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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Never crossed my mind........... nick
  2. Hey Pete, Welcome over here to Kitelife. We do carry on quite a bit, and sometimes it's about kites. It's just that over here, everything isn't about Revs. I've read many of your post over on the Rev forum.....................Glad you're expanding.......................nick
  3. Sorry, Miller 30, means that it's 5:30 PM. NOT, 30 beers.................... Have you never heard the expression, "It's Miller Time". Well that's 5:00 PM ! Miller 30 means it's 5:30 PM.................Comprenda !!
  4. Yeah, but I still want to see the "stupid shoes" Duane................. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ First off....where did this post come from??? I wrote that over a year ago!! And I can't show you a picture of the "stupid" shoes, because they wore out and my wife bought me some shoes that she didn't think looked "stupid"!! Nick??!!??!! Did you do this??? OK...OK...Where and when is...."Rogallo Fest"! (Not that IQUAD is out of the question at TISKC!!) [And Pete...we'll have to fly together sometime!!] Keep It Up! Duane Pete brought it back to life.............you wrote the part about the "stupid shoes", and glad you got some new ones....................thanks to your wife! Take it easy now.............just kidding you relax. It's Miller thirty................
  5. That would be great. I'll check back with you, as the time draws closer................... ps..........couldn't you bring the team, if Duane sends you a handfull of tickets ?
  6. Yeah, but I still want to see the "stupid shoes" Duane.................
  7. Well, how about Rogallo ? Maybe Duane will send you a handfull of airline tickets !!
  8. Well, how about Jockey's Ridge........................... You just wrote a post about how no one goes there...great place to fly, but MY field at least has some kids once in awhile playing on the swings!! heehee!! It's not that no one goes there, it's just that the times that I've been there, I've never seen but one other REV flier. The place has tons of kite fliers, but it's a big place, so it's easy to go up and not be near any other fliers. There are plenty kids with the diamonds & deltas, and late in the evening, as the sun is going down, the place is crawling with people, but still, plenty of room to fly. I mean, it's right across the street from a very large kite store, so it's to the cash register, and them right up the hill for many, with kites still in the bag. But still, not any rev fliers, and very little emphasis on Revs, over at the kite store (?). Beats me, but they just aren't there, but don't think that there is no one on the hill, and no kite fliers, because there are many, just not in the area where I am flying. They even hold the Rogallo Kite Festival there, every year, in early June, and they used to hold that October event, the "Outer Banks Stunt Kite Competition" there, years ago, but in recent years, that has been moved to the Wright Brothers Memorial Park. By the way, that event is Oct 8th & 9th, this year. http://www.kittyhawk...unity/obskc.cfm So don't think that Jockey's Ridge is deserted, by any means.................it happens to be one of the best places to fly, on the east coast.......
  9. Bet you wish you had the Extra Vent, back then......................
  10. Well, how about Jockey's Ridge...........................
  11. You'll never hear another word from me nick
  12. I know you have got to be kidding here. You didn't do that.................. :)
  13. Hey Duane, Sounds like you need to give Mr Eliot Shook a call. I think that 50% vent, would take care of your problem............suggestion, hint, suggestion, hint, suggestion, hint ! It's only money, and you can't take it with you.............
