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Everything posted by Jeepster

  1. You are retired now ... don't let the small things upset you. I answered on another thread, but the quick answer is that Rev started calling their handles by the length of raw stock that was initially cut. Thus, 13 inch handles start with a 13 inch blank. Most handles have a 30 degree bend ... thus, a 13 inches blank bent at a 30 degree angle with the same bend radius will always yield the same results. However, I have three Rev handles and they originally varied from 30 to 35 degrees. I've sense tweaked them so that they are all the same distance between D-rings. The interesting thing is that the grips on my favorite Rev handles differ by 1/16 inch in diameter. I flew with them for a year before discovering the difference. I think most of us worry over the small things that don't really affect our flying. Rod stiffness varies slightly, bridling is not exactly balanced, the fabric on my McKite is different between the colors (the colors are asymmetrical from side-to-side), line sets are not exact, handles differ in bend angle, grips differ in diameter and hardness, the damn wind keeps gusting and changing direction, etc. etc. But, still, most of us have a blast and fly reasonably well. Nothing says you have to fly a 1.5 kite with 13 inch handles ... several east coast guys fly with 15, 17 and one even uses 19 inch handles. Show us what you make ... and enjoy!!! Cheers, Tom
  2. Duane, But it is a 13 inch handle ... they started by cutting off a 13 inch piece of stainless steel tubing. That piece was then bent, drilled and fitted with the various pieces. Just 'cuz they're only "about" 11 or so inches across the D-rings, doesn't make them into 11 inch handles!!!! I agree with you though, it would make more sense to label the handles by the distance between D-rings, but Joe got to the naming convention before we did, so ... Cheers, Tom
  3. Under the Christmas tree this year is a Rev indoor and a Focus Skate ... both in custom colors ... blue!! Paul and Lisa taught me how to fly the Skate ... seems so simple, but looks like it'll keep me interested for awhile. Big Mike has let me fly his indoor twice ... both times in a hotel atrium. I'm looking forward to my own kite in a large gymnasium. Limited experience, but there it is!!! Cheeres, Tom
  4. The two forums have an overlap in the area of Revs. The Kitelife forum has a broader charter in that it focuses on ALL kite flying. Plus, Kitelife supports a bi-monthly newsletter/magazine of kite flying from around the world. Kitelife is also a repository for past issues of two out of print magazines and a ton of videos. All forums seem to use a slightly different set-up, just like all word processing software uses a slightly different approach to accomplishing the same function. Like the Rev forum, this is a very friendly group of people. Just keep the faith, someone has had the same problem as you're experiencing and will come to your rescue. Regards, Tom
  5. Choccy, In my case, I'm using a brand name 100 lb test bridle line. Since the last kite is slightly smaller in size than a REV II, it's not large enough to cause an appreciable pull. The stack lines were all made to withing 1/16" (it was raining) of each other. I wouldn't expect enough differential stretch to affect the flight of that small of a progressive. ... Cheers, Tom Although Choccy and I were talking about a differential stretch during flying, I found out something interesting when building a new set of stack lines for a six-kite stack. When I tied the stack lines for my three-kite progressive, I had to retie about half the stack lines to get them within 1/16 of an inch of each other. Even with a bridle board and tying every knot exactly the same way, I still would end up with unacceptable deviations in length. Before I started on the 30 stack lines that the new stack needs, I ran a test on three different 50 lengths of HiTech bridle line. The average stretch was 2%!!! Thus on a 60 inch stack line, it would take an initial set of 1.2 inches. No wonder I was chasing my tail the last time!!! After stretching the bridle line, I tied 30 stack lines in record time with only two reties ... and those two were only off by a little over 1/16 inch. Although I only tested HiTech bridle line, I'm sure any bridle line with a spectra core and a polyester coating will have an initial stretch. You might try pre-stretching your bridle line before you tie your next bridle and see if it doesn't help. Cheers, Tom
  6. Palms down. The handles are not really parallel, more like at a 30 degree angle with the horizon. Cheers, Tom
  7. Okay ... two clicks and I'm there!!! Not a click, scroll, scroll, scroll, click anymore. Thanks, Tom
  8. So, you're learning Canadian? You might want to mix in a little Japanese ... it'll be very helpful when TK's explaining things to you ... so desu ne. Cheers, Tom
  9. Okay, I've downsized the Jeep to 100 x 100. Probably could go a little smaller. The "Today's Active Content" button seems to have a similar function to "View New Posts" on the Rev forum. That's the function that I find the most useful. One can skip answering a thread for a few hours and still find it on the active list ... no hunting and searching, it's just down the list a little bit. Cheers, Tom
  10. Just back from a long hunt for that baby ... yep, it really is in an out of the way position. Maybe a screen capture would help others on their quest. Cheers, Tom
  11. John, Simple question only, not a real complaint. When I look on the Rev forum, the name and avatar column on the left side of the page uses up about 10% of my screen width. When I look at Kitelife with the Pro skin, it uses up about 22% of the total width of the forum page. If I go to the IP.Board screen and do a <cont><-> one time I can get the avatar column down to about 15% of the total page width. Is it possible with the new software to change that percentage so that it is closer to 10% ... or make the verbiage and avatar smaller within the same column width (for example GWTW) so that it doesn't feel so overwhelming? It's easy to live with, no problem, but it does take some getting used to. Kind of like getting a new larger piece of furniture ... feels overwhelming for awhile. Cheers, Tom
