Thanks again Kent, here's a pic of my new "Sunrise" Widow Maker & me, setting up for a coin toss it looks like.
Sorry it took so long, weather & life haven't co-operated. But finally got out for a bit today with Rhonda to run the camera, no wind but the kite does surprisingly well in 2 mph & less, other then if you miss time your snaps you pull the kite halfway back to you but hit it right and it rewards you big time.
It gave up my first successful Jacob's Ladder which I was able to extend to 2 1/2 rungs. In fact it's given me more consistent results on everything I struggle with on other kites. It goes into a Turtle so easy, just a twitch and a bit of slack and it's on its back, unbelievable for a kite that doesn't exhibit any pitchyness, until you ask for it. Rolls up easier then anything I've held onto. Locks into Turtles and Fades rock steady. Backspins I can't do on most kites, this thing gives them up with a smile and says "Lets turn that into a backspin cascade, eh?" Cascades, Half Axel/Kick Turn & Axels are sweet. Lazy Susan's are another one of those tricks I can't do, but the Widow Maker said 'Oh give me a chance" and sails right around, pauses for a moment to see if I want go again then rolls right out, surprising since it won't roll out of a Turtle until persuaded a bit.
I'm Loving It - Mike