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Ya know, the Silver Fox doesn't get near the respect that it deserves. This is one totally awesome kite that does it all for about half the price of kites that are comparable. Nice kite for sure....oh, and the video is awesome as is the pilot.

Well done John.


The only thing I crave in the Silver Fox at times is a stiffer frame, but with a tender hand, it's more than sufficient... Especially for the price. ;)

I have two UL's and two standards, all 2.5 models... Can't wait to try the vented, neat design.


aaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! I keep getting error alerts every time I try and watch your vids. I really wanna see the SF! I checked your personal site, the link on GWTW and here and its all the same. *sigh* But the vids accessed from the comp vid page on here work fine.......


Hrm? what's that? Yeah, usually I can see stuff on you tube just fine. I'll keep trying. I saw your demo onthe Sea Devil. Looked like at Delta Park, and I really like your flying. I'm interested in the Silver Fox UL so I know if I saw you flying it I'd have to get it ;)


Got it to work! I just went to you tube first. My comuter must have issues. Anyway, hey! Great great flying! that's gotta be my next kite!!!! That was truly sweet!



That Silver Fox UL is stock, 3 point bridle setting, 3 weights (same size as it comes with) on the tail, with the nose pulled in about 1/8" (bridle points moved up).

I also cut the plastic beads off the bridle, just to reduce the weight a little more. ;)

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