No magnifying glass, it took 10 minutes, because of the stops to take the pictures. It would have taken 5 else I guess. With 150lb, the braid is tighter so it is a bit longer.
Most of it is explained well in the first video you posted, but my way of threading each part through the other one twice allows for much less loose line to thread back at the end, and has a much better resistance against slipping when using new laserpro line and getting it wet...
The idea of tying a knot like on John's video kindof defeats the purpose of a splice... (Note that splices weaken the line much less than knots...)
@Wayne, this is the setup I have on the lines I use in comps, because it should be easier for the helpers, although some try to larkshead the smaller loops when changing kites... When I want to remove one from the rev bridles I slip the larkshead away from the stopper knot (even with gloves...) and then separate the two strands of bridle which pulls the larkshead open... I'll try to take pics. I'm 55 so 60 is getting close...