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Moon Kushner

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Everything posted by Moon Kushner

  1. That would be an excellent article to read. It would helps us have little more confidence when we are in those situations. If ya need any help with that you let me know. You know I am "queen" of light wind flying. NOT!!!!! Tee Hee
  2. That is something I will keep in mind when I figure out how to do a 360. #1 Watch for park benches #2 Watch for trees Maybe next time I will have to hve you teach me how to pull one of those off. On shorter lines might be a little easier for me. Also I will wear some padding On a serious note, hope that you are okay today. How does the bruise look?
  3. I remember homecoming.......I think Have a great time and definately put up lots of pictures. I bet your dress is awsome and you are going to look great Great to hear about your friend. I will keep sending over my good energy to you. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Moonie Poo
  4. No rain was a good thing You are right though, it is all about the FUN!! Thanks so much for having me and I look forward to the next time. It was wonderful to hang out with some new fliers and get a kite up in the air. Even thought it was a lot of work with the wind we were given. Guess the next time we will see each other will be Nationals and there will be a lot of kites and fun to be had there. Moon
  5. I just need to know if we can brew it. If nothing else a french press will do the job quite nicely if we can get the water hot. Just found out that I get a 20% discount in the store at Boyds, so I am thinking a nice Kona blend. It is a nice light blend and very tasty
  6. I'll get you the grounds. I do work for a coffee company's corporate office now The Kona blend is amazing.
  7. Penny the indoor flying queen. Just wanted to say hello Moon
  8. A quick question for you Boomertype. You peaked my interest........... Why is the kite a "she" rather than a "he:? That is definitely a kite that I would not mind getting my hands on though.
  9. Hey there Plane Girl, My positive thought and love go out to you and your friend. It will be quiet around here without you. Keep smiling and share that joy with your friend. Much Love, Moon
  10. Theresa, Thanks for the ride on Sunday. I am looking forward to getting a kite up in the air, it has been toooooooooooooooo long! It will be nice to be around friends and kites. I am putting in my request to the weather and wind goddess for an awsome day. See you Sunday. Moon
  11. What beautiful work Congratulations on your prize, it truely is an amazing kite. I feel inspired, now all I need is a working sewing machine and another trip to Ft.Worden for some more techniques.
  12. Welcome Oculus I also hail from Portland, OR. As mentioned I do like Delta Park to fly. It is not a bad place at all, the only problem that I have had is that my lines sometimes like to get caught in the grass. If you have the time, you should come out to the fun fly in Vancouver on September 19th. There will undoubtably be many fliers whose brains you can pick and have more questions answered. If you ever want someone local to go out and fly with, I am not a Master like some of these guys are, but I do like to get out there with a kite and have fun. I primarily fly quad lines, but I do have a "new" dual line that I am dying to try out. Hope to fly with you soon! Moon
  13. I have never seen anything like that. WAY COOL!!!
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