For me, any kite shop that is handy is pretty favorite. I bought most of the kites I have now from Brick&Mortar stores (real ones, that you could walk into) more than 20 years ago.
Recently, I've been into MacKites (B&M plus the beach tent store) in Grand Haven, MI again after 20 years, and they are still friendly and helpful.
Also, recently, Kites & Fun Things in Plymouth, MI, Jon "SkyBurner" Trennepohl's B&M (and it really is a nice red-brick and mortar building) presence, (again, after 20 years) and Marieanne Trennepohl actually recognized me after all those years (and I've changed A LOT).
Of course, 20 years ago, there weren't any such things as Web-based stores, so you HAD to drive to where the kite stores were. I actually planned my vacations to go past the stores that I had heard or read about (and generally bought something new at each one). There were a few catalog stores, like Into The Wind, and they got their share of my kite dollars, as well.
Oddly, I really dislike talking over the telephone, so I have never ordered kites that way. (I need to see things written down, or in print, to remember them. The Internet, with order forms visible on my computer screen, is a real boon to me.)
I haven't ordered enough yet from the Internet, so I don't have enough experience to judge.I will have to come back to this topic in the future.