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Everything posted by windpoacher

  1. Excellent job !!! looks way better than mine what kite are you using as an engine??? Revolution, foil power kite, both?????
  2. I was at work, talking with the other guy's, during hunting season, they all hunt, and were telling their stories, it came to my turn ( I dont hunt) a comment was said to me , and with nothing, but the wind on my mind in that conversation ,at that time, I replied with "YEAH , POACHING THE WIND " is the only hunting I'll be doing. and from their , WINDPOACHER ,WAS BORN. And now their is the ongoing joke of wind blowing all day and when work is over the wind stops. I should wear camo and sneak up on the wind , flags drop as I pass , And WITH A FULL QUIVER............................... ..... ....................................................WINDPOACHER.................................................. ..................................................!!!!!!!!!!
  3. thanks for the response, I was sitting on a sleeping bag right in front of the announcers booth! saterday !
  4. I am wondering what frame or spars did I-quad use at the brookings festival last weekend ? festival was great! not as big as lincoln city but still great!
  5. mark , thank's for your help, and for the response!!! hope to see you at longbeach! I'm going to brookings this weekend for a smaller festival!! thank's again and take care!
  6. So , with the three finger deal on the handle's, is that with the fingers griping the foam, or above the foam at the very top of the handles, like I see a lot of flyers doing , it must be a prefferance thing??
  7. Thank you ! very much for your input and direction!!! 60 veiws and one reply!! I waited all day for those answeres, but did practice flying for 3 hours, so the wait wasn't bad!!
  8. Hello!!, Quad heads,- I have added longer leaders to my handles for my lead lines with knots about a half -in. apart! I am wondering if their is a simple test to find the best adjustment ? for variable wind conditions? Being a newbie to revs I am not sure of the proper feel of the kite in flight ! I have been flying my EXP for about 7 months, and I could fly, but could not hover what so ever ! at the lincoln city festival last month , I asked a fellow flyer to fly my kite and he said " it was all wrong and I did not have enough brake" , he adjusted it , and it flew like a brand new kite, but he said it could use a bit more brake , thats when I learned of the adj. leaders, and he showed me on his kite! He learned this at a clinic in washington , he shared tips with me for a couple of hours and that was awsesome, If he is reading, I thank you again!!! So after the festival and arriving at home I made some leaders right away it flys way better and I can hover now!!!! I was wanting to know if their is a simple test to find the best adjustment ?? or is it all about trial and error, preferance, all of the above? One more thing, does extended handles make a big differance ? I thank you all for your time , and hopefully INPUT!!! thanks windpoacher!!! oops! I should have put this in the adjustments section sorry!!!
  9. awaiting the wind GODS!!!!!!

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