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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Hey Pete..............You're really putting out too many vibes, on this power kite thing........No fair, foul.......So back to the cellar ! NOW 5 - 9 - 0 all together now 5 - 9 - 0
  2. Well, that's different, for sure.................and pretty amazing............... I might add !
  3. Send a PM to Kitelife.........................he's the Webmaster. He knows all.............!! Just kidding, but do send a PM to Kitelife (John Barresi) and ask him your number. He'll let you know.
  4. Ok, dinner's over, the wine is done, and the storms are gone...................now back to the wine cellar !! Let's see, tape measure, ruler, razor knife, bic lighter, Sharpie, sleeving...........etc, etc, etc.
  5. Yeah, they are good about stuff like that..........somebody's got to keep you in line !
  6. Cheers Mate................"the big 3-6"
  7. Today, yesterday, and Saturday, I flew up on Jockey's Ridge, located on the Outer Banks (OBX) of North Carolina, in the town of Nags Head (a village that drinks a lot & has a fishing problem). The winds have been out of the West & Southwest all week, yielding a beautiful view of the ocean, from the top of the dune. It's been quite warm, but the wind each day has been 8 - 10 mph in the mornings, bumping up to 12 - 16 in the afternoons..... Great flying for the vented kites, and for zipping around with the Rev II. I had to fly the Red White & Blue Rev II today, in honor of all our veterans, and for Memorial Day. All in all, the weather so far this week, has been perfect, and is predicted to remain that way, through the entire week. Cheers everyone........................It's nearly 5 o'clock, soooooooooooooooo..... :big_beer: http://www.kitemap.org/site-details?id=77&sname=Jockey's%20Ridge%20State%20Park
  8. Oh heck yes, Pete does some of his best work from the "wine cellar"......... You are working from the "wine cellar", aren't you Pete
  9. And John, it's over on the Rev forum, also...............best wishes from Jockey's Ridge & glad to hear your recovery is coming along as planned................... Take care...........nick
  10. Let us know if you survive those "Belly Slides"!!! ROFL !! Belly Slides, not going too well............think I'll pass......
  11. Hey I like that reasoning...................JB's 58.06%, of my age..................Dang, I feel younger, already !! Happy B-day again, JB.....................
  12. Oh heck yes, Pete does some of his best work from the "wine cellar".........
  13. We know that you can actually do it, we just want to hear, HOW your do it ! Oh, and we surely don't want you "busting" anything, that's not suppose to be busted, So just "Pull a Cork & Kick Back", and type - type - type - type ! (and don't use too many of those big words)
  14. Ditto, on the ROFLMAO !!!!!! .............Ok Pete, looks like it's back to the wine celler for you..........you've got work to do..........
  15. How about with, "kite in the air".................A kite in the air is worth two in the hand (IMHO)
  16. You guys are really going to beat me into this, aren't you? Absolutely !!! We are waiting...............
  17. So, back to lines & sleeving & measuring & knots & such !! and you do have something to add
  18. Hey Watty, I posted them over on the Rev forum, along with your rod descriptions. You might want to add your .pfd file here, just as good information for everyone......thanks
  19. I should be back from the coast, just in time, for this one.............. I'll practice some "Belly Slides" with my Prism Stylus, while I'm there
  20. Just for informational purposes...................... I am attaching some recent weights, that I took on some sets of rods, that I currently own. They are listed in ascending order, according to weight, and they lined up, just as you might expect......... These are 5 pc sets...(3 LE Rods, 2 ferrules & 2 Vertical Rods)......weighed in grams, and then re-weighed in ounces......... 2 wrap--------------75 grams--------2.60 ounces Race (black)------80 grams--------2.80 ounces Race (green)-----95 grams--------3.40 ounces 3 wrap-------------105 grams--------3.70 ounces 4 wrap-------------115 grams--------4.10 ounces Anybody got any comparisons ?
  21. OK, I've been reading about John's trip to Tijuana, Mexico, for a bit of extensive dental work, recuperation, and then a wonderful drive home the following week. Well, good luck and best wishes, with the dental work John, and do take it easy during your recuperation period, back up in San Diego. But hey, that means that you will finally break, the "Residential Speed Limit", during your leisurely trip, back up the Pacific Coast Highway, the following week. NO, I'm not crazy people - John finally turns the big 3-6, on Wednesday, June 1st. So John, let me be the first to wish you a "Very Happy 36th Birthday", and what better way to spend a birthday, than on a leisurely drive, up the Pacific Coast Highway ! Happy Birthday My Friend ! Hope you have many, many more (but without the dental ordeal) ............ (your friend from NC)
  22. Well John, They're not working on your fingers, are they ? Just kidding..........best wishes &, good luck ! Take care............
  23. 17 days worth of dental work ! Yikes ! That makes me hurt ! Good Luck John............
  24. And speaking of being efficient at "measuring, sleeving, and looping linesets" ............ there's another topic, that awaits your valuable input Share the knowledge.............(but only when you feel up to it)
  25. Hey Howard, you nailed it, and that's what I'm lacking - "a flying partner".....................but hey, you are inspiring me
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