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About skline

Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Rev 1.5 full vent, Prism Zephyer,1.5 SUL
  • Flying Since
    Off and On since 1986
  • Location
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Kite flying, bike riding, home improvement projects.
  • Gender

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  1. I think that if they work for you that is awesome. As far as flight characteristics in light wind I have not noticed much, but I'm sure there are. I tried them on a 1.5 SUL with a diamond frame.
  2. Did not like 15" handles at all until I started flying indoor. Now I will use them in light and moderate wind, and even tried them with my full vent last time out. I liked it, smaller movements on inputs and have gotten away from the jerkiness that I used to have with 15" handles. But like you guys said, it's all personal preference.
  3. Thanks so much, that is awesome.
  4. Back in the nineties I would use ripstop tape or a little heavier one was Dacron tape.I will remember the tip about Tedlar tape, thanks.
  5. Oh yes,love the colors.Pretty cool.
  6. I tried 15" handles on a SUL 1.5 in very light wind and it did feel twitchy. I switched back to the 13" handles and for me it was much more fluid and smoother. It is probably just what I am used to.
  7. I tried diamond spars for the first time today in a 1.5 SUL and they did really well in very low winds. I tried them also in a B-Pro Standard, but the SUL was more reactive. It surprised me how much wind they will take, up high was 5 plus and they felt great.
  8. You are right Jay, I tune with as much brake as I am comfortable with, it definitely makes a difference.
  9. Dragonfish I just noticed that I have a B-Pro standard sail that is the exact same color that yours is, great looking kite.
  10. Dragonfish you are so right. After I work on it for a while I switch to working on clockwork or something else that is different for a bit.
  11. Thanks Dean, I will keep those things in mind next time out.
  12. I worked on the circle in reverse yesterday and it is getting better. The key for me appears to be the timing of switching to the upper hand back on that backside climb.Thanks to everyone for their responses.
  13. Thanks, I will give that a try.
  14. I am struggling with flying a circle in reverse, specifically going up the back side of the circle. It's like the little engine that couldn't going up that back side. Once I get past halfway I can usually make it, but getting there is the issue.
  15. Skline +1 (7) added mid-vent BP
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