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Mr. Robin McCracken

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Posts posted by Mr. Robin McCracken

  1. WOW!

    Thanks JB! YOU ROcK!


    This will be THE MOST appreciated REV kite EVER FLOWN!

    I was praying for this miracle to happen somehow ! Every time i got close to having Rev Money, some emergency always came up!

    Now I can finally be a Rev Pilot and quit bugging JB and Jeff Faje to go fly places , I'll get good and do it myself!

    I think I heard a "Halelujah!" out there, LOL

    • Like 5
  2. https://www.facebook.com/NationalKiteMonth National Kite Month –April 2014 Video Contest. Prize will be given for BEST VIDEO; other prizes may be awarded for most noteworthy videos submitted. Many factors will be considered in the judging process. Production quality may make the video look nice, but the primary things we’re looking at are how influential, entertaining, informative, and popular the video is. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have a production company or editing skills, just get your cell phone camera out, and start filming.

    Make your own “commercial” of your upcoming kite event. This can be a kite building workshop, kite club gathering, a kite display in a library or any place, or a Kite Festival. Anything kite related, the location, date, times, mention names of famous people or kitefliers attending, shoot a video of the park, kites flying, weather reports, wind conditions.

    Make a video during the event. If you are too busy flying kites, you can have your spouse, friends, or event organizers shoot videos. Most of the time it’s likely that the organization hosting your events will have someone taking photos and videos. You can submit those to the contest, but it may take too long for them to give you a copy, especially professionals. Anyone with a cell phone camera can take a video.

    The preferred method of uploading your video link and presenting it to us is to upload it onto your own https://www.youtube.com/ account. Easiest for us to share your video. You still have control over it, when people view it they go to your own link to watch it. TIP, if you have Unlimited Data or a WiFi signal to tap into, you can Upload your video immediately from the kite field! Once it posts to You Tube, you can post the link on your Facebook timeline and share with https://www.facebook.com/NationalKiteMonth . Avoid copyrighted or popular music, YouTube will block your video or make it not available on mobile. Even music playing over the loudspeakers at a kite festival might prompt You Tube to block your video.

    Please no profanity (or very minimal), nudity, or excessive commercial content. For Internet safety reasons, please obtain permission from people if they are in the video close up. Always obtain permission from Parents of any children in the video; we advise more video coverage of the kites flying and the surroundings, wildlife, and pets, less of people and children. All videos submitted will be used by National Kite Month to promote all genres of kite activities (single line, dual line, kite boarding, kite pin collecting, miniature kites, etc.) and can be posted by us on various social media sites including our own websites , and could be shared all over the Internet. By submitting a link to your video to us, you agree to these terms and also agree we are not liable for anything associated with the video. We suggest you burn a copy of your video to a CD or file for safekeeping.


    • Like 3
  3. Personally, having the honor of being Elected to the voluntary position of AKA Region 7 Director was my highlight of 2011.

    JB You're doing a FANTASTIC job on this website. The AKA Board Of Directors, which includes me, have been working Diligently on what we can do to improve the AKA website. I think that promoting Kite Flying of all genres goes way beyond just the websites.

    We all need to make 2012 a MASSIVE promotion year for kites! Everywhere, including Here. There should be WAY MORE activity on this Awesome website than there is! People need to be Flying Kites if they're not on Here!

  4. I purchased a Snowboard Bag on clearance for $15 at Big 5 last spring. They are only $29 retail and 6 foot long, about 2 foot diameter if filled with sand I'm estimating. Lining inside is waterproof, I'm guessing to keep the snow water residue from a "thawed" board from leaking in a car or other situation. I currently use it as my Kite Bag for the favorite kites. It has a Graffiti print on it.

  5. Go to the early issues of Kite Lines (1977,1978) on Kitelife here. There is a plan for "Stacked Deltas" somewhere. The wings on the Stacked Delta were wider aspect ratio, with more wing sets stacked.(or it may have been in an even older "Kite Tales" mag.)

