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Everything posted by --Pete

  1. The hope part I can comprehend. Your "logic" behind the hope ... well, it made me smile this morning. Cheers, Tom Well, considering that the RNG pulls 'whole' numbers (rather than individual digits) it was actually off by 500. That doesn't really give much hope, does it? Or, perhaps it ONLY leaves room for hope. Anyway - good on ya, Jeryll. Have fun with that kite.
  2. Congrats! Jeryll, you have a great kite there. I note that the RNG only missed one digit of my number, so maybe I can hope for next time.
  3. I hafta say that purple is not my favorite color, but this kite would fit EXACTLY into my lineup. Being a mid-vent and purple, it fits exactly between my full sail and full vent (which are red and blue - making purple)! Maybe I could stack them. So, I'll get my number right out in front of the RNG right away: #833!
  4. I don't care how dark the bar is, I can always tell the difference between vodka and tequila. RNG, RNG, 833, RNG!
  5. 10 days...
  6. JUst checkin' in so the RNG doesn't forget #833.
  7. I really like these "festival collages". Thanks for creating this and posting it.
  8. Congrats from one Peter to another. At least the RNG is getting the first name correct.
  9. Yes??? Yes???
  10. Serene... serene... serene... serene... serene... #833... serene... serene... serene... #833... serene... serene... serene... When it happens, it happens.
  11. Tough decision, SV. Fortunately you don't have to make it. The RNG decides all.
  12. You might check out kitemap.org for sites. I did a quick check for sites around Los Angeles and found six sites. I used 50 miles as a radius since LA is a very spread out place. Where you actually are in the LA area will make a big difference as to which sites may be useful to you.
  13. I like sports where only the very best compete. Others are relegated to the "minor leagues". If there are more than about 20 people who are considered able to compete, I find that the talent is just too diluted. This means I tend to like sports like F1 racing and sumo wrestling. Very few contenders in sports like that, because the rest of the world just isn't good enough. How many players are there in the entire major baseball leagues? How many in football? There just aren't that many best-in-the-world ball players. They can't even fill two all-star rosters with really top-notch players. I'd rather watch the really best dozen or so playing some kind of rotation game against each other. Meanwhile: #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833
  14. Having asked about your subscriber number, I expect John Barresi (editor of Kitelife.com and keeper of the LIST) will mention it soon. You were entered for the drawings the moment you subscribed - it's automatic. Welcome to Kitelife as a poster instead of a lurker. (You were actually welcome as a lurker, but no one knew to welcome you.)
  15. Yes! I think keep it as much like a magazine as possible: an issue comes out in one piece, at the same time, in a single location. Making it a forum publication is OK, and the year/month/article format would work with that. I think that 'publishing' article by article would dilute the effect of a magazine, online or paper. It would become more like a blog with guest posts if done that way. I like seeing that a new issue is out and spending some time going through it article by article. It also gives you a better feel for the amount of material in each issue, and a chance to see how articles go together. You are a busy guy, and I fear that without the responsibility of coming up with a unified issue every two months, it might come to the time when you say, "Aw, I have so much to do this month; I can go a bit light and make it up later." When you know you have X pages to fill by a particular day, you make time to get it done. You stockpile articles that can wait (or that would go better at a certain time of year) in the good months, to publish in the lean months. Like a magazine. (Just my opinion.)
  16. YESSSSS!!!!
  17. All clear; thanks for helping.
  18. Nope. Red dot with exclamation point in place of circle where I should select life subscription, and message saying I must cancel automatic payment before I can upgrade. According to PayPal, I HAVE canceled, but your subscription system does not seem to believe it.
  19. Fine with me. I'd hate to lose my 'valuable' #833 member number, though.
  20. I tried to upgrade to a lifetime, but something went wrong. I foolishly did not record the error message before trying again, and now it won't even let me try again.
  21. It's alright; we bump old topics all the time around here.
  22. Yup, yup - gotta keep for the Michigan folks. Happy Birthday, Crowsong.
  23. What Vaino said. The sample pack (of random fabric) should be enough to make several banners, if you are willing to take "pot luck' as to colors.
  24. --Pete


    Glad to hear you are all OK. We just sent our kids (40+, not really kids) back to Florida last night. We didn't feel any ground shaking here at the house, but plenty of people locally (usually sitting in a firm chair) did feel the shake 600+ miles away, so it was a serious earth movement, especially for this part of the world. Now we just have to watch where Irene actually goes. The kids both live somewhat inland, so battening down the hatches and stocking up on water and gas will probably suffice.
  25. Note that the box under the main Topic title is no longer a place to put a subtitle, but a place to put tags to allow for quick searching. You can put up to ten tags. To finish one tag, use a comma since you can include spaces within tags. (But I don't see how to include a comma within a tag - I would have like to put a comma in the "washington DC" tag in another post.)
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