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Everything posted by layangman

  1. Not as good as I wanted, it certainly flew, but does not respond well in "braking" Anyway, will do some tweaking again. Was hoping to be able to make it fly like the TC Ultras
  2. Hey Thanks! Read those comments, not not enough info....most important is how does it compare with REV 1.5 (althoug not a very fair comparison). I have a REV II (modified) and its very fast and fun but not precise at all. The Mosquito has a more unique sail compared to a REV. Patrick
  3. Hi. Anyone flown this kite yet? How's it fly? Precision? Thanks.
  4. Hey Dean, Thanks for the tip, will try it out. Cheers. Patrick
  5. Hi Watty, What do you mean by 2 points? Patrick
  6. Hi Dean, Tried it out with this mod which I found on the internet. Although it can fly, its still NOT the solution. Able to turn using wrist movement on REV handles, but unable to fly in reverse I will try out what you have suggested, connecting directly at the point where the original bridle is tied to the frame's upper and lower LE. Cheers, Patrick
  7. Really!? That means its do-able;) Did he use regular Rev handles?
  8. Hi, I have a very old Flexifoil/Cobra kite's Scorpion dualie. (bought '93) Was thinking of modding the bridle to a quad, just to see if it can fly as well as a TC Ultra. Any ideas how to mod the bridle? Kite's an 8ft wingspan, light wind kite, BEMAN carbon frame. Cheers
  9. That would be very nice indeed! I live in Sengkang, just 5 mins drive to the same field:) I fly there every Sundays from 4.00pm onwards. On most weekdays about the same time as well;) Do let me know if you're around, I want to learn more. No concern at all, actually I got mixed up, its the Soul that has that feature Yup, I have "Freestyle Pilot" DVD from Prism. Agree with that, its always nice feeling when I manage to do a trick for the very first time. What a rush!
  10. Yup, my mistake and thanks for the confirmation:) Hello Layangman, You can place the tubing on the 2.5 yourself if you wanted to. But I don't know what you'd be doing to get the excessive wear on that particular section of the bridle. The bridle line used on the Silver Fox range is very resilient. I have thrown a heck of a lot of freestyle flying at both my 2.3 Std and 2.5 Std and Vdt over the past 2 years, in varying wind ranges all over the world, with no problems at all..? The Soul has the tubing for the exact reason why it comes with the interchangable shortened outboard standoff's. In the case of excessive wear when going for a run in continual reverse lazy, and also very aggressive multiple backspins, and multiple roll up's. I did a very similar tubing mod, to my Benson Deepspace a few years ago to reduce this problem. Bell Chiu's done some great things with the advancement's of his Silver Fox range and now to the Soul, and power to him... As they are all great sportkites.. Regards, Merlion Hi Merlion, Yes, been thinking of using heat-shrink tubes to do that. Anyway, you are from SG right? Where do you fly? I am very new to tricking and just learning the basics for now.
  11. Yup, my mistake and thanks for the confirmation:)
  12. Hi All, Just wanted to know if the leader line of the SF 2.5 UL is sleeved with a micro-tubing (rubberized) to prevent premature wear of the wing's trailing edge when doing wraps? If so, can someone point me to the url that shows this detail? Cheers, PT
  13. Dean, Good one on the colored lines for tutorials. Not sure it'll show up as well, but won't know if not tried.
  14. Watty, Thanks for advice, noted on the knots at for adjustments.
  15. The Mohawk UL will be my last kite purchase (until I have some $$$). You're right at looking outside USofA for something different. I know I can't trick that well, but I hope the Mohawk will teach me what I couldn't do with my other kites. Matter of fact I am selling some of mine to reduce space. Seems unfair for some of the kites to be kept in a bag:(
  16. MEFM is Aussie origin right? Heard about it and it is expensive! I've also order some P90 Skyshark rods to make my REVII UL and LE into 3 sections for portability.
  17. IMPULSE??? heard its a good trick trainer, so gave it a shot...certainly hope flies well, I am very new to tricking.
  18. Just bought a Mohawk UL from a Kite Swap meet. Did a search and found that it is no longer in production. Here's how is flies. Anyone in this forum with experience on the Mohawk? Did a search here but nothing came up.
  19. I am just as anxious to see if this will work out nicely. Will post sometime mid August (if the event takes place).
  20. Pig Tails, are these loops with a knot at the end for connecting to flying lines? Looped end attached to kite's end caps by lark's head knot? What was length of your pig tails or it does not matter as long as they're equal?
  21. You are brave!
  22. Hey...looks like this last option is the best for me, what's the cost of Race Rods (3 piece set)? Does it also include the 2 vertical spars? I can live with my current REVII sail for now You may PM me the cost of the Race Rod/shipping. I may have a few other things to order as well.
  23. Hi all, I've lots of fun learning to fly quadline on my more than 10 year old REV II. Its a standard framed REV II. Since I live in a low wind area, am seriously looking into switching the frame to a UL or SUL. Anyone knows the right type to use? What are the diameter and stiffness that I should look for? Its kinda hard for me to understand imperial dimensions as I was brought up on metric. Cheers, Patrick
  24. Thanks for the tip will have to go slower than 20mph for safety. Photos will be posted.
  25. Yeah...that did came to my mind! Was really concerned about the safety. I will certainly have to get the driver to go below 20mph to be on the safe side. I think the flier will be having very sore shoulders and wrists after a couple of minutes Will post the pictures, event supposed to happen on August 08. 4 stacks of 3 kites each on jet-skis, each kite with 24ft transition tail.
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