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Everything posted by --Pete

  1. Go for it, John. I might even begin reading the AKA forum again if the squabbling can be brought under control.
  2. Yay! A topic dedicated to asking for subscriber numbers. Should it be a "sticky"?
  3. John keeps the subscriber numbers manually. When he sees this, he will let you know what your number is. (He may be busy actually flying kites, so be patient.) Welcome to the forum.
  4. I have to say, you went a lot farther than I would have. My typical routine is to order something online from the first place that lists it, and then go nuts when they finally admit that they don't have it.
  5. Google on [ Revolution Multi Kite Bag ] and you will see a few places that claim to have them. (I don't know whether they actually do have them. And they seem to be full, list price.)
  6. If you are using braided line (not twisted) and wind and unwind your lines without adding twists (on and off a card-type or figure-8 winder), you can do without swivels. Just use a lark's-head knot to attach the lines. You will be checking your lines for equalization periodically, so the few twists you get from turning over a handle or wrist/finger strap occasionally will be released then. You always "unwind" the wraps before landing with a dual-line (or a quad-line) kite before landing and putting things away, so you don't introduce twists by flying. Unless you are pathologically careful (like me) about letting out and winding in single line kites, you will introduce twists in the line, and swivels are useful there.
  7. --Pete


    Birds vs. Kite #2 In the early 1950s, my father had a huge cone of seine twine (thin, strong, cotton cord) and had an idea. He went to the dime-store and bought a bunch of cheap paper diamond kites. He flew the first one out over the water on the seine twine and let out line until the weight of the line caused it to sag nearly horizontal. Then he attached another kite on a leader and let out more line until the seine twine was again horizontal. Repeat until out of kites. He tied the twine to a piling, about 5 feet above the water. We went out in the boat, tracking the kites until we found the lead kite, nearly 4 miles away, probably no more than a couple of hundred feet up. Still visible to the naked eye, at any rate. Back to the cottage where we found about a dozen Terns (Common Terns) sitting on the line, looking down at the water (waiting for minnows to rise near the surface). As more arrived, the line sagged lower and lower until it hit the water, at which point the birds all took flight. Slowly, the line lifted until it was about horizontal again. One by one, the Terns returned to the line. Slowly, it sagged back down to the water. Repeat. This went on most of the day. A full cycle took about 15 or 20 minutes. Eventually dad reeled the line back in, retrieving the kites one by one. I still have bits of that seine twine around on home-made winders cut from wooden shingles. The kites lasted my cousins and I for several summers. The Terns still wheel and dive around the cottage (presumably different ones). Dad has been gone for seven years. And I still remember this sixty years later.
  8. Even closer to #833! Congrats to Joe! (This one snuck up on me; I hardly got to banter.)
  9. Vote early and often! (A favorite exhortation from "machine" politics. )
  10. --Pete

    Lost e-mail

    You may have to wait for John to get back from South America for a useful answer. I know that kitemail is no longer available for new accounts. The last I heard, existing accounts would continue.
  11. Wow! Coming up on the "100" mark and the $20k mark. There should be a celebration when the time comes. (Like adding #833 to that list.)
  12. My father was Canadian, but came to USA This seems like Good enough reason
  13. Nice to see that it wasn't another string of "inactives". Congratulations, Mitch.
  14. 8 B-Series 3 Mid 3 WOW
  15. Assuming the RNG is allowed to speak for itself: Congrats to Robin! Post pictures!
  16. Age before beauty is a very old adage, but Wait a minute! Not THAT old!
  17. Congrats to Rob! Fly them well.
  18. Tree daze a way fum da drawling M T R's (this one is just too obscure - empty hours - more than 22 of them since Jinx's post) Wayrz banter?
  19. 8 - If birthdays are criteria, 3 - July fifth. 3 - Just in time! (Another 833-ku for your enjoyment and edification. And here you thought I was talking nonsense all this time. Sometimes it's syllables, sometimes it's words, sometimes it's some other hidden way. And sometimes it isn't, just to keep you guessing.)
  20. The flying saliva makes the shutter-release button just too slippery. No picture possible!
  21. It's said that "Mad is as mad does." Oh, I forgot: Will that do?
  22. Aw, John; no one is complaining. It's just fun to introduce new folks to the arcana of Kitelife. BTW, those Ghost-Pyros are destined to be mine! Bwa-ha-ha-ha.
  23. Thaaaaaank You! I just couldn't find it before. :? Only JB can find it. Everyone has to ask.
  24. Oh YES!!! With that recommendation I can't help but win! (Am I the oldest guy here at 68.999? Birthday in a week or so.)
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