  14. Just keep it up..............summer is just around the corner, you know !! Then you'll pay
  15. Not to fret, Duane. Honest mistake on your part. If I recollect, correctly, your full-vent is a B-Pro. The B-Pro doesn't come with two frame sets, I don't think. I believe that you get to specify what frame you want, but only one set comes with the kite. So you see, if you've never bought a regular B-series full-vent, you wouldn't know about the 3-wrap & 4-wrap, so you are definitely forgiven. You see, we aren't just born with those little tid bits in our brains............................ Have a great 70F day.......................nick
  16. Hey Duane, I still say, "There are NO stupid questions". How in the heck are you going to find out something, if you don't ask? Not many of us are born with these little tid-bits of info, embedded in our brains. I think what would be stupid, is NOT to ask........and you're surely no dummy Just a bit more info on the spars. As I understand it, the standard spars, for the B-series are as follows: (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) Standard Sail - comes with a complete 2-wrap & 3-wrap set. Mid-Vent - comes with a complete 2-wrap & 3-wrap set. Full-Vent - comes with a complete 3-wrap & 4-wrap set. (this is what Rob should have) I think that this is the normal configurations, unless of course, you spec it out differently, at the time of purchase, which is entirely ok.......as most retailers are quite flexible, and will set you up, any way you please...... As for the Spars and identification of such, this might help (direct from the Rev website) Just look at the silver (formerly gold) labels on each spar. 1/4" internal diameter: 2-wrap = Two feathers and/or "Professional Use Only" 3-wrap = Three feathers and/or "Ultra Light" 4-wrap = Four feathers and/or "Revolution Equipped" and/or "Strong" Race Rod = Flames and "Race" Other spars: SLE = Super Leading Edge 7/16" Indoor = Indoor Rev Hope this helps you Rob........................ nick
  17. To quote JB............."No question is stupid" YES - you've got it straight, the vertical spars DO NOT go on the bridle side of the kite - they need to be behind the sail, where they can give the sail some support, against the force of the wind. With the spars in front of the sail, the sail simply balloons out behind them, and should you get a good gust, it's entirely possible to have one of the leading edge spars, to snap. With no support from the verticals, all of the force from the wind, is basically transferred to the center of the leading edge. I'm really glad you didn't get one of those 15 - 20 mph gust, yesterday. But now, just wait till your next flight. Man are you in for a surprise ! And yes, on the line management. After doing this several times, you will learn how easy it is to tangle, hence the detail in JB's video. You'll also learn just where NOT, to allow your winder to make a turn or twist. Just get yourself a system, form a habit, and stick to it. The proof will be in the unwind. Just out off curiosity, are you using a kite stake? If not, this makes it much easier when rewinding the lines, beginning at the kite, and working back towards the handles. Also, make sure that you are staked at the top of the handles, rather than the bottom. As for removing the handles, lots of people don't remove them. On a personal note, I always remove my lines from the handles, once I have wound everything, all the way back to the staked handles, being very careful not to introduce any unwanted turns of twist, at this point. On occasion, if I am going to be flying again, in a very short time, I may strap the line & winder to the handles, but rarely, if I am putting up for the day. I suppose if you have a set of handles, for every set of lines, it's ok, other than packing up, but every time I do this, I end up wanting to use a different set of lines, the next time out, and I end up having to switch lines. I promise, you'll figure it out, and there's plenty of help here, on this forum..............good luck nick ps..........if it makes you feel any better, I think I read somewhere, where Mr "B" himself, may have made, the "vertical spar" mistake, way way back in the beginning of his Rev career. If I am wrong, I am sure he will correct me. That may not be right, but I thought I read that somewhere. Hey John, how about clear that up for us. I sure don't want to be starting any rumors !
  18. Hey Rob, I hate to mention this, but in your picture, it appears that you have the vertical spars on the front side of the Rev. They definitely go on the back. Be glad that the wind didn't get up, too much. That could have surely spelled disaster, on your first day out. Don't fret though, you are not the first, and probably won't be the last............... Now as for that tape question...........do you remember that earlier quote from Duane, in this forum, - "When I read, "I plan on keeping this to a 1 kite simple diversion." I had to smile!!" - Well, Duane wasn't the only one smiling.............That's why most of us eventually end up with a set, "Standard, Mid-Vent, & Full Vent". That bug will bite, sooner or later.......... Now as for the line problems, watch JB's tutorial on line management...........it sure got me straightened out Just trying to help...........nick
  19. OK, just keep it up ! Go ahead, rub it in................you're killing us nick
  20. You know that's completely criminal and you should be ashamed for even mentioning, "80's and sun burn", on this forum. Got any idea about the weather conditions, north of the "Sunshine State". How does "steady rain, 35 degrees, and 6-8 mph out of the northwest (oh and NO gust)", sound to you? And that's just here in the Carolinas. I don't even dare venture, north of the Mason/Dixon line, or west of the Mississippi. So you enjoy that "little sun burn" while you can, because it won't be long, and you'll be running for cover............. Ok, just giving you a hard time.................enjoy, enjoy :) nick
  21. This is really getting deep ! You're driving me to !!
  22. I'm speechless, no doubt ! Carry on, but always carry your "badge"....... So we can identify you !
  23. Welcome to the dark side. I'm betting you'll own at least a second REV before the end of the year. Hey Jeepster, Want to bet there's at least two additional REVS by year's end. It is only January, you know !
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