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We just started hosting the indoor kiting play day since Jan 13. Next event will be on March 16.

any tips on running indoor kiting gathering will be appreciated.....

i do have one question here and wish to hear diverse feedbacks

when we have the indoor thing (in a hall of an elementary school)

there are some times little kids coming by and want to fly

do you let spectators into the space ? what about safety issue and liability?

since the space we have is pretty tight already (one basketball court, indoor)

and people came from a distance (two hours drive some of them) to participate

as we do free flying and demo ballet plus mystery ballet

some of them don't want the little kids in the space for safety issue and also for limited space when free flying

i wish to know how people perceive this situation as organizers/hosts, flyers or a curious george

here in Taiwan, this is the first indoor kiting gathering for fun! and we hosts (iSPACE) are just trying to figure things out.

be the change we want to see in our world / living our dream is what we do.


ps: for those who know Wen Jeng, this is his sherpa

pps: This Sherpa flies Bai (thank you stephen) and loves rev even still trying (when Wen is not flying :) )


Hello Wen's Sherpa,

If you let kids try your kite, you will share indoor kites, perking other's interest and helping the sport to grow. At least one child will probably fall down and bump their head on the floor. So you are taking a chance. It might be best to start out with the kite flyers that come to fly.

If you add lessons, a short time frame like 12 - 1:00. Probably not even that long, but a few times in the day.

When I do a school assembly, I like to ask for volunteers from the clases to help hold a kite parade. With kids, musics and kites, the schools really enjoy it. Then flyers.

Later on you can have kids kite making and a kids parade.. or even now, if someone is willing to take that on.

In a small school gym, I split the kids into two age groups and had two assembly's. The kids sat on 1/2 of the gym floor, and the flyers flew on the other 1/2. All the kids eyes were on the kites.

I like to pull up the principle or gym teacher, or ask the kids and they all hollor the name of the favorite teacher. I teach them how to launch the kite.. and you know how that goes the first couple of times. :P It's not as easy as it looks. I teach them how to catch it. Then pull up a kid about 5-6 and have them catch it. The teachers say it is the best assembly they ever had.

There will be lots of ways to run an event, indoor, school assembly. I hope you hear from others what they do that works.

Best Breezes,

Penny ~who hasn't met wen and his famly yet.... Come to Long Beach, WA :)


We just started hosting the indoor kiting play day since Jan 13. Next event will be on March 16.

any tips on running indoor kiting gathering will be appreciated.....

i do have one question here and wish to hear diverse feedbacks

when we have the indoor thing (in a hall of an elementary school)

there are some times little kids coming by and want to fly

do you let spectators into the space ? what about safety issue and liability?

since the space we have is pretty tight already (one basketball court, indoor)

and people came from a distance (two hours drive some of them) to participate

as we do free flying and demo ballet plus mystery ballet

some of them don't want the little kids in the space for safety issue and also for limited space when free flying

i wish to know how people perceive this situation as organizers/hosts, flyers or a curious george

here in Taiwan, this is the first indoor kiting gathering for fun! and we hosts (iSPACE) are just trying to figure things out.

be the change we want to see in our world / living our dream is what we do.


ps: for those who know Wen Jeng, this is his sherpa

pps: This Sherpa flies Bai (thank you stephen) and loves rev even still trying (when Wen is not flying :) )


Hi Litsong,

Your passion has been transfered through Wen, I've watched it over time and it is, what is beautiful, and supposed to be! I would love to see Wen and Litsong flying Rev's indoor together! It can be easy, Both of you can handle the kite, just do it at the same time, one kite over the other, It would be AWESOME to see MOTHER & SON, flying pairs! VERY possible, TRY IT! Just for fun each take turns walking/flying a circle over the other flyer! ok ok, enough SCOTT... about letting public fly?

What we have done in the past, is open the floor for 15 minutes on the hour for public..45 minutes demo/practice pilots.. to give the wanting public a chance, and it also gives the pilots a chance to share thier individualism/ specialty, Then after 15 minutes, clear floor, Demos start for the regular pilots. This has worked for us at times, maybe have a waiver to sign.. If they step into arena... just to release liability of the GYM or Organization putting the event on! just a simple agreement. If you want to try please sign.. to say "You fly at your own risk" it protects everyone and the public gets PROFESSIONAL instruction for a few minutes. Sharing passion! :)

Scott Weider


Hello Penny:

thanks for responding.

Since all of us are new (that's why we get together to share the space and our talents), nobody really knows

except while trying. there are a couple who are more experienced(namely, Wen, Geary=rev, and Daryel =single line flyer), we are not to the point to do anything with the public yet.

It is in the school hall, so there are school kids sneaking in during our sunday practice (we rent the space from the school). There is no door that we can close (the gate is downstairs controlled by the security, they open so we can go in).

I did invite them for our Gelato /Italian ice cream, given by a friend who can't come.

