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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. You see, I knew you could do it !! All it took was a little reading Hip Hip Huray! Hip Hip Huray! Hip Hip Huray ! And the band plays on Now quit bothering me, I'm trying to nap !
  2. Excellent Duane ! Next time, I want to see that cat, riding the rev..................
  3. YEP ! - SLE, Rev I, Rev II and Anniversary Edition. (couldn't resist)
  4. Hey Baloo, He's probably not back yet............could be swimming, about now !!
  5. Yes ! It's called a pfd
  6. Hi Amy & Conner, Looks like the goal is a "Done Deal". Just wanted to help a little bit, if I could. Best of wishes to you both. Your AKA, adopted member from NC................nick
  7. Yes ! It's called a pfd.............................never leave the dock, without it !
  8. YES ! - Standard, Mid-Vent & Full-Vent
  9. Beats the heck out of me...............but it's fun !
  10. Yeah, the "Cornhole Forum", the same forum that YOU are on...............Duane !!!!
  11. Just so you're not in that white van...............but I'll wear my parka, just the same !!! Never try to slip up on a pair of newly weds..........
  12. Yep, it's definitely calmer now. The first few times I was there, there weren't but 3 or 4 of us, on the map. Very neat addition John. Are you going ot add this over on the Rev forum ? Oops............I just checked...........you are way ahead of me............... ps..........John, your marker looks like you and TK are living in a white van, out in the street. Are you in the horseshoe shaped building to the NW, that opens towards the south ?
  13. My handle, "Reef Runner", comes from many years ago, when I was heavy into striper fishing, boating, etc. I picked up that handle as my call name, on the VHF radio. Since that time, I have used it here on the Kitelife forum, on the Rev forum, on the GWTW forum, on the Cornhole forum, on the GeoCaching website, on the GeoCaching forum, on the GPS forum, and on several other forums, that I can't think of right now.......... I figured, why complicate things with a bunch of different names, so I stuck with it...............
  14. Hey Tom, That happens to also be one of my other hobbies, which evolved from my fascination with the GPS. So not only do I GeoCache, I also use the same handle, over there. So cheers to you too....................nick
  15. Hey Pete, You sure nailed that one on the head, and now I see that you are my friend. Well thank you sir ! And I likewise see that your location, is pinpointed with an "F". Now, I just wish this map was a little friendlier. My regular Google maps, as I would normally call up on my computer, doesn't react quit as eratic, as this one. I haven't quite figured out what the difference is, but something is different............but still, this is a really neat option, that John has added, and I can't wait to see it eventually, fill in, all over the place............ Thanks again, my friend..............nick
  16. What are the different "Map" markers, and what do they mean. When I view the map, some markers are a pointed bubble with a "dot", and some appear to be a pointed bubble, with an "F", and some (mine) appears to be a pointed bubble with a "house". Just curious, does anyone know what these mean ?
  17. Gotcha, understand that, and finding a discussion. I suppose getting it members to do that, is really the problem........... As for the photos, all of my photos, are likewise in folders and sub-folders and sub-sub folders, but by subject only, rather than date ranges. If I can only remember what subject I'm looking for, I can usually find a photo, and they are basically sorted by date (or image#) within the sub-folder, if I haven't renamed the individual photos, for some reason...........I suppose everyone has there own system. nick
  18. Hey Pete, Yeah, I understand all of that. It's just that I don't think (IMHO), that we need to start a completely new topic, every time that we go from the front yard, to the back yard, to fly. Just kidding and being a little facetious here, but what I'm saying is that why can't all the topics, about new flying places be combined under one topic ? Take care..........nick
  19. Well, I'm glad you know what you're talking about, because I sure don't.............but carry on.........
  20. John, I think there are some areas in the forum, that could be combined. I've already commented on that, but was basically shot down. Again, I say that many of us, myself included, have a thought, which at the moment seem brilliant, and we want to share it, but we fail to search the forum for a topic that might cover our brilliant idea. I also feel, that some people simply thrive on seeing just how many topics they can start. IMHO, that just adds to the confusion, not that the Kitelife forum is confusing, but keeping up with all the topics, that have to do with the same thing, is confusing. Is there anyway, that when a topic is added, that a search could be performed automatically, to see if a similar topic or subject, is currently active. Heck, I don't know. That's probably a stupid idea, but just trying to think out of the box, for a minute....................sorry
  21. Were the new cords correct ?
  22. Pete, Forget the seconds, and put the hemisphere designation, in front of the coordinates ! The map programs, will take Longitude / Latitude coordinates, but you need to use the more common, GPS format, which is as follows hddd mm.mmm h = hemisphere dd = degrees mm.mmm = minutes carried out to 3 decimal places These are my home coordinates N36 24.079 W78 22.384 and I bet if you put your home coordinates, in this format, it will put the mark on the map, right on top of your house, assuming that you have the correct coordinates for you house. I got my coordinates, by circling the perimeter of the house, with a handheld gps, downloading the track around the house, from the gps, to a mapping program on my computer, then creating a waypoint (my house), within the circle, or track, that I made when I circled the house. Coordinates don't lie. Mapping programs, such as Bing, Google Earth, etc. lie. They are only as good as the person that put them together. The problem with the mapping programs, and the gps's that people use in their cars today, are that the mapping programs, that the gps pulls from, are notoriously inaccurate. They are dependent on where the mappers put your address, as it relates to real coordinates, or the address that you are looking for. A couple of hundred feet will put you at the wrong house, or business. The exact coordinates, will put you at the same spot, every time, and those coordinates are always in the same place, no matter which map program you use. 125 Main Street on Bing Maps, may be 500' from 125 Main Street, on Google Maps, but N42 19.420 W083 35.857 will always be in the same spot, and should put the dot right on top of your roof, in the center. Try it....................nick
  23. Very Kool ! Works like a champ ! That sucker is right on my roof !!!
  24. Makes no difference to me! I just thought that condensing things, might help us to get all these flying spots, posted in one place, rather than scattered all over the forum, under different headings and different topics, etc.........simplify !! IMHO, it seems that too many times, many of us come up with a great ideas , but rather than searching to see if there is already a discussion underway, concerning our thought, instead, we just start a completely new topic, leaving the rest of us, in somewhat of a confused state, as we try to follow the same topic, in several different places.........When this happens, I usually just abandon the topic all together, because it's just too difficult to try and keep up with 2 or 3, simultaneous discussions. It's kinda like this AKA discussion, going on right now. I don't know where to look, or to post, so I'm just avoiding commenting, because I don't know where to post.
  25. John, Why don't you combine the two topics, "Favorite Kite Fields" and "Where did you fly today & what were you flying?", into one topic, and call it, "Where is your favorite flying spot, today?"
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