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Everything posted by CLTKiter
I believe that the Sedgwick Signature Series is still available. Best thing to do is to check with your favorite Revolution-supplied kite store to see if they have any. It seems to me that the last time I was at Kites Unlimited in Atlantic Beach, NC, they had some. But you could contact some of the online stores also. If you look at my avatar, you'll see the "hot colors" Sedgwick Rev I. Doug
NCKiter has the order exactly right on the pull. I've got them up through the Blast, and it's right. Rev says that the Blast has both control and speed, but I've found that the others also have control -- especially the Sonic Vented. I had a chance to fly with another this past January in 30 mph winds with both of us flying Sonic Vented's, and it was an awesome experience (and I don't use that word very much). We were able to do a "Rev Kiss" at 30 mph, and the control was amazing! I truly enjoy the Blast, but as I'm getting older, I enjoy it more at lower winds. For speed, I'm more apt to pick up my SS or Shockwave. Later, Doug
I have a Blast and enjoy it a lot. Depends what you want a power kite for. If just for the pull, the Blast will give it IMO. I weigh about 160, and it can pull me around fairly well. And sometimes I can jump while taking the Blast through the power zone, and it'll carry me for a few feet. I've never done power kiting with a mountain board or anything else so I don't know how well the Blast works for that purpose. It floats great in light winds, and accelerates like a race car. If you can find someone close by to try it out, that's your best bet. Doug
I always wind my 4 lines on one winder. However, I know a number of quad fliers who use two winders. It avoids much of the problems, if you don't mind the extra time. However, I do it exactly as Jason mentions and rarely have any problems. But I never, NEVER let anyone else wind up my lines -- no one does it exactly as I do, and although they may do it better, if I do it myself, I know exactly what to expect when I unroll my lines. I'm also a firm believer of keeping all four lines the same length, and only use my pigtails for different wind conditions. They can be used for uneven top/bottom, but my preference is all the same length. I've used screwdivers in the front yard to stretch out my lines and equalize them. The neighbors think I'm crazy, but my lines are now the same length. (and if they're new, they also need to be equalized after flying for a while) By the way, another thing I do (maybe too fussy) is to alternate top/bottom so I evenly stretch out and wear out my lines. I'm not sure it's totally necessary, but it doesn't take any more effort to swap them top/bottom. Just my approach. MHO. Doug
Sigh. I have knots on both the top and bottom of all my Rev handles... Me and Monkey-Boy... BTW, as you can see, my avatar is a Rev I Sedgwick. And I also have a set of SUL spars for it for those low-wind days that we have inland. Sorry, John. I still love my 1.5SUL more than a Rev I with SUL sticks. For the SUL, I use the 15" long handles. Monkey-Boy, let's keep all our knots and drive John crazy. Doug
Aw heck. Just put all the Rev models in a hat and draw them out one-by-one. Then buy them in the order they come out. Like others say, you're gonna want them all anyway. What will actually be best is if you can find someone with the different models so you can fly them and see what you want next. And then next. And then next. As was so elequently put... "So many Rev's; so little time" Later, Doug
UH-OH. You're in trouble!!! My first Rev was a 1.5SLE. Second one was a Blast. You've started down the [extremely fun] slippery slope... Doug
Hey NCKiter, Would be good to hook up with you. My sister lives in Fuquay, son in Holly Springs, niece in Apex. Last weekend I went to Atlantic Beach for the weekend. Too bad I didn't know about your flying then... I fly with the WACKOS when I can get time -- they normally fly in Harrisburg, just south of Concord (www.wackos.org). Other times I steal an hour or two at local schools. Rev's are my favorite and I have several from SUL to two vented. However, I have none of the bigger Power Blasts (my wife is afraid I'll hurt myself or someone else). This past weekend the winds at Atlantic Beach were pretty solid 20-30+ mph, and the Sonic Vented was absolutely exhilirating. Pulled like a power kite! I got fly with another guy who was flying the Sonic Vented, and it was fun to do a Rev "kiss" at 30 mph! As I was packing up Sunday afternoon, a couple came by to tell me that the kite was "awesome'. They had been watching from a sheltered area upwind for about 45 minutes. Anyway, would be good to fly with you. There are several WACKOS who fly quads. Check out the web site. Later, Doug