  6. The Great Grandaddy of Power Kiting. The first one I saw and flew was in 1978 or 79.

    The late Tony Cyphert brought one home to San Diego after a bicycle trip around England.

    All there was besides Single Line before the Flexifoil was Peter Powell plastic stunt kites.

    • Like 1
  7. Hi Rick! Good to see you are alive and well! Your British Cody club buddies were looking for you...

    ROBIN in Colorado

    I am just wondering does anyone remember an east coast kite club by the name of G.D.V.K.S. (Greater Delaware Valley Kite Society), who was the owner/editor of the club?

    Another club at that time located in Glendale, CA. was the ABCD Kite Club, who was the owner/editor of this club?

    Both of these kite clubs operated in the early to mid 1990's, both had members but never operated as a group at any kite festivals that I know of.

  8. Originally, I took over the fees to be Organizer of Rocky Mountain kiteboarding Association on Meetup.com We have 88 or so Kiters subscribed to that Group. Now I decided to use this as a Foundation to build a Kite Club here in Denver, which is ACTIVE, and answers any questions regarding Kiting here, and assists with festivals large and small. We represent ALL forms of Kiting, but we do acknowledge that Kiteboarding is the most popular form of kiting now by far.Thus, I incorporate Kiteboarding into this Association, to attract anyone interested into Kiting in general.( we can call it "trainer Kites" that makes all kiting palatable to the "post-4069-125015330402_thumb.jpgKiteboard genre"


  9. Hello John and all you folks in Kitelife land! This is ROBIN in Colorado. I'm founder of the new Rocky Mountain Kite Association. Please refer anyone inquiring about kiting in the Denver or Colorado area to us. Our first major Festival will be "One Sky, One World" on Oct. 11th. at the Stapleton Central Park (former site of Denver's Airport).

    Thank You, John, and all you Kiter Friends on Facebook!!


    (that is the link to RMKA, I hope it works)


  10. Hello and a Huge THANK YOU to John for this Landmark site for Kiting. I am part of the Foothills Kite Club here in Denver. I took over the subscription payments to http://Meetup.com to keep the Rocky Mountain Kiteboarding Association alive, as the founder let it go. I also created a Yahoo Group of the same name link is;


    Please Join us, to promote Kiteboarding, and ALL other forms of Kite Flying, as I am attempting to merge snow Kiters and water Kiters into Rev's, Stunt, Fighters, and SingleLine.

    All Kiters have the opportunity now to bring Kites into the 21st Century. Us Kiters always knew the power of the "PULL"

    which all these Surf and Snowboard Dudes and Chicks are discovering, and getting the KITE BUG that us AKA or otherwise Die Hard Kiters have had all along. Please email me robin@boulderjunk.com with any suggestions to help me with this endeavor. I have not flown kiteboarding, but plan to! THIS IS EXCITING! to see the rapid growth in a Sport that is only possible by the use of a KITE!


  11. Kite Tales was Bob Ingrahams' original journal of the AKA. However, I "googled" it, and found some children s' book writers' education teacher site of same name from L.A. (LOL!)

    Yes, the AKA and all the World would benefit from all of this information being archived out here on Web Land.

    Kite Lines, HOW AMAZING of a perpetual archiving process that Valerie Govig did for Kiting, anyone whom would disagree needs to read more. Thus, ALL KITING BOOKS and any media involving OUR KITES needs to be saved in archives and as easily accessible to anyone interested in any speck of information regarding Kites of any form.

    Unknown at this point... Kite Tales is AKA-owned, best I can tell.

    As an organization, I'm not sure that they'd ever approve of the archive being on a privately-owned web site.

    Never know though, I'd certainly like to see every publication of this caliber made available to the general public. ;)

    If you wanted to "nudge" the process, consider sending a request to the AKA for something like this to be done.


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