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Well, I had a great day of flying at the beach this afternoon. The winds were cooperative, and I got in some good flying sessions.

I was having a bit of fun with an over enthusiastic Labrador by playing "catch me if you can", and well... he did. I was dive stopping, hovering and reverse launching just out of the dog's reach. Our antics became entertainment for a quickly growing audience for about 15 minutes. I got a bit overconfident, flew too far to the edge of the wind window and I was not able launch fast enough. "Rocky" proceeded put a hole in my favorite Rev 1.5 SLE, and the show came to an close with a surprise ending that I did not foresee.

The damage was minimal, and now I have a 3 x 3 inch "L" shaped rip in my sail. The rip is clean, and I read that Tedlar tape is good for repairing kite sails. The kite flew fine for the rest of the afternoon, even with the hole in it!

I was hoping to gather some insight on what the best sail repair techniques would be for a Rev 1.5 with a minor battle scar. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks! :gathering:




Tape the edges together, carefully, using masking tape or similar. Don't overlap the edges, but don't leave any gaps or wrinkles either. Be precise. Place the tape on the front of the kite.

Carefully put some superglue along the tear, on the backside of the kite. You don't need to smear it around, and the least amount of glue, the better. Use a toothpick.

You may place some more tape on the backside over the glue to ensure that it sets up.

Now peel the tape off. If you did the job right, the repair will be invisible from 5 feet away and will last as long as the rest of the kite.

Do a forum search on "CA" or "super glue" - there have been other threads with more detailed instructions if you need them.

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