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About Dorsal

  • Birthday 11/27/1952

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Good looking ones that fly!
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Tracy, CA
  • Country
    United States

Dorsal's Achievements

Kitelife Regular

Kitelife Regular (4/7)



  1. Wow! Absolutely unbelievable, Thanks!
  2. Derek, everything I have (the original files from Steve Laport's website) is in pdf format and you can't post them here to link them to you. PM me your email and I'll send them directly to you.
  3. Derek. I have posted some of my photos to http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?autoco...um&album=30 that might help.
  4. That'll teach ya! Congratulations on your growing quad skills and the growing set of kites to support it.
  5. There is going to be a Kite Festival in Mountain House this Saturday, August 18, from 10:00 to 4:00 at Wicklund Park in Mountain House. Mountain House is a new town just west of Tracy, between us and the Altamont Pass. I've never been to the park, so I have no idea of the available space, but the Google map looks fairly promising. http://tinyurl.com/ypm2hj (Zoom in to the arrow) Kid Kite Decorating contest, Free Kite making, Kid Kite Parade, Trick Kite Flying, Public Kite Flying, Buggy Demo and Candy Drop are all mentioned on the flyer. Here is the pdf Flyer AIM_KiteFlyer_rev.pdf
  6. Well, if I win it, I'll give it to Ant Man, or keep it as a giveaway to some kid at the park. I think I have enough already.
  7. I think New Tech added a "Trick Line" across the bottom of the kite to keep the lower loop of the bridle from snagging on the bottom of the middle spar. IIRC a couple of my kites had such a line, but I just removed it. I wish I could remember it better, but that was a few years ago. It certainly isn't on my kites now, if it ever was there.
  8. I never roll up a kite from the spine outward, because the tees always get in the way. Nor do I usually fold up the leading edge rods or loosen the tension on them. After removing the upper and lower spreaders, I hold the kite sideways by the spine, bring the LE rods up parallel to it, then, after tucking the standoffs and the bridle inside the sail, roll or fold the sail from the outer edges toward the spine, with the spreaders rolled up inside, like a scroll. I don't usually have the Velcro thingies, so I don't usually use them, but sometimes I'll use a rubber band around the center tee. I just stick the kite into the sleeve, tail first. That way, I align the standoffs and such as I insert the kite, and they always come out of the sleeve without hanging up on anything. Of course if I need to get the length down smaller then I'll break down the LE's first, but the rest of the procedure is the same.
  9. everest - I've never flown either one, But I have seen them both flown at kite festivals and they are both well-designed kites. However, that you posted the question tells of your inexperience. Given that, your abilities will be far outstripped by either of the kites you are contemplating, so I'd suggest you buy whichever one you fancy the best or can afford. At this stage of your kite-flying abilities, it won't really matter, and all the opinions in the world won't change that - only your own time at the handles flying the kite will. Yes, I'll probably catch 7734 from a lot of people here for being so blunt, but I thought you should get the honest truth.
  10. I was waiting to see if anyone else joined in the thread, as it usually seems I'm the only one that's ever flown one, but I'm never the only one with an opinion about them. Yes indeed, I have a Stack of Five (with R/W/B bridle lines to boot) and I also have a single, plus 4 or 5 Revs. The way a Rev usually flops onto the grass and plays dead really irks me! I still like the Spirits the best, probably because I don't like getting my arms pulled out of the sockets, nor do I like my kites rocketing forward at every gust of wind. The mods that are posted on the New Tech website are very good, and after you get one feel free to write with any questions. And thanks for the compliments on my stack. I really like them, too.
  11. Baloo - If you look closely, you'll notice the bridle (stacking) lines are red / white / blue also. And Thanks!
  12. Congratulations Paula! Just email me if no-one else wants to give you some help with your Spirit! I have a few myself.
  13. I was surprised at the capability also when I tried it. Here's an old discussion thread on GWTW that led me to swapping the rods out. I don't even own any Beetles now, I either sold them or gave them to my grandchildren. Anyway, this is kinda off topic. After all, someone learning to drive a car isn't really interested to learn how some nut turned a VW into a Porsche, are they.
  14. No, I wouldn't say so. In fact, by changing the rods on a Beetle to .156 tubes, the Beetle becomes a very capable trick kite, and it is still never as sensitive as a Micron. Make those changes to a Micron and it's still fast and sensitive, just a little heavier. I have given Beetles away to new flyers, after teaching them some basics with their new Beetle, and that's something I would never attempt with a Micron. It's too hard to teach someone when they're frustrated.
  15. Well, for less than $60, your selections could include the Beetle or the SR2 by Premier Kites, the Addiction by Flying Wings, the Jazz, Micron or Nexus by Prism Kites, the Oxygen by L'Atelier or a Trlby by Trlby Kites. Since you're starting out, I would NOT suggest the Micron, as they are very fast and sensitive little kites. Any of the others would be a good kite to have.
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