Yes! I think keep it as much like a magazine as possible: an issue comes out in one piece, at the same time, in a single location. Making it a forum publication is OK, and the year/month/article format would work with that.
I think that 'publishing' article by article would dilute the effect of a magazine, online or paper. It would become more like a blog with guest posts if done that way. I like seeing that a new issue is out and spending some time going through it article by article. It also gives you a better feel for the amount of material in each issue, and a chance to see how articles go together.
You are a busy guy, and I fear that without the responsibility of coming up with a unified issue every two months, it might come to the time when you say, "Aw, I have so much to do this month; I can go a bit light and make it up later."
When you know you have X pages to fill by a particular day, you make time to get it done. You stockpile articles that can wait (or that would go better at a certain time of year) in the good months, to publish in the lean months. Like a magazine.
(Just my opinion.)
No problem's here!!!.....I agree with pete!!! Keep it as a whole!!!
Enjoy!!! your next travel's!!!!!!!!!!!