Sandman, if you're hovering, you're well on your way to control. You'll love it!!! The 1.5 is just about my favorite Rev. Particularly when the winds are aound 10-12 mph. Keep on enjoying it, and your zippers will rust on the dually bag!!! Later, Doug
Hi, I know that you'll get differing opinions on the leading edge, so I'll give mine. I, personally, like the SLE and if it were my kite, I'd replace it with an SLE. It's stiffer than the non-SLE one (I would think from the EXP). I'm not sure of the non-Rev replacements, although I know that people have replaced the SLE with other rods to reduce weight. Perhaps someone will give you their thoughts. Later, Doug
Hey Monkey-boy, I haven't flown with Marty since we got the Decas from you, so I don't know about his. I sent my 6UL back to Marc Ricketts at Guildworks and he performed some magic on the spars and bridle (sounded like they needed to be done together). I got it back a couple of weeks ago and had a reasonable day so took it out. Thoroughly enjoyed it. It was very relaxing to fly; didn't seem to be into the tricks like a Rev, but enjoyable. I tried a little bit of catch and throw by yanking the upper lines, and the kite just flipped backward and kept on flying. I couldn't figure how to get it out of it, but it was interesting. Thanks guy. I think it'll be a great addition to my quads! Doug
OK, here's the scenario: You're leaving town for a long weekend in a neighboring state to visit your spouse's relatives. You love them, but would rather not spent all the time with them that your spouse might. One of the places you're going to visit is out in the country where the house has some open fields that may possibly be well-mowed. The weather is calling for mid 60's with wind 9-10 mph. Your loving spouse has said that you may take two kites and accessories. Which two do you take, and what accessories? My answer: 1. Rev 1.5M, 100#x85' lines, standard handles, stake 2. mylar Dragonfly fighter kite, waxed cotton line on gator reel Doug
Duals - getting dusty: Hyperkites - x6 HQ Breeze North Shore Radical Dynamite Quads: Rev I Rev 2 - x5 Rev 1.5 SLE - x2 Rev 1.5 vented Rev 1.5 SUL Rev Blast Rev Shockwave Rev Supersonic Rev Sonic vented NASA Power Wing Skydancer Deca 6UL (thanks Monkey-boy!) Subvision Single: Stryke fighter several mylar fighters Doug
How do I sign up for one. I want one, I want one...
One thing that Monkey-boy alluded to that is really cool is to take a speed series kite to the top of the wind window and yank the upper lines. Instead of falling out of the sky like the Rev 1, 2, and 1.5, it goes into a float and just floats around for a little while until the lines become taut again. At least, it happens most of the time. This is true especially for the Shockwave and Supersonic. And to some degree the Blast. I agree with Jason that the lower limit on the SS is around 8-10 mph. You can fly at a little lower windspeed with the Shockwave but it pulls some more than the Supersonic. Monkey-boy, tell us how to do a flic-flac. I've seen it in videos, but never in "real life" to figure out how it's done. Later, Doug
Hi Scott, Jason is right. Both the SS and the Rev 2 are fast. You can pick up the Rev 2's on Ebay for a reasonable price from time-to-time (around $100). I picked up four over a period of a year and stack them. And the SS is a hoot! All Rev's have their own personality and all are fun to fly. I don't have either of the PowerBlasts so I don't know about them particularly. But I've certainly enjoyed all the Revs that I have. Later, Doug
Wish you could, too John. I'll do what I can for an article. Looks like I'll be teaching quads at this 'fest so I don't know how much extra time I'll have. But I'll write what I can. Later, Doug
The 18th annual Carolina Kitefest will be held in Atlantic Beach, NC (across the bridge from Morehead City) on Saturday and Sunday, October 29th and 30th. It will be held on the beach in front of "A Place at the Beach" condos. A Place at the Beach is about 1 1/2 miles east of the center of town (toward Fort Macon). Turn left when you get to the center of Atlantic Beach after coming over from Morehead City. Free parking at the condos. And free admission to the kitefest. Notable attendees and participants at this AKA sanctioned event are the Bay Area Sundowners, Dave Gomberg, Al Sparling, Randy Tom (winner of the Lee Toy AKA Artist award for 2005), and Ray Wong. There probably are also some spouses coming, but I don't know for sure (sorry, didn't mean to leave you out, ladies!). This is a "fun" kitefest with any competitions