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Has anyone here flown the DiamondKites Veyron?


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I have not even seen (much less flown) a Diamond Kites Veyron, but it came along during my hiatus -- so had to look it up. Good looking review on kiteclique if you haven't already seen it. Sharing it for the possible benefit of others, too:


Very interesting and capable kite from the video linked therein.



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9 hours ago, jaydub200 said:

It's a nice kite.  Had more success doing a Wap-do-wap on the Veyron than anything before and since.  Dod a straight swap for a Hugo, which i liked even better

I figured someone had tried one. Read good things about the Hugo as well. 

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6 hours ago, cjay said:

If you don't mind me asking, why did you get rid of them?

Neither were ideally suited to my very poor normal flying site which is a 35m v 25m plateau on top of a hill, where the wind is quite gusty and there is very little advance notifications of dogs approaching.  Both kites really needed flying on 30m plus lines, which I just couldn't do there.

Both are very nice kites.  The Hugo is a very accurate kite.  It does everything you ask it to do in the way you ask it to do, but for me who is used to flying freestyle kites, it lacked a bit of soul.  The Veyron went because I was offered a direct swap and it was too good a deal to pass up.

I miss them both for different reasons, but they both went to flyers who had better locations to fly them in.

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I would probably like the Hugo and Veyron if they weren't too light on the lines. I like some pull so I can feel the kite. Doesn't much matter because there are plenty of kite options in the US and I will probably never see a Hugo or Veyron around.

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