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Everything posted by MGower

  1. one jb showed me was farther out on the top leaders, hook your thumbs under the leaders pull your thumbs up past the top of the handles and pump back, this will give more forward for launch but once the kite is filled the precision is amazing (felt really uncomfortable for the first few times but the control is way better). If you watch jb's hands he has his thumbs on top and forward of the handles which means he only has to do very small brake inputs for the control he has.
  2. MGower


    From the album: new kites

    the finished art for the Cavalia kite on it's way to rev to become a kite
  3. would def have them but my pros are on the way
  4. woah woah woah are we really about thongs and kites in the same sentence lol
  5. me i'm the same when i found the site i wasn't sure if i wanted to join but once i saw a few tutorials i wanted to see more and support my fellow kite flyers. I'm, not a chat room guy but i love that there is a chat room here although will all the traveling i do seem to be in the wrong time zone right now
  6. you've got mice that can spell lol love it
  7. i don't even mark my lines larks head tops over bottoms kite end walk 80' let's see larks head bottoms over tops pick up handles few twists (maybe) 1 pass through (maybe) i'm flying
  8. so i can get brand new lines with the larks head in them lol
  9. it's okay yesterday while flying with jb i thought my bridle was wrong, undid it and passed it through the right way, started flying only to realise i set up the kite backwards lol. So we all make mistakes
  10. personally i travel all the time and not always near a kite shop or one that has any rev kites or parts, i have ordered 8 kites and spare parts direct from rev (lolly) never had a problem
  11. The beauty of this is you ask a simple question and because you are part of a forum with a lot of passionate flyers (and friends) with a lot of knowledge and experience you get a lot of responses YOU ARE NOT ALONE we have all been there and will help in any way we can. I love that I joined here and there is always someone willing to help with whatever problems I have. So welcome to the family
  12. sorry i wasn't clear with my statement only once had totally clear lines, most of the time had one or two wraps and maybe one or two twists no biggie about 3 seconds to clear and then I'm flying, as i'm sure most others will agree is the norm, (me personally I am anal retentive) you will spend more time trying to make 4 lines always perfect than just winding in a similar fashion each time and taking the time to take out the one or two wraps for a couple of seconds than to be perfect each time. Have fun, feel the juice, enjoy the wind and fly.
  13. i personally have only once (in a year) unwinded my lines and had no turns or twists in them, and I wind them the same way everytime, my friend rob told me some good advice there is nothing you can't untangle or undo (very good advice)
  14. the gate was locked wasn't it lol hope you guys had a good time
  15. now that is a cool kite ( just wondering where the lines are going because my new electricians i send out for a left handed skyhook and it looks like this kite is flying from one lol
  16. From the album: new kites

    The making of a masterpiece by Ron Bohart
  17. MGower

    Cav 1 No peeps

    From the album: new kites

    The art 2/3 done truly a master kite maker
  18. MGower

    Cav 2 Cu

    From the album: new kites

    Closeup of the finished horse can't say how pleased I am
  19. colour scheme matches my 2/4 would make a great addition lol
  20. a kite like that needs air i could show it air all over the world think it would find a good home with me just saying lol
  21. MGower


    my personal choice
  22. MGower

    odysseo 2

    From the album: new kites

    just prelim art love it though ron bohart does amazing work
  23. MGower

    Cavalia 10

    From the album: new kites

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