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hey, for those who wants to bring me food, please let me know in advance.. it would be pointless if i already made my own sandwich/lunch.... since i don't eat much. i love good light food with no meat involved, but on the festivals, i don't often have many choices and i love to try other people's good ideas and taste in wholesome delightful food. people who wants to feed me can consider pm me for my phone number and let me if you are interested in feeding me and getting rubbed--- we will be in BASKC, Ocean shores, WSIKF, for august. so two lunch (i can share it with Wen) per day maximum. if you are serious, we can also arrange for dinner plan... hahaha... i love giving massage, and i love good eating with fun people, so i figure that can add on some extra fun. as for you, Penny, you are granted for a full massage (lie down if you like, with a blanket) for just being a fun you--- plus you lend us your tent! that one is on me, if you like. we are packing, but dread the idea of only two pieces of luggage allowed--- the kite bag alone is one, then two of us for three weeks need to be squeezed into one.... tips?
Hello EBGB (? what does that mean?) i am sure we met at Whidbey s you said so (and had a great time!) i just can't make the name, face, kite, style and the kitelife ID work together for me yet... you will have to help me make the link this time.... thank you for telling me about the event ...i had not found the event schedule yet. we are in the blind fold as all i know is that Theresa told us it would be good if we make to the event. so we will have to stretch ourselves for 10 days on the field! heaven helps us, and some of you will too, i am sure. see you soon. we will leave our base on Friday and then whatever will be will be. Litsong
Hello nice folks : talking about running into events ! to make the long story short, we are from Taiwan, (Wen and Litsong) and enjoy going to the kite festivals since years mostly near RI. Last september, on our way home, we stopped by WA and visited Theresa (kite shoppe) and had a wonderful time (plus we went to whideby island SKC for one fund day +night, right before we flew home! that's one of our many unplanned kite festival trip, but well worth the detour). This time we are going to WSIKF!!!! a week from now we will fly to Portland. but just tonight while i was trying to figure out the car rental, dear Theresa just told me that it would be fun to go to the ocean shore prior to the WSIKF! (gee, she knew how to push the bottons) you west coast people just have so many events that we can be jealous of? anyway, we are so tempted, we have to say yes. so, here is the thing, details, dah..... just when i think i have a few days before BASKC, before we fly to visit Theresa, i have to jam in some details .... details, for a woman with small brain in the wee hours (1:25am now) only a couple of days before we pack to fly across the continent (ps: sorry, people, i have to vent a bit to calm myself down to the new reality! ), if any of you can say a few comforting lines for the total strangers to stick our feet there on your turf/sand.... please, all advice welcome.... can someone recommend a place to stay? well, anyway, i know we will be fine.... just have to remind myself never hurry, never worry. oh, i started in NJSKC, that for every kite festival we go to, i will donate one massage session for the event auction. and i would love it if someone want to do a lunch/massage exchange with me on the field (delight me with your homemade or favorite non meat lunch selection, and i will give you a TLC massage ) ok, Theresa said i shall post and i did, too sleepy now and a bit calmer from the excitement! i guess i will start to panic or pack in a few hours! sleeping bags, sleeping pads, kites, change of clothes, .... ah, so many things to bring for our two pieces of luggage allowance..... dread.... zzzz Litsong
yes, and you can have a closer look http://www.ripstikusa.com/ i think you will love it. Litsong we will be in the Vancouver WA 8/11-17, then to the campground 8/17-24. looking forward seeing you ..
rip stick is the caster board that wen loves to use ---for indoor, or for carrying his loads on the field (if the surface is suitable) it is like a skate board but with only two wheels. he wanted to bring it to the WSIKF ...
