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Everything posted by windpoacher
Well, I am bummed out!! I will not be able to make it to wsikf this year, been planning on it for three years and still have not made it!!! It would of been for fri-sat only, but still!!!!!!!!!!! anyway's talked to the boss yesterday and made arrangements for the whole week, NEXT YEAR!!!!!!! I figured a year in advance, he could not refuse!!........ So, To all,... ENJOY!!!....and I will see you their next year!!!!!!!! to the local's....I will see you ....... in lincoln city... in brooking's.. in portland..... and "IF NOT IN THE PASTURE,.....FOR SURE IN THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!" ..........CHEER'S........
ha ha 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861!!!!!! Now let's see where that get's me?????? .................... .........................
Sweet!! thank's for sharing!! What kind of camera is that?
CRAZYYYYY.............MADDDD...!!!!! I Love it!!!!!!!! Duane Carefull.....You may not want to make Mother Nature ....angry.... She could be a real.... #*&^%>...... Enjoy the indoor flying... Are you planning on making some tutorial's???
I agree with jason!! I would suggest a HQ rush 250........ after a couple years of flying I have given away all my 1m kites... but the rush 250 , is a great fun kite, in a wide wind range and love it for very high wind............my 2 cent's nothing beats a REV...............for me!!!!!!! whatever the choice enjoy!!!!!!!
Welcome!!!!!!!! East coast kiter!!!!!!! no answeres from me on duel line tricks, but I am sure you will get some !!! Enjoy!!
Good deal!!!!!!!!!...................ENJOY,.... Brian........!!!
Could it be a 8...6...1...maybe...yes...please.......good luck to all...!!!!!! :lol:
I I Hope !!!!!!!!! That is what you are SMELLING!!!!!!!!!!!!??? .......... ............. .........
Who might I See at the Lincoln City Festival????...............Well, If I am not looking up into the SKY!!!!!!! .................................................................. ............. ................ ..................................................................... I would love to put some faces , to some of these name's I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eli, John is a little out of it due to excessive tequila consumption in Mexico. What he meant to say was your subscriber number is 861, but pray for #477 to be drawn. Cheers and welcome to the rabbit hole, Tom Tequila.......Mexico.......Good point!!!!.......Tom!!! And ,being I have got a 2, 4, 5,and a 10 meter foil........ I WILL pray for #477, This month Thank's tom and thank you john..........................................next month #861................................................
While your at it!! JB.....I would like to know my lucky number , also !! Please!!!!!! and Thank You!!
In other word's zero wind / different kite, does not exactly replicate........indoor/ indoor kite flying....? hence, a totaly different animal as stroke victim put it!!!!!!!! correct?........ So then I will continue to watch the tutorial's, but save this information, for use with an actual INDOOR kite!!!!!! INdoor's!! Thank's....... .The more Information the Better!!!!!!! can't get enough ...........................
fearme........follow the suggestions already given!!!!!!!! and keep at it!!, you will get it !!!!!!! you didn't learn how to walk the first time you tried !!! or did you?
Duane!!!!!! You make some very GOOD point's, WELL debated!!..........My prop's to you !!......... .......... So then, we are all RIGHT!!!!!!! YEAAAY!!!!!!!!...for the tutorials, THANK'S to the, SUPPORT from KITELIFE............... If their was not a soccer tourement, going on right now, I would be flying, and not posting!!!!!!!!!!! So THANK YOU , Stroke Victim, and Duane, for the company....... The tutorial's are excellent, and very benificial...........I URGE Everyone to check them out!!!!!!!! ..........P.S. say hello to "goldilock's" .for me thank's...........HA HA!!
AWWWWEE!!!! Duane.........I Do think you are Right!!!!!! But, I was trying to psyche, myself out, and make the work part SOUND a little more FUN. It is work, work ,work--- practice, practice, practice, With a new name!!!!!.........HA HA !!! ............PSYCHE!!! MAYBE, I need to quit messing around and get back to WORK !!!!!! ?????????????????
Indoor Soccer Field !!! ??? Sounds Nice!!!!!!............ I Like that Phrase alot better, "play, play ,play"...........It even sound's fun.......... Thank's...........Practice , almost sound's like work!!!!!! God know's we all have enough work to do , already!!!!!!!! WIND THERAPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta have it!.......................................................... Thank's........
Yes!! I think I have benefited, and will continue to benefit ,from the use of those tutorial's. I haven't got a indoor kite, or even flown indoor's YET !!! But I have been in True Zero wind, for at least 1 hour a day, for the last seven day's in a row. And have been applying those skills, or lessons from the tutorial's!!!!! I am having a hard time "SLOWING THE MIND", at the same time as, trying to learn , and practice, to get it QUICKER. But it is coming along, well!!!! can't wait to get indoor's with an indoor kite!!!!! Untill then I think working the B-Series in zero wind conditions , SHOULD , increase the learning curve for a actual indoor kite!! ?? Correct me if I am wrong!!!!!!! YES "Tight line's" major benefit.........Alway's working on that.... My biggest focus, as of now "sail loading", and making my own power!! I do see the light,.......And I hope it does not get so BRIGHT, that I miss or do not SEE something!!!! What length line's , and handle's are you using, S.V.? Thank's for this post ,.....since I have been working solely on this, for a week!!! practice, practice, practice .........
Sweet deal, Scott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........... ENJOY..................
Great trick, Duane !!!........LOVE IT !!............Did you knock first!!!!!!!!
I think "photomom", has the best, CONVINCING comment so far!!!! .............. All though, I am an official subscriber now, and that means, ONE more number to LESSON your ODD'S!!!!!!!! :) ...........Won't be long now !!....................... .....May the MOST random number WIN!!!!!!!!........
Happy Easter ,too all!!!......... Anyone have Easter Flying plans ? I would love to hear about them!!! ................I will be flying, If I can dodge the rain, ........Before a EARLY dinner is ready!!! ,
JUST MAYBE!!!!.........MULTIPLYING!!!..............If so It is a GOOD thing they play well with Earthling's................... I think they like the Gravity here!!!........It make's the flying a little more challenging, rather than without gravity!! ......have a good one .....or two!!!...............
AMAZING!!! .....It Is!!!!.............. Kinda Weird.......When I started Flying , The Inverted Hover ,Was the ONLY Thing I could Do!!!???? As Guru4true said Its like my Rev's " Home Sweet Home"..................Same Here!!!... The " Sweet Spot"........ If I had some WIND, right Now !!!!!!!!! That is Exactly What my REV would be doing!!!.......... ...............................................IT TOLD ME SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............................................. Have a Great Day!!! .
How about,.........WE SMILE!!!!!...and KEEP FLY-N-.....>>>>>>>>>>>........>>>>>>>>>........>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!