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Everything posted by windpoacher

  2. Or Mine !!..... ...... ...
  3. Thank's ..sky puppets LV............ Wayne........They are pretty stout.......no crashes, but plenty of landing's Leading edge first, and no problems or concerns yet !! Then again the ground is pretty soft this time of year!! No slap and tickles..........
  4. here is some finger lights hot glued to some x-mas light clips, excellent for the leading edge,.. I found the finger lights at Spencers for half price, and also at crafters warehouse,,,
  5. awaiting the wind gods!! OR Flying without !!

  6. 8 6 1....... 861..... 8 6 1 ....... 8 6 1 .......... 8 6 1 .......... 8 6 1 ......... 8 6 1 ...... 861
  7. Welcome.....Demers669.............glad to have you here!!
  8. Well.......Thank you all, for your comments and input, I hope to see .....some, more Ideal conditions before spring, but until then I will fly with what blows or don't blow my way !! Good wind's to you ALL!!............
  9. EIGHT- SIX-ONE... ......EIGHT-SIX- ONE.....
  10. First of all .. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL !!... Well, I have got my daughters cheap camera , not much light, dirty wind if any, no one to fly with ,And Loving Life !!!...sooo...I have been messing around with some free... video editing software.. I am LEARNING on the FLY.......not to mention .. "learning how to fly".. Here it is... ALL advise, criticism,....and comment's WELCOMED..... ...... ... Thank's Rev Family.............Windpoacher..
  11. next question , dates for a team clinic ??
  12. Welcome!!!!!!!!!!! To the Dark side.....Photomom. .........
  13. This post is BETTER than Cable!! Merry Christmas........Oh Yeah 8 6 1
  14. Thank you, both!! That is the avenger he has! The alpha I am not sure about? the shape, and profile of this kite seems very different than the one in the picture you have here! I could be wrong, I will try and get a picture of this kite and post it here!! Thanks again....Mystery half solved..........
  15. Happy Holiday's, Merry Christmas, and The Best of Wind's in the new year............. ...............To all..................
  16. I have a friend with two duel line kite's " Alpha" and the "Avenger" Both kite's need replacement spar's. I am not having any luck finding any info on these kite's! If anybody is familiar with these older kite's? any info would be appreciated, detailed specs, manufacture name, ect.. ect.. thanks in advance sorry! the names are the only info I have,.. so far!!
  17. Looking for a 861 I say 8 6 1 Eight Six One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I am searching for information, detailed spec's on a couple older duel line kite's....."Alpha / and Avenger". I recently discovered a old friend who is in to flying kites, he has these two kite's but both are in need of some replacement spar's, and i am having trouble locating info. any help will be appreciated.. sorry.. the names are the only info I have so far!! Thank's sorry, JB if this is in the wrong topic Thanks
  19. Beautiful !!! Reef runner!!
  20. That's Awesome , Wyatt!!! was this the first year, you ever did any kite making?
  21. 861*************861**********861*****861** 8........................6.....................1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!861>>>>>>>>>>>861 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>861>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>861>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>861>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  22. Yes! I think keep it as much like a magazine as possible: an issue comes out in one piece, at the same time, in a single location. Making it a forum publication is OK, and the year/month/article format would work with that. I think that 'publishing' article by article would dilute the effect of a magazine, online or paper. It would become more like a blog with guest posts if done that way. I like seeing that a new issue is out and spending some time going through it article by article. It also gives you a better feel for the amount of material in each issue, and a chance to see how articles go together. You are a busy guy, and I fear that without the responsibility of coming up with a unified issue every two months, it might come to the time when you say, "Aw, I have so much to do this month; I can go a bit light and make it up later." When you know you have X pages to fill by a particular day, you make time to get it done. You stockpile articles that can wait (or that would go better at a certain time of year) in the good months, to publish in the lean months. Like a magazine. (Just my opinion.) No problem's here!!!.....I agree with pete!!! Keep it as a whole!!! Enjoy!!! your next travel's!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Enjoy!!.........
  24. what are you wanting to do with the power kite? buggie, jump, static fly ???? I would suggest qaud-line either way!! are you on a tight budget? the more info you give ...........the better, response you will get!!
  25. Awesome!!!!!!!!! litsong, I think I am going to cry!! JOY, JOY, JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :innocent:
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