bad news : Wen's Rip Stick got stolen in the Liberty State Park @ NJSKC.... it happened when he was in between field for the multiline precision. dread.. this is the summer of lost and found. in Newport, he lost his rev handles. i must start a survey of what you had lost on the kite field. the biggest loser can at least be the winner here... haha had to have a sense of humor litsong
Dear Penny: thanks for the tips i think we may not need to bring cooking gears after all. we travel everywhere with our sleeping gears and change of clothes (also rain gears and we had our share of kiting in the rain since 2006 and transformed Wen from fair weather flyer into a hard core kiting nut. yes please consider bringing the tarp if you can. i am sure all will work out fine. very much looking forward to seeing you Love L. just the thought of meeting crazy kiters makes us happy ps: i travel with my massage oil and love to massage people along my journey so if you are up for it, you earned a certificate already. just tell me when and i will be happy to serve. i just came up with this idea i would donate 2 full massage or 4 part massage to each event we go to. either for auction or trading for food (in your case, shelter) for fundraising or fun raising among kiters. humm, anyone interested? Litsong
dear jb glad that you liked the story. just to make things even more XXX (do we have a better word for CREEPY?) let me tell another bits of the the big picture... so Saturday night after flying B.P.park newport, wen and i went to sea view inn to hear Dennis play guitar (with Dugg Coats who didn't show up till much much later) because i've always wanted to hear him play in person and Wen just want to hang out with the cool guys so that night Denis was practicing for his gig pieces and explaining to us about the stories of the songs.. after an amazing Sunday full of fun and amazement, i came back to the computer, and found that our kite friend Albert posted a video on his forum www.8pluskites.com he wrote "still the very best among all the legendary flight video shorts after all these years, worth the refreshing of your memory" i watched it for the first time and was again amazed by the God winks see, combining my wish to hear Dennis play(since years) and watching a video our kite buddy just posted from Taiwan on the kite forum back home, and the timing... we get the wish came true to hear those songs played in our close encounter to be a night to remember (although we heard it from the CD many many times) and see the beautiful soul flight short film with that music coming around a circle through time and space connecting beautiful souls in an weaving that shows the amazing grace of the higher force. i won't even mention many other bits of the big picture but i think you get the idea, right? so it is-- sheer joy of being here and now and i am grateful for all that is it is beyond my imagination and i can only say trust and know that god has something mighty powerful and i am very happy to share my bits yes, john, i still remember what you said in She-men international kite festival.... when i said "isn't life wonderful and beautiful .... you said" yes" and asked me "you know what is more important?" "share it". love, all around L.
Great pics from Newport! Very jealous. Big fan of Brenton Point and so many familair faces and friends in your Rev pics. Looks like a great time was had by all that attended the non event. indeed, that was two solid wonderful days full of amazing moment in different tunes. It's what we call "family". yeah, wonderful indeed. oh, one of the God winks for me that day was when all left and we were packing up before the rain, two people walked by kitt kite's tent. I blinked my eyes twice in flabbguested (pardon me of my spelling) a dear friend i had lost contact since almost 15 years ago appeared with his wife. i met him when we were in 16 and 17, he was to me like a younger brother since then. He was there by the god wink for sure (not even saw the kites in the air!) I had searched for him but in vain for many times. the last moments of our encounter wasn't very uplifting, i was not at my best so for all the maturity i had gained since then, i really wished that i could have another chance to see him. so you can imagine when god sent him over (literally walking toward me as a total stranger in his mind before he came to see the light! he thought i was trying to sell him kites when i looked at him with curiosity), how the grace ended my day and my longing to find him all together after a wonderful weekend on the kite field. better yet, i have planted the seeds in him about kite flying (well, he watched us packing and talking about kite stuff long enough to get interested), he will see us in BASKC! I am sure it's very possible he will join us for some fun in the air before long. (ah, at least he got a single line from Kitt so he can use his old kite). BTW, we were both from Taiwan, and to find each other here after 15 years, go figure. oh, the funny thing is--- i had been talking to Archie and Dennis about the question "what have you LOST and FOUND on the kite field" just before this reunion happened. I wasn't quite prepared for my new answer, but, loving it. the best thing is, All those wonderful winks took place in such a seamless weaving on the weekend i melt away my old stumbling blocks and started really flying from the core of my being. I felt like awakened now more then every about what flying means to me.
