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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Hey John, Long time..................but Happy B-day, my old friend....reef
  2. Hey Bud, good to hear. Hope things continue to improve.....👍
  3. Hey Wayne, hang in there buddy. I'm wishing you the best
  4. Hey John, Just wanted to post a birthday wish for you. Hope all is well, and that this upcoming year will be fulfilling. Make the best of it, as I am sure you will. Happy Birthday Bud.............and later this month, same to TK & Luca !!!!
  5. Hey John, I got a B here on Jockeys Ridge, one of your favorite spots 😎
  6. JUNE 🎂🎂🎂
  7. Sorry John, so happy June 🎂🎂🎂 to the whole Barresi crew ! 😁😎😁
  8. Hey John, Just wanted to post a birthday wish for you. Hope all is well, and that this upcoming year will be fulfilling. Make the best of it, as I am sure you will. Happy Birthday Bud.............
  9. Yep, and pictures would explain a lot.....
  10. Hey Ralph, the only reason I used SS was because of the beach factor. The handles are already SS. And again, as Mark mentioned, just add 2-3 evenly spaced knots, in those bottom leaders. That will shorten them up a bit and give you the adjustment capability mentioned above....😁
  11. Yes Ralph, as Mark mentioned, maybe your screw was not of adequate size. In every modification that I did, I always used a #10 SS screw, along with a tight fitting anchor (never had one come outj. And as for attaching the leader, I simply looped it over the head of the screw, just under the head, tightening it (the screw) down, just enough to touch the leader. And contrary to some, I wanted the leader to be free to shift around to either side, rather than being tied in place. The rubber cap will keep things from disconnecting, and with the right anchor & screw, hopefully the whole thing won’t pull out.
  12. Looking good there Ralph.............🤠
  13. If it floats the boat (makes the kite fly), go for it 🤪
  14. Well, that is pretty amazing. NOT your “painted knots”, but your “Bose”, which I couldn’t help but notice in the background. I’m sitting here, right now, listening to the exact same unit. Ok, ok, off topic I know. Just had to comment ! 😁
  15. But yes, as Wayne alluded to, watch out for the sharp places. As for that burr, those holes are punched, not drilled. That's why they are so rough. < handle with caution >
  16. That's quite a polite response there, "riff". Mine wasn't so kind, so much in fact, that after much thought, I have opted not to post it. I just don't see the point. Sad, sad, sad.
  17. Hey, what are you guys up to ? 🤔
  18. Hang in there. All kinds of good help here at Kitelife.....
  19. Youngsters ! 🍻
  20. Looks good so far.............(as always), will let you know
  21. It's really no big deal. Lay the new bridle out on your kite. Remove one attachment point of the old bridle at a time, and replace it immediately, but with the new bridle. Just do it exactly as you took off the old one. Repeat at each attachment point, and before you know it, done and done..... Oh, do the top center first, as you need to pass the entire bridle through the loop, to make that attachment.
  22. You bet ! Have a great day ! 🎂
  23. Hey Wayne, Happy Birthday to you, my friend ! Hope you have a wonderful day and everything is to your liking. Probably warm out you way, about now. Enjoy ! It'll be winter before we know it. Have a good one "bud". Good winds to you ! 🎂
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