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Everything posted by Pen

  1. Thanks Kitelife for the amazing gift.... wow! So excited to get out there and fly again... north wind just came in for a few days so I'll wait a bit for the temp to get back up into the teens (celsius).
  2. London, Ontario, Canada... can't seem to bring it up.. guess its only for the US?
  3. Do that roaming and adventuring thing now. Life is a blink and you don't want to miss it. If you think of coming to southwestern Ontario, you'd have a place to stay here in Dorchester.
  4. Simple... I like simple. Thanks for the work on this. I also use "WindAlert" and "Accuweathr" iphone apps.
  5. We (Time On The Line) had our first International Indoor Fun Fly this July... members of our group and two from Illinois flew together for the day. While most flew single line kites (Walas, WalaXL, Laimas, emongs, iFlites, large gliders, Air-Yos) one member had his dual line indoor kite there too.<br /><br />
  6. We have the support of our town community centre... $3/person for two hours (sometimes longer if nobody is coming in behind us). During the summer months we get to use the ice pads when the ice is out. Once they start turning on the compressors and getting the pad ready for the hockey season, we move back in to the large gymnasium where we fly once a week, every week, for the rest of the year. We have a group of 11 who may or may not all be there each week to fly. Once we're back in the gymnasium, we take turns flying to the tunes. We all fly single line gliders, one of our group is teaching himself dual line.
  7. I've resisted buying a wind meter... and now I don't feel I need one. I watch the trees, the grass, and just generally have developed a sense of when to fly and what to fly. I did download "WindAlert" on my iphone and check it before I go out. After that, I am one with the wind.
  8. Nobody in our group has a ZeroG or Plutz... but we do have a few eMong gliders (Flying Wings kites) and the Laima bird single line indoor kites (again a Flying Wings kite). We're pretty lucky to have the support of our community centre.. we can fly for $3/person each week. We want to keep our spot and be visible so we fly all year round at the centre. In the winter we use the new gymnasium, and in the summer we use the arenas when they take the ice out. I'm going to post a few pictures in our FB group Time On The Line. I really like flying the 120' lines better than the 90'... I did get to fly with a friend down in South Padre Island, Texas. He taught me how to do the lazy S together. I loved the feeling as the lines crossed over.
  9. I fly weekly indoors (2-3 hours every Wednesday) with a group (Time On The Line)... we all fly single line Walas and iFlites and other glider type of kites. I try to get to the outdoor kites as often as I can but this spring we've had a ton of rain and now the thunderstorms are kicking up a fuss. Today I got out and flew my dual lines at the soccer fields and then moved across town to a hayfield which has just been "shorn" to fly my rev for another hour and a half. I fly outdoors alone... nobody around town to fly outside with yet... but a few other indoor fliers have just purchased rev's and so will be out there with me soon.
  10. I would love to come for a workshop with Fang... but you're there on the west coast and here I am in southwestern Ontario (waiting for the "Sandy" winds to hit their highest tonight). I'm not sure where to tie the line ... at the moment I've looped it around the stem of the reel.
  11. I haven't made any adjustments to the wala .. although while using the reel i did take off the 10' tail that I usually fly with indoors. Our group flies together on Wednesday mornings and we have two new fliers so I didn't get a chance to play with the reel then. But Monday morning I will give it another go.
  12. I am determined to use this reel and fly with it... going to the gym on Monday again to give it another go.. at least with a Wala on the end.
  13. good thing... wish I could type as fast as I think... not thing... well... think...
  14. We keep our Walas moving a lot with our single lines in the gym... but I think there needs to be a lot more tension on the eagle to keep it higher. It has a pretty strong beak ... good think ... it hit the floor a few times nose first!
  15. I've watched the videos Wayne... still guess how to actually hook the line up to the reel but did it and flew the Wala with it while reeling in the line with my right hand spinning the reel backwards and flipping the wala out with my left hand which was holding the reel... The eagle and I aren't too accomplished together yet so I have put it away for now before I totally smash it to bits. Gotta send Patrick a plea for more help.
  16. I want them both.... how do I do this??????
  17. I'm a new owner of a panying Eagle kite ... with the reel handle ... anybody else flying one of these kites? I'm looking up videos and trying to determine how to use the reel by flying a wala with it for practise. Haven't tried hooking it up to my eagle kite yet.
  18. There is to be an indoor clinic at SPI's kite fest this winter... Lisa Willoughby will be doing it on the Friday (I think that is the day)... to be held at the Convention Centre... the only place to really fly indoors on the island.... although you can fly indoors at the Boys & Girls club over at Port Isabel during the week. See you there!
  19. Got 'em... thanks B&S Kites!
  20. Can anybody point me to where to purchase two yellow and two purple Wala kites in Canada ... I have two new "students" who are now wanting their own kites and I always buy double for the next folks coming into the Wala Flying world.
  21. my next challenge... indoor rev flying... and the colours match my shoes!
  22. Enjoy the new kite, Robin.
  23. Did I win? Did I win?
  24. Pen

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