hello penny we just had a great weekend in Brenton Point park in Newport last weekend. two more events before WSIKF ! we will be in vancouver WA from 8/11, and most likely to go to the long beach on 8/17. every excited about meeting people in reality after reading the forum for so long. i am very amused about my new name from you Liftsong, ah, you are probably right (will talk to you more about my names later when we meet). don't worry, you don't have to change the label, you are allowed to use it just as you like. just so you know, most people call me "Litsong" or "songsong" your one (Liftsong) may be too hard for most others to say so i think we keep it between us. as for you, a woman with extra talent tracks, feel free to pronounce that as you please. thank you so much for loaning us the tent. that sure help out a great deal (at least my friends who lost my tent won't feel so bad) i had a great offer of hospitality from Glenn the good hearted and all my issues of "how to get to BASKC and WSIKF" are resolved. so i am very happy to say we are somewhat ready (not register for the program yet.) love and all gratitude Litsong about car rental, T recommended 4 wheel drive car, what am i expecting from driving around the area? a bit confused. about survival can anyone tell me a bit about their food plan? i have not done 8 days camping nor events longer then 4 days i don't like to eat dogs and burgers (no meat for me, thank you) i don't know if we will have time or energy to cook after long day on the beach walking, and flying (yes! the sherpa actually flies, a bit). Wen usually hang out until dusk before he calls it a day, then he loves the "after flying hanging out" very much if not more), yet he is a big eater of wholesome food. yeah, we are food people any advice or information welcome.
hello penny and watty we are also looking forward meeting you. just hope we have our video thing good in hands. about the tent, Penny, when will you be there? I so far plan to be there from Sunday to sunday if you tell me when you will be there, i can see if your tent may help us a great deal (lowering luggage volumn too) about the campsite, we had reservation in wildwood campsite, i think it is quite near the kite site, and it has internet. today i asked Wen to train me so i get to fly pair with him in the long run. we shook hands over dinner (yeah, i had a glass of wine before i proposed) now he gets excited that his sherpa will be his flying mate. I hope i catch up with him soon enough before he lose faith. anyway, i am happy with my new resolution! Litsong
hello folks we lost our tent (brand new) through a friend who kept it, and now don't really know what we will sleep in.... yet we had our airline tickets and camping spot reserved, so we are sure to be there (sunday to sunday). we hold a spot in wildwood camp ground, but so far only have our sleeping bags and pads what else do we need ? advice? our video recorder went to the repair http://www.kitelife.com/forum/style_emotic...fault/wacko.gif crossing our fingers that we have it back before the trip we leave on 8/9 to Boston and fly to portland 8/11. this is a big trip and we are excited! Hopefully we get the video recorder in time. see you soon Litsong
i just woke up in the middle of the night here from a not great dream related to kite flying. well, not that i fly badly or anything like that but our flying field was taken by these group of morrons from out of the area, they totally don't get it, and trying to fly dramatically and aggressively taking over the space and put everyone around in danger and that was not the bad part, the worst part was that i was trying so hard (too hard) to talk to one of their heads and explaining some basic respect of the fellows and the security measures for people involved... the really bad part is that i wake up feeling lousy how i preach in vain i don't like the preachy part, detail explaining i did trying to make sense with people who are totally airheaded so uncool... anyway, so i am awake now 3am and wondering 1.if any one had unpleasant dreams on the topic of kiting issues 2. what were the worst case you had issues with others on the kite field and how you handled that... pardon my sloppy writing, and now i will try to get back to sleep ps: the follow up was that i got up to search for car rental so i can drive down to ODSKC next week oh well, i will try to get back to sleep now it has been a week since we arrived in USA and the body is funny in how sleepy it gets in odd hours and what not John, if you are reading this, (where are you now ?) , how do you ever adjust to all time zones all the time?! just a younger body and mind combo? Litsong oh, our update here http://argentumdesigns.blogspot.com/ i post it so to announce that i would like to be addressed as Litsong more then "Wen's mom" which is all true and fine but uninteresting....zzzz on our way down to ODSKC from RI, anyone along the way like to host us so we can break the drive somewhat? probably should be on a seperate post, but it's 3am.....zzz
