planning on making any of the August events?
  10. Wouldn't you all like to see that. You best sell those tickets at a good rate Llama Crazy kitefliers Cody, all the help in the world will not save you now!
  11. On second thought Revs are really controlable, I think we should lynch him with a few Revs. I know of at least three quad fliers here who would be willing, maybe even four Lets see how fast the Cody can run.....
  12. After that comment I would retreat with my head between my legs if I were you Cody!! Count me in on the potatoe gun, I will even bring the spuds
  13. Oh boy, this is going to be a long weekend tick, tick, tick, tick.........................
  14. So whats the weather like in Canada right now, eh ? Can't wait to get out of work. It is never early enough. May have to fly this indoor stuff too. I will go out there and represent Toddy and kick Johnny's butt!
  15. So far I can get three on my bicycle, just have to be picky. It is all about the velcro and the positioning.
  16. Indoor huh??? Now there is soemthing that I have not done enough of. Something else to thik about
  17. Woopie!! It is off to Canada this weekend. If it was not for this event I would never get out of the states So who is all heading up for a great weekend of fun and flying?
  18. What's your name again??? I Love you whoever you are
  19. Hey Mousie! I miss all the good festivals due to work Hopefully I will see you again soon and give you that big hug! All is well on this side of the world. Getting ready to go to BC next weekend.
  20. You were definitely missed. However, Lauren and Jen yelled loud enough for us to know that you were there in spirit. Are you coming to BC?
  21. Hello my fellow Angels Back from a weekend at Westport, boy it is never easy to go back to work after a kite weekend? Hey Arch angel, how was your relay for Life? Well, just wanted to pop my head in and say hello to you all. Moonie
  22. Woops, after re-reading, I think I should have directed that comment at T. XOXOXOXO
  23. Wrong spoon Kirstie....... I am more thinking on the metaphysical level, not the plastic one. I guess you just would have to have been there, some thing goes for me and the plastic spoons. Come on young grasshopper, expand your mind!
  24. It was nice to see Johnny get a run for his money Having the opportunity to fly with John and Carl after the event was a highlight for me. I had two amazing flyer coaching me, WOW!!! I now have been given the stepping stones are need of practice, practice, practice. SMACK, was a blast to watch as well. Thanks for bending the spoon Carl. Moon
  25. Penny, this is San Ramon you are talking about , sun and not too much wind I am looking forward to it as well, and can not wait to see all the familiat faces there this weekend.
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