I also let them use my kite (Bai, thanks again stephen, what a treasure!), and at times asked another flyer to teach them on the side (using fighter kites). As for Newbies kite flyers, we do share generously since they know the basics and had been flying outdoor.

I did make a rough schedule for free fly, demo, Mystery Ballet and come to learn

it worked with the flyers so far. as for the unexpected standing by children i may need to come up with a safety sheet (anyone ?) so they understand the basics for indoor kiting (any advice welcome, we are all learning by doing it)

The last thing i do is to exclude anyone from coming to drool, or try.

I just need to have some basic ground covered.

another thing i am embarressed---- i have not made indoor kites yet.

when kids want to know where and how we get the kites that we fly ($)


maybe looking into some handy kite making that fly well indoor would be a good outlet for the kids.

thanks Penny.


dear Scott:

well, the idea of having two indoor rev here is exactly what you hinted!

except i am coming along really slowly after my injury and my late blooming talent (if at all)

last weekend indoor i managed to nick your blue when Wen is fixing something and the best i can do is to

go around in circles but i am sooooo happy that i can move so little and see the kites move so swiftly

(yeah, addictive! like meditation). but i don't get enough practice now we just got such limited space and usage and i do make Wen the priority as he learns faster and it is beautiful to just let him do what his passion is.

Well, i am sure someday we will fly together. and that someday will come faster if we have more time and space to practice.

thank you for the tips of running indoors, maybe if i make a board announcement for the schedule and pointed out to the kids, that will help them understand how and why we are doing this and that....

again, please let me know anything you know about indoor kite safety so i can come up with a sheet for review.

It is not like outdoor, sharing kites outdoor we have done plenty, but indoor, we are just figuring things out by stumbling.

Passion, Scotty is a wonderful role model, as i had witness the love between you and Wen, a mother could not ask for better or more. You had done so much for Wen and now you can be proud that he is passing your flame on to others and those others may be in the place you have never been to (yet).

ps: our effort of hosting indoor flying is simply

1. we want to fly

2. we want to someday share with the public such an art and play

3. if we do 1 well, we can do 2 in a better setting (my plan is make an annual event including audience such as our family and friends , and in two years we hope to rent a bigger space for the public to see too)

thanks for listening and blessings, we love what we do!

and with kitelife we can find Q+A and feedbacks and support!

aren't we lucky?! thank you J.B.

Hi Litsong,

Your passion has been transfered through Wen, I've watched it over time and it is, what is beautiful, and supposed to be! I would love to see Wen and Litsong flying Rev's indoor together! It can be easy, Both of you can handle the kite, just do it at the same time, one kite over the other, It would be AWESOME to see MOTHER & SON, flying pairs! VERY possible, TRY IT! Just for fun each take turns walking/flying a circle over the other flyer! ok ok, enough SCOTT... about letting public fly?

What we have done in the past, is open the floor for 15 minutes on the hour for public..45 minutes demo/practice pilots.. to give the wanting public a chance, and it also gives the pilots a chance to share thier individualism/ specialty, Then after 15 minutes, clear floor, Demos start for the regular pilots. This has worked for us at times, maybe have a waiver to sign.. If they step into arena... just to release liability of the GYM or Organization putting the event on! just a simple agreement. If you want to try please sign.. to say "You fly at your own risk" it protects everyone and the public gets PROFESSIONAL instruction for a few minutes. Sharing passion! :)

Scott Weider


It sounds like you are all are going to have years of fun ahead of you Litsong. The passion in this sport is all about learning to fly new moves. Even after flying for many years I love it when you learn to do something new. It's only as limited as our imagination. Even if the move has been done before, it's still new to each flyer when they learn it. Kids learn quick, but there's more out there to discover and it's awesome fun working on it. Keep looking up! BB Penny ~ who answered this email twice before and pushed the back button. Don't do that.. it doesn't work well. lol bb


We just started hosting the indoor kiting play day since Jan 13. Next event will be on March 16.

any tips on running indoor kiting gathering will be appreciated.....

i do have one question here and wish to hear diverse feedbacks

when we have the indoor thing (in a hall of an elementary school)

there are some times little kids coming by and want to fly

do you let spectators into the space ? what about safety issue and liability?

since the space we have is pretty tight already (one basketball court, indoor)

and people came from a distance (two hours drive some of them) to participate

as we do free flying and demo ballet plus mystery ballet

some of them don't want the little kids in the space for safety issue and also for limited space when free flying

i wish to know how people perceive this situation as organizers/hosts, flyers or a curious george

here in Taiwan, this is the first indoor kiting gathering for fun! and we hosts (iSPACE) are just trying to figure things out.

be the change we want to see in our world / living our dream is what we do.


ps: for those who know Wen Jeng, this is his sherpa

pps: This Sherpa flies Bai (thank you stephen) and loves rev even still trying (when Wen is not flying :) )

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