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HQ Shadow Bridle Mod?


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Hi all,

As a beginner with few months of experience (Elliot Mirage for fitness training, Prism Hypnotist for mid-wind and HQ Shadow for 2-8 mph wind) i tend to need the ground recovery more often then I want, so trying to master it. With both Elliot (but this beast is more often in air than on ground) and Hypnotist I usually have no issues to put them back in the air, without the 'walk of shame'.

The story is totally different with HQ Shadow. I have usually issues with un-tangling (unable to get rid of tip wrap because of sail nock) , and ground recoveries 'slips' the Angle of Attack bridle adjustment way, way over the scale. I have noticed, I am not to gentle on short, sharp pull when doing Cartwheels, so the connection of lines changes the position by 2-3 inches making the kite steerable only in one direction.

My questions are:

- is there a way to make the bridle connection more "stable"? As far as I remember, this is double lark's head. Do You guys put something between both High Wind AoA and Low Wind AoA red markings? In Prism, there is a knot, so the line will not move beyond far-end settings. In Shadow, everything is possible when You tug it too hard...

- am I too rough with the kite while recovering?


I fly my Shadow with ~65 foot lines and usually feels comfortable with it (besides very lowest winds).

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First - to keep your lines from tangling at the nock, try putting a soft vinyl cap over them. Should make for a "cleaner" end of wingtip.

If there is a double larkshead check for this - Are you "milking" the knot down fully to lock it into position? You should be able to pull from both sides of the bridle to "unlock" the connection. But if done correctly, the double larkshead should lock in the bridle piece when pulled tight.

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Thanks guys. I will invest for wingtip-end caps. No cost, no weight - nothing to loose.

Thanks also for prusik knot - seems I've done the lark over lark, which is not the proper one. At least not in my case anyway.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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