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Everything posted by NWkiteluv

  1. This is my first year of kite flying and my first WSIKF. I'm arriving tomorrow! Can it be tomorrow already? I feel like a kid on Christmas eve!
  2. NWkiteluv

    Sunset 3

    Thanks mate! Beautiful evening of flying. It was nice to have a friend there whose passion is photography to catch some photos.
  3. NWkiteluv


    Photos of myself and others flying kites.
  4. NWkiteluv

    Sunset 6

    From the album: Kites

  5. NWkiteluv

    Sunset 5

    From the album: Kites

  6. NWkiteluv

    Sunset 4

    From the album: Kites

  7. NWkiteluv

    Sunset 3

    From the album: Kites

  8. NWkiteluv

    Sunset 2

    From the album: Kites

  9. NWkiteluv

    Sunset fly

    From the album: Kites

  10. NWkiteluv

    into the sunset

    From the album: Kites

  11. NWkiteluv

    More faded

    From the album: Kites

  12. NWkiteluv

    WM standard

    From the album: Kites

  13. NWkiteluv


    From the album: Kites

  14. NWkiteluv

    Delta with 24' tail

    From the album: Kites

  15. NWkiteluv

    Single line kites

    From the album: Kites

  16. NWkiteluv

    9' delta

    From the album: Kites

  17. Nine days of flying was the best and I'm happy that I ran into you Dave. It was great to get some flying time in and your advice on flick flacs helped me get them solid. I learned a lot. Most importantly to not take your eyes off the shovel.
  18. And here is a photo of my new sled in action. Thanks again Kitelife and Dave362 for the photo! This is a pretty awesome kite. Easily pulled my 75' tube and looks pretty sexy too! http://kitelife.com/forum/gallery/image/5770-/
  19. NWkiteluv

    IMG 0221

    From the album: Kites

    Flying my new sled that I won. Thanks again Kitelife! <3
  20. I had it in time for the festival of colors at Ocean Shores this past weekend. I got so distracted flying my dual lines that my single line kites never came out of the car. I will definitely post photos when I get the chance to fly it!
  21. Hey cool! I just got back from camping and now I have a new awesome fiery kite coming! Thanks!
  22. Best weekend of kite flying ever! I had a such and amazing time working on new skills and meeting some other flyers. Having the opportunity to try team flying was seriously awesome! I can't wait for more! Thanks again John!
  23. I'm in! See you there!
  24. April has been a great month of flying kites for me. Lot's of excellent practice time flying dual lines in different wind speeds on all my kites! I'm working on connecting my JL and back spins and my flying has greatly improved after the kite clinic that John B hosted here a while back. I don't take a lot of photos when I fly but here is one a friend caught from an early April trip to the local beach. It's too crowded for dual line on the beach so I was flying my 9' delta. My friends all took turns flying it while we enjoyed conversation and the sunset. I'm trying to hook some people locally so I have more friends to fly with.
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