hey, watty and Penny: we just arrived in the USA last week, now in RI. we do hope to make it to the WSIKF (although i had not gotten the details yet) majory because we want to see the indoor thing (4 days! ) we will get our bearings in a couple of days and i shall look into the details to make it happen..... flight and lodging, etc. see you there Litsong
hello John we are hoping to go to the WSIKF for the first time. i know you are going (?) and Watty, .... finally meeting virtual kiting friends in person. we are going to leave for the long trip but had not make detailed plan for the WSIKF event we only know that we want to go. We will be coming from RI. any tips on lodging or flight are welcome. i first have to finish things here and leave for MA next week. enjoy the wind or no wind.... Litsong
dear Alex: about how people name their team. I remember our conversations regarding the meaning of "Lung Ta" last year. i had first asked Stephen and later on, i asked Thierry (sorry if my spelling was wrong, please correct me)on the bus. As he spoke the whole story of how the name came to be, his telling (and your translation ?) touched me so profoundly, it brought my understanding about kiters' soul to a different level. Just for that moment, i was glad that i got this chance to sit on the floor of the jammed bus with you guys. so far, Team Niji, and Lung Ta, these two team with their spirit and vision in kite flying never stop inspire me when i think of them /you. The invitation, does not apply to "summer", but mostly fall and spring in case you ever think about it. XX Litsong
ah, dear alex not that i am the XXX police here but the Japanese team you mentioned in your last post is Niji, not ninji. The name of the team can transfer the passion and deliver a beautiful glow of their kiters, such as Lungta. Team Niji is also a team with beautiful vision and spirit. Niji means rainbow in Japanese and they pride themselves as rainbow bridging the worlds Hiko san (Team Niji) just visited us in Taiwan for a kite vacation in April. We hosted him and took him to places for various kite flying and gathering. This gave me an idea of kite guest/ kite vacation! So if you are taking a vacation to Taiwan, you can be our guest (if you come in the time we are actually at home, ha ha ). XX Litsong
Hey Alex good to see you here the kite flyer in your second video was Kitai Lee, working hard with all the support from his team (KOKFA). It was my honor and pleasure to be their hostess and translator for the festival. My impression was that hey specialize in single line kites. They are very warm and sincere and did a great job teaching in their kite making workshop. sweet memories from a windy festival Litsong ps: i like the spinning thing (which you named monster) very much.
Hello John, I had finally figured things out and now we are taking a 6- day family vacation to Japan! see you on May 2 there. Litsong
Hey, Penny a friend of ours want to know your line measurements. for indoor, you must have various sets judging from your video clips. would you mind sharing your tips on line sets? Litsong
Hey, Baloo, I did the recording, so you might be standing over MY shoulder instead. That (Portsmouth K.F.) sure was an exciting detour for us. We bought that little gem (hard disc camcorder/sony) right before we get on the plane (to England) , and we really got a lot out of it. Litsong/Wen's sherpa
i just might =) hey, John, do you have more info on the Uchinada festival? since you mention it, we are looking into the wind and start dreaming.... the sherpa needs more data to process..... the kiter just lights up with a gleeeeeee....
hello scott: Wen meant March 16, that is our date for indoor kiting play day. so far we know a few very dedicated flyers will come, this is as a playgroup/studygroup since we are all trying to scratch the new ground here. Bell Chiu is the only one who had done indoor kiting for years, he will join us. We sure will try to video the flights as we also like to study them afterwards. But i am sure Wen will not wait till then, he must fly his reflection this week, too itchy. i am writing to the neighborhood school (where the videos you saw have been taken during our new year holidays) and try to strike an agreement for using their hall when possible with minimum fee.... wish me luck on that one, because otherwise we don't get enough flying (indoor). Good to know that you are back on the field! Love Litsong
what's your problem with indoor kite practice/events
Litsong replied to Litsong's topic in Indoor Flying
thanks Watty. how do you get your lines into a ball? (so i know what to avoid) The only time i get my line into a ball was flying a very light weight glider (1.53g) with sewing line. so far i am still trying to find better solutions then using the sewing line. Where do you practice indoor flying?