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Everything posted by --Pete

  1. --Pete

    Green Rods

    I wish I had thought of that.
  2. --Pete

    Candy Dropper

    If you are flying a Rev, tape or wire a beer cup to the end of the LE spar, fly it up, and tip the candy out. Fly back down to an assistant who refills the cup; repeat. Cost $0.03 plus the cost of candy. Less than that if you steal the cup from the beer tent.
  3. As Kojak used to say, "Who loves ya, baby?" The answer, of course, is EVERYONE!
  4. Kite flying must be good therapy. We all seem to get better fast (so we can fly more kites).
  5. A couple of weeks yet before I can pull 75# (to pre-stretch 150# lines), but I am definitely preparing myself mentally for the ordeal.
  6. You guys are really going to beat me into this, aren't you?
  7. We could use a couple of new 'smileys': or and I particularly like the last one. I use it a lot. Some gif animation expert might replace the cussing from the soapboxers with a scrolling "blah blah blah blah..." to make it more 'family friendly'.
  8. Back at home after attending Grand Haven Kite Fest

  9. Yep. Happy Birthday to JB! And many more with kite in hand, and the wind at your back. (Unless, of course, you are Dog-Stakin', in which case: with the wind in your face.)
  10. I'm Baaaack! Now let's see.. How many members? And how many of us pass or get passed to a greater extent than normal. (My wife says I drive like an old lady, so maybe I get passed a few extra times, too.) Need some data here. Maybe it's time to put a few bumper-stickers into the mix at CafePress. (Does Kitelife have things at CafePress? I think iQuad does, but Kitelife?) YES! Get your Kitelife bumper-stickers here! Remember - if you GET passed a lot, put the sticker on the left side of the bumper; if you PASS a lot, put the sticker on the right. (US and right-driving countries only. Reverse this in UK, Japan and the like.) If you are a serious road-hog and traffic gets stuck behind you for miles and miles, put it right in the center!
  11. And just think, Duane: if one of your numbers hits, you can claim a "moral victory" without risking your life on the John Deere Buggy! BTW, your current number of posts (1014) has a Mertens Function of ZERO! WAY TO GO, GUY! Power kite, power kite, power kite...
  12. Yep. Taking off today (Thurs) to give me time to get settled before the actual start. I'll be at the Bluewater Inn, across the street from the State Park, and reachable at 734-635-0090 (cell) any time. On the beach: look for my yellow cap: Don't go carousing without me! BTW, I am Face Blind (prosopagnosia). I simply cannot recognize or remember people by their faces. Introduce yourself, please, when you see me.
  13. Nice. You don't often see video these days that was originally recorded on photo-film. Somebody spent some serious time making this.
  14. Well, anyone who goes to Grand Haven, MI this weekend can assure themselves that I am the one-and-only #833 (that's 7 x 7 x 17, BTW) with 195+ posts in only 3 months and a bit. This is a 500+ post/year rate! JB is going to have to come up with a new description like "Gonzo Poster" or "Post Berzerker" (or ban me). You can bet I will be taking along some device that will let me post from the field. Power kite, power kite, power kite...
  15. And I assure YOU that I am not Guru4Tru as well. (But how can anyone be sure?)
  16. Hmm. Do you suppose that one of us might be Guru4Tru's sock-puppet? Maybe he is only pretending to tease himself. Have you ever met (for instance) ME in person? How about Baloo, or photomom? Are you SURE that we are not secretly controlled alter-egos of G4T? {quietly} Power kite, power kite, power kite...
  17. Go for it G4T! Remember 1001 is the first palindromic number greater than 1000. It is also a sphenic number, a pentagonal number and a pentalope number. (You can learn about any of these on Wikipedia.) Any of these things are a good reason to want to have 1001 as your number of posts! I can do this for almost any likely number of posts. F'rinstance: Baloo's current post number: 892 is Nontotient. You wouldn't want to leave him with that distinction, would you? Now, while everyone is looking things up on Wikipedia: power kite, power kite, power kite, power kite...
  18. Very nice design, and very nice machining. Elegant. (There is no higher praise for a machinist/designer.) @SkyHook: It might have been the short lines. By the time you divide the length in half, you would have ULTRA-short lines. You might try it again with lines in the 80-120 foot range. I've flown a Hawaiian Team Kite on dogstake, but I had 200' lines and the kite seemed to go from one side of the window to the other in an instant. It was pretty scary having that heavy monster come flying past my nose at a jillion miles per hour. I set up a row of stakes that kept me out of harms way as long as I stayed behind them. I didn't have a nice pulley system, but I did have Kevlar™ lines; they cut a notch in the dogstake handle.
  19. {mumbling} Power kite, power kite, power kite...
  20. This must be just 'killing' Duane. C'mon, guy; you can't keep that nice, tidy, round number up there forever. Maybe now it's time to go for 1009 which is a PRIME NUMBER. Just think of it: divisible only by itself and one. Now, there is something to shoot for !!! My subscription number is simply chock full of lucky sevens, being the product of 7 and 7 and 17. Now how's that for lucky?
  21. Nice try, Baloo. You know he is trying to preserve that "1000" as long as possible.
  22. Being close to the kite opens a lot of interesting interaction. (Nice video work as well; pass my kudos to the videographer.) (And a super beautiful dog-stake pulley system. I saw the pictures somewhere else, but post the pictures to this thread as well, please.)
  23. Just keep on posting, Baloo. Now you have a goal. Happy 1000th, G4T.
  24. Whoop it up! Not something that happens every day.
  25. WHO in a hospital bed? I'm out of mine.
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