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Everything posted by --Pete

  1. --Pete


    I hope all fellow fliers (and everyone, really) are OK.
  2. Clyde was calculating his girl-friend's measurements with a sly drool. (ducking)
  3. I have to admit, a couple of those were my dad's. But, a bunch were mine that I used in college. Somewhere in my dad's stuff are a couple of abaci (actually an abacus and a saraband - one has two 5-beads above the bar and the other has only one , but I could not tell you which was which without going to Wikipedia.) I don't think he used those in college, though. Edit: Awright I went to Wiki - The Chinese abacus has the two upper beads; the Japanese version is a SOROBAN (means Counting Tray) and has just the one 5-bead. I guess you have to do your carrying on the fly with that kind. (Evidently a saraband is a kind of dance.)
  4. Yeah SV, and I've still got 3 of them, and still know how to use them, believe it or not ! I can't figure out how to check my spelling with it, however :confused!: , and adding & substracting is still kinda tough. Look familiar ? Sorry Jynx, lost my abacus ! Need one? If log-log-deci-trig means anything to you, you just may have been a sliderule super-user. EDIT: The yellow one would have been the most expensive. The 10" circular rules would have been the most accurate - equivalent to a 30" slide rule.
  5. Good to see them in the air again - even if the parts I contributed are hidden. EDIT: I have to ask about the order: I am so "science-bound" that seeing a spectrum (or even most of one) out of the normal order (ROYGBP) looks strange to me. Any special reason for reversing the order of the 4th and 5th kites?
  6. (Posting just so no one thinks I'm not paying attention.)
  7. I think that this is the point that Nick and I have reached: that this is a per-user setting somewhere in the site - but there does not seem to be any place that the user can adjust it. It is also a bit puzzling exactly WHY it should be a per-user setting, rather than a per-site setting - that is, admin controlled. (Another thing that seems to have changed: I think there used to be icons that adjusted the size of the reply text entry box; now (at least on Kitelife) there is a drag icon in the lower right corner of the box. Just checked - those sizing icons are still there on RevKites forum - rightmost two in top row.)
  8. Well, just for another data point: I'm now logged in on a Windows 7 computer using Chrome, and using the quick-reply text entry box. I have NO forum spell-check icon. I just went over to the Revkites site and it is the same: no spell-check icon over either the quick reply or the full editor. Sorry, it isn't whether you are using Windows or Mac computer either. I really think we need an IP.Board expert.
  9. You may be struggling because you are going through this in the reverse direction to how most clubs get formed. Usually, it is a group of people who have been associating around some activity of mutual interest who decide to formalize it and create a club. Beginning with the idea of a club, and trying to form an association may be a bit more difficult. I notice you are discovering some of the difficulty of keeping the people who do all the work interested. In every successful volunteer-run organization I have ever been involved with, there is always a huge amount of "atta-boy" and "atta-girl" appreciation. People simply NEED all those pats on the back to keep working. To some people it may seem overdone, but I assure you that without it, no club survives. You HAVE to announce at every meeting that "Joe did this" and "Jill did that" and ask for a round of applause.
  10. OK, I see where it would have been. However, I don't see it currently on the Rev Forum either. I assume you still see all the other formatting and insertion tools. I've never used the forum spell checker since any text-insertion box that is opened on a Mac (including a reply box on any forum, using any browser) is automatically checked on the fly. As soon as I "leave" a word (type a space or punctuation) if the word is not in my local dictionary, the word is underlined in red. I can right-click on it to see a list of likely correct words or (if I am sure it is splled correctly) I can add it to my dictionary or just ignore the spell warning and leave it as it is. (This is VERY weird: I was just typing a reply to your 8/18 3:03 PM EDT post, when I noticed a link at the bottom of the reply window that suggested I had some "auto saved content". I clicked on it and the text I had been typing today vanished, and was replaced by the text above, which I thought I had posted yesterday evening. Of course, I can't remember exactly what I typed this morning, but it was approximately this: ) I now know where the spell checker icon should be, and what it looks like. I agree it is part of the forum. I don't see it above the text-entry box on either the Rev forum OR the Kitelife forum, so there is something different in how those icons are displayed that varies from user to user. As you say, it looks the same on two different computers for you, but different (missing the spell checker on both forums) to me. This suggests a user dependent setting somewhere (but I certainly don't know where). We may need an IP.Board expert to help us.
  11. Was it above the Revolution logo at the top of the window? If so, it was part of your browser, not prt of the site. Have you upgraded or changed your browser recently?
  12. Nick, If you get a notification on this, then your notifications are working. I just read ALL new posts several times per day, so notifications are sort of redundant for me. My spell-checker is still working, but is is not the forum; it is part of ANY text entry on my Mac. You may have broken (or shut off) a local spell-checker on your own computer.
  13. Well I replied to this topic, but it appears (could very well be my error) that it was posted to the Current Drawing topic.
  14. You all would not believe how bad this looks on an old 14" AOC flat screen. My beautiful 27" Apple Cinema monitor bit the dust just about the same time that John upgraded the site. I had an hour or two of wide-screen views of the new site before I lost it. Now I'm viewing on a very old monitor which is sitting behind me on a roll-around cart. Type a few words, turn around to check, fix all the errors and try again. I went out this afternoon and bought a new Apple monitor, but discovered that is no longer has a VESA mount, or a DVI input. Several raging hours later, I find that when Apple says Guaranteed next day delivery($$$), they mean Next day after they get around to shipping it, which might be several days. Don't expect to see me much until Wednesday or so when I can get some kind of decent monitor hooked up to this computer. ( And I think that avatar is a bit silly looking.)
  15. Avatar has been stretched to a square. I will have to make a new avatar which IS actually square.
  16. Having trouble editing my posts as well.,
  17. A little exploration: -- I don't seem to be able to access either my Profile or my Private Messages -- Seems a bit slow as well
  18. At a guess, John is experimenting with new features available on IP.Board, either in anticipation of changing the Rev site, or to distinguish Kitelife from the Rev site.
  19. We just wanted to give you a few moments to fire up the RNG. Good job! Jason, Have fun with your new kite!
  20. Photomom, I see you peeking. Come out come out. We promise we'll be nice. #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833
  21. So... who is subscriber 812? (to match the date) #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833 #833
  22. Maybe it's summer and people are actually flying kites? # 833, 833, 833 833 833 833
  23. A picture of the rig, especially of the Silly Putty "spinner" would also be welcome.
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