only being for fun. There will be large kite displays, teaching clinics for quad and dual-line kites, and mass ascensions -- ascensions for fighter kites, "critters", Sky skimmers, soft body kites, dragons, etc. Not to mention the beautiful synchronized flying by the Bay Area Sundowners. There will be similar events both Saturday and Sunday, with a night fly on Saturday night of single lines, quads, and dual lines. There are several motels in the area, and A Place at the Beach is offering special rates since they are one of the sponsors. Don and Jeri Dixon of Kites Unlimited put on this fun event each year and this one surely will be enjoyable. So bring your kites or just bring yourselves. I'll be there. Y'all come..... Ya Heah??? Doug
zooooooooooom! Remember, it was vented. I wouldn't want to take my regular supersonic out in that wind. Yep, pretty swuft! Doug
I can't remember why I didn't launch it upside down. That's the usual way I launch my Rev's. I think the wind was really low; almost too low for a Rev that small. Yeah Monkey Boy. It was high up. (you give me too much credit -- I can't do PhotoShop that well) But you can see how the lines were dragging! The Backtracker was fun. Like all Rev's. But just not fun enough for me to keep. BTW, I bought a Sonic Vented when I was at the beach a couple of weeks ago. The wind then was up to 25-28 mph. Now that was FUN!!! Later, Doug
I had a Back Tracker for a couple of months and it reminded me somewhat of an over-controlled Rev 2. I flew it with Rev 2 handles and 85' 100# blueline. It could easily have flown on lighter lines, but I needed the full length lines. It seemed a little "top heavy" to me. I'm not sure how else to describe it. Maybe that's because I had trouble standing it up prior to launch. It really was fun to fly except, like Penny said, it tended to fall out of the sky at the edges of the wind window. Oh, that's not exactly what she said. Anyway, here's a pic of mine (but notice the slack lines). See, I can fly it!!! Doug
Kram, sure wish you were a little farther southeast. Would love to fly with you. Glad you made the move. I sure hope you continue to enjoy it. I surely do. Later, Doug
Hey Mota, I've always used a stake and put the handles such that the tops of the handle are closest to the stake. Then either set the kite upside down (the safest) or rightside up with the lower tips tilted toward the stake. A screwdriver will work for a stake. However, after reading Penny's and John's posts, I'm gonna try their ideas. Never thought of launching without a stake. Hmmmmm Doug
I firmly believe that the Rev that one learns on winds up being their ongoing favorite. John Barresi is extremely partial to the Rev I. My friend Grumpy thinks the Rev 2 is best. I'm in the camp that says the 1.5 is best. Why????? Well, I know that the first Rev I owned about 2 1/2 years ago is the 1.5. Grumpy really learned on the Rev 2. I don't know about John for sure. But other than the first one, why is the 1.5 my favorite? In a word... CONTROL. I know, I know. It won't do clockwork turns like a Rev I. But overall control, terrific! Today I got out for a couple of hours with the wind 0-4 mph with gusts to 6. Clearly an SUL kinda day. I had just picked up a Spitfire Kites Subvision and took it out today to see how it would do. It puts new meaning into the word twitchy. But I sure enjoyed it. I flew the Subvision for a little while, having a lot of trouble with overcontrol. Even went down to Rev 2 handles to control it a little better. So after a while I decided to break out the Rev 1.5SUL. Wow! What a difference! And the difference was control. I've just bought a Synergy Deca 6UL (and don't have it yet), so I'm interested to see how it is with control. I suspect that it has a lot based on videos I've seen and seeing others fly them. Will it displace the Rev 1.5 as my favorite? It's got a long way to go. So... That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.... Rev 1.5 is my favorite! Control! Doug
Hey Rob, My friend Marty from the WACKOS was trying to post on this thread to let you know about the Treasure Island club. His email to me is below: "In the "non-rev quads" topic, there is a fellow called "audioRob" that is looking for a club in the Treasure Island area. Could you append to the forum and tell him about the Treasure Island Sport Kite Klub that flies at Treasure Island. They fly every Sunday afternoon in front of the Bilmar hotel. Their web site at http://www.tiskk.org and there is a list of members on the web site and directions to the Bilmar. I've flown with them on and off for several years - they are a good, friendly bunch. Thanks. Marty Groet" Hope this helps. Doug