  12. You guys are a real pain ... come down to my level please. Bear, you say you like "this" skin ... well, what skin are you looking at? And as to John, I don't see the "Professional Skin" as a listing in my choices. I see only three: IP.Board, IP.Board Lo-Fi, and IP.Board Classic Blue (Import). &*#$@&, Tom
  13. I've grown attached to this skin. The classic blue is a close second. Although, with the classic blue, I'd miss my profile at the top of the page ... after all, it really is my profile. Seriously, it is a good flag to quickly tell if I'm logged in or if the random number generator's cousin has logged me off. I've been known to click the "View New Content" icon most of the day without realizing I'm not logged it. Sure would be nice to have the software tell me the "View New Content" feature can't work if it doesn't know who I am. The others? Forget them! Cheers, Tom
  14. Ah, what happened??? Started up the forum this morning and the picture was smaller than normal and the blue has turned to BLACK!!!! Geez!!! Okay, are you messing working with the skins or is the problem on my end. Yes, I did get a blue fade indoor kite, but that's no reason to steal all the blue color out of the website. Cheers, Tom
  15. Duane, You forgot to link to the picture ... Cheers, Tom
  16. Actually RNG is short for "Red Nosed Grinch" ... very cold heart on that one!!! Cheers, Tom
  17. Please help out here John ... support or dispute!! It looks like many dual line fliers have some problems moving over to quads. In watching dual liners, there's a lot of flailing of the arms. That approach doesn't carry over into quads. It seems like there are two concepts that help one fly quads easier. Concept 1) Strive to keep the handles (actually the top lines) centered in front of you and reasonably close together ... and below shoulder level. When the handles are right in front of you, it's easy to replicate the relative displacement fore-n-aft. When doing clock turns in the center of the wind window the offset fore-n-aft for a left hover is the same as for a right hover ... that seems to make the clock turns easier to achieve. If you hold your arms out to the side, it only takes a small amount of body rotation to greatly change the relative fore-n-aft relationship of the handles. That makes it harder to control the kite ... seems like you're always searching to get the right results. Concept 2) Strive to hold the handles the same for each specific position of the kite. For example, on vertical hovers, I hold the bottom handle vertical and the top handle parallel to the ground ... upright hovers have the handles vertical ... inverted hovers are done with both handles parallel to the ground (probably not the best way.) For each rotational position of the kite, try to hold the handles the same way every time! Learning to fly automatically, without thinking, is mostly muscle memory, this concept gives your muscles the same movement/position to remember and it becomes easier. Anyone care to comment??? Cheers, Tom
  18. Oh, don't make Duane wear the orange cone!!! He's not really a dunc... Oh, you mean to use it to practice tip standing on. Sorry ... Cheers, Tom
  19. John, Thanks again for another chance at a great kite package. Cheers, Tom PS ... You really should announce a drawing date!!
  20. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Howard"..."Tom" Gee Wizz! I'm sorry! Both of you have given me so much help that, having not actually met either of you, I get you'all mixed up. Correction: Jeepster-TOM--Thanks for the wind charts and Hedgewarden-Howard thanks for showing me the Black Rainbow (which I hope to be on it's way)! Keep It Up! (and I'll try to keep it together) Duane PS If I got that wrong too make sure to tell me!! That's okay Duane ... all us old guys look alike!!! Cheers, Tom
  21. The bear scores again ... made me laugh. I can easily picture Duane down at the beach while NASA and Homeland Security fight over who gets to handcuff him. Especially if he sticks an end in the sand with the tube at a 45 degree angle. Probably will have lots of open beach in which to fly his kites. Oh yes, the rule of unintended consequences!!! Cheers mate, Tom
  22. I think what the bear says makes sense. I wouldn't be too worried about the stiffness, a very light touch of thin wouldn't go very far. But, I would be very worried about the roughness of the "fix" fraying the second line. Cheers, Tom
  23. Duane, Very much real ... substantial might be a good description. Duane, you just have to forget about the time before the 60's ... today's gals are fully liberated and able to take care of themselves. They don't need my help to clobber you!! BTW ... during your discussions, just remember that Jynx is familiar with weapons. Oh yes, and she has a mid-vent B-series just like your new one ... well, except for the race rods ... I have mentioned before that I got to fly her kite first didn't I? You might consider dropping in on the Rev forum and asking if anyone lives in your area ... just don't mention that you fly dual line kites. I've found several kite fliers in my area by flying at a church right along a major highway. One actually was/is a Rev flier. Several fly dual lines. And one designs and flies SLKs. Then the third method is to grow your own fellow kite flier ... my son became interested after trying my equipment a few times. Cheers, Tom
  24. Duane, Is that really "antique" or just "retro"? Cheers, Tom
  25. Damn it's funny to see someone in their second childhood. So the missus wouldn't fall for the "I'm buying this for you" trick a second time!! You'll like the kite ... I covet my son's full vent whenever we're out flying. And, Dave's easy to work with. Cheers, Tom
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