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Everything posted by --Pete

  1. This is how people become rabid fanatics about one OS or browser or app. One good thing happens and all other OS/browser/Apps become DIRT!!! I seem to change browsers every couple of years. I change for some reason (soon forgotten) and it's like the other browsers never were (until the next change).
  2. Just for the record, my ISP (Comcast) and probably most others, change things all the time. About the only time you hear about it is if they advertise "New Speed!!!" or "New Security!!!" and they never really specify what the details were that made them "new". Also automatic upgrades and fixes of browsers and OSs can change things frequently "for your own good". They don't explain much about those, either. (This does seem less likely in your case since it affected so many platform/browser combinations simultaneously. Although, it seems to be all Windows except the iPad, and you likely never tried the iPad before you had the problem. It is possible that the iPad never worked, and you just discovered that AFTER you had the main problem.) (I had to try for the kites; it was just too easy.)
  3. I had the same question as Rob. To get a problem with so many combinations, I would be looking for something they all have in common. I can only think of a few things: #1 - your ISP. Could they be blocking some needed function as (to their mind) risky? #2 - your router/WiFi/modem - could there be some setting in there that is blocking something similar? #3 - you. Have you offended the kite gods or the network gods in some way? Maybe you need to offer up an offering of some sort. (Maybe send me a few kites? Or that new iPad - I haven't got one of those yet. I will try to forward them to the appropriate gods - or at least fly them in their honor.) ===edit=== Oh, and I think Windows 7 (and soon 8) needs to be added to the OS choices.
  4. Dunno if I have enough wind here for a vented B2, but what the heck - RNG, send it to me.
  5. Hmmmm, the RNG seems to have accidentally added one to each digit. Oh well, congrats to Ron. Fly it well.
  6. Chrome on Mac with no problems noted here. Also a quick check of Firefox and Opera on Mac and IE9 on Win7 showed no problems for a quick login and test reply to a random thread (and canceled when the reply box popped up).
  7. Maybe I can make a Flexi stack. (If I'm no longer strong enough to fly one, how would I fly two? Oh well, maybe I'll get stronger somehow.)
  8. I'll try to make it next year.
  9. I must have a heavy hand on either the keyboard or the mouse. My keyboard tray (support arm) just disintegrated, dropping the afore-mentioned items in my lap. Bits of plastic everywhere; weighty bits and pieces linked by the remains of the support arm and all trying to fall in a different direction. Fortunately, I had a spare tray mounted right next to this one (in front of an un-used screen) so a few minutes work to swap out the remains of the old tray had me back at the keyboard, ready to tell the RNG that #833 is the one to choose this time around. (The wrist-rest on the old tray was getting pretty scuzzy anyway, so maybe it was all for the best.)
  10. Yep; all fixed. Thanks.
  11. If you can equate a whole group of things (time, effort, not having 120s when you DO get to fly with others) against money and/or effort, you might consider keeping the 120s and buying or making some shorter sets. You might even come up with a set of 10 or 12s for indoor/street flying. Long ago I made the transition from 150s or 200s (can't remember) to 30s at a festival, urged by Lee Sedgwick. What a rush! Things really happen fast.
  12. OK, a Flash upgrade for Chrome didn't fix it, Using Firefox did. (Still, Chrome is my preferred browser....) I really liked the negative effect. It really makes the splashes POP!
  13. I searched youtube for [ scratching barresi ] figuring that would narrow it down. All I found were promos for the movie.
  14. For some reason, I can't see the video (Chrome on a Mac). When I click where it should be, I can see a selection block where it should be, but no video. I can't find it by searching youtube, either. Perhaps a naming conflict with the movie?
  15. Hoosier, you might consider a swap with someone overendowed with outdoor Revs. Maybe it will be meeeeeeeee! (Rhymes with eight-thirty-threeeeeee!)
  16. Good job MI! Get some pictures with that lucky boy flying it.
  17. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!!! I bet no one expected this, either. Congrats Karen Photomom! Pictures!
  18. Ron, welcome to the site. I expect that John Barresi will be along any time to get your number from his master list.
  19. Canadian(8) via(3) dad.(3) (Just sayin'.)
  20. Your choice, John.
  21. On the downside, you are the first subscriber who needs to come up with clever ways to "promote" a four digit number (in the RNG banter). Good luck. You are charting new territory for subscribers yet to come.
  22. Not only that, you've Pinned it (same as "Sticky").
  23. 3:30 hrs/215 miles for me. I was considering it but something else came up and I can't make it. Maybe next year if IKE does it again.
  24. Those looked like fairly long lines for a 360. I've done a 360 on 200' lines, but it was a much different kite.
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