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Everything posted by MGower

  1. just did thanks for the info anyone have an actual tally
  2. love the video jb me i'm thinking trampoline. I've watched you jump over a kite lol. think you could definatly come up with a routine on the tramp, maybe check out the local gymnastics club do an indoor routine for some tramp time.
  3. so let's see if i post enough i can change my title to KiteLife Owner I better get started lol
  4. my favorite is in knokke heist belgium remix kiteshop.be right on the beach the owner there took me out the first day and showed me a series of powerkites on the beach, ended up buying 2 powerkites 2 harnesses,mountain board, buggie, 4 stunt kites, lol. he was also a good salesman went for many a beer with him during his work hours. the other one which i have been so lucky to have had the oportunity to visit is the rev factory in san diego they were exceptionally nice and of course informative i now (when the new ones arrive lol) own 11 revs including the 2/4 blast
  5. You know what they say about protection especially in this day and age. Me I think I will get the art tube to protect them at the airport. Anyone know if you can take a rev bag on the plane as carryon?
  6. okay i don't know about just add one more, i just added 6 more and need to order another bag lol
  7. kite flying what's on yours lol

  8. MGower


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