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Thanks for the welcome Mousie :devil: I am hoping to make it to LC, I got my weekends crossed on my last posting. We shall see, I will be looking for a floor to crash on and a ride if I am going to go.

sorry, no T shirts.  Tube tops  ... Bosley's orders!

I want a pair of shorts that has Llama's Angels across the tail :blue-cool: Beware, this is all very possible :ninja:

Kirstie, sorry to hear about you bf, his loss anyway. You sure have had a crazy few weeks.

Alright, off to my homework. It is my last day of class tonight, so I wont have to worry about anything school wise if I can get to L.C. next weekend.

Angel Moon signing off.

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hehehe... I SO want a pair of sweats with Llama's Angels on the butt... MUWAHAHAHAHA


Ohhh.. Lincoln City?! i won't be there. *tear* I'll be at Seaside for Nationals!!! :blue-cool:

OK.... i'm looking into some shirts with Llama's Angels, and Sweats.... *evil laugh* they're gonna be black, with Pink letters!!! :ninja:


*laughs for 5 minutes*

i burst out laughing, and my parents just stared at me. LOL

Careful, you'll break another nickel! :blue-cool::ninja::devil:

i fell, and broke my nickle
Kirstie, sorry to hear about you bf, his loss anyway. You sure have had a crazy few weeks.

Hey.... its ok. we're better off as friends anyways... we're still going to homecomming as friends!!! :blue-cool:

OK.... i'm looking into some shirts with Llama's Angels, and Sweats.... *evil laugh* they're gonna be black, with Pink letters!!!

Now that would be cool!!! I would wear it with pride :D

Hey.... its ok. we're better off as friends anyways... we're still going to homecomming as friends!!!

Sometimes it all works out better that way :sq-smile:

hehehe... I SO want a pair of sweats with Llama's Angels on the butt... MUWAHAHAHAHA

I think this is what we should be looking for, and we should try to get them before Nationals. HEEHEEHEE :devil:

:sq-smile: Wow, this Llama's Angels group sounds like a lot of fun! I am seeing lots of talk about tube tops, tail, shorts and as I recall at one time there was some talk about me being at the bottom of a pile. After having my back hurt a few weeks ago I don't think I should do any running in the sand at L.C., be gentle girls! :devil: Anyone wanna fly my Cody? :D Hey, bring your current issue of Kiting mag. to Lincoln City and I will autograph it for you, should make the value of that issue sky rocket just like my kites :w00t:
Now that would be cool!!! I would wear it with pride :devil:

I think this is what we should be looking for, and we should try to get them before Nationals. HEEHEEHEE :sq-smile:

HELL YEAH!!!! LOL.... I am GONNA do it. :D


hmmmm Black t shirts.. pink lettering.... thinking we can get that done by Lincoln City.. Can I be the rebel Angel??? I think I have a head start lol..

Girls get your orders in.. its time to go shoppinggggggggggggg woohoo



ps.. umm how many llamas are gonna be on my butt??? :sq-smile:

:sq-smile: Cooties??? Hey little girl isn't it past your bed time? So much for her getting my autograph (make a mental note, no autographs for Planegirly). Hey Llama, you need to take care of this Angel for me, she is telling me bad things about my Cody's :devil: As for that Rebel you have in your flock, well now .... let me take care of that one for you, I promise to get her back in line :w00t: I know I am much wiser than to have said a thing like that, why oh why did I say that? :D
HAHAHA.... never is it TIME to go to sleep... *evil laugh* I AM THE ARCHANGEL!!! <_< i'd watch out if i were you cody... :devil:

You tell him Angels! :sq-smile:

Here is what I am wondering...

Cody will be at Lincoln City. <_< At least 2 of the 4 angles will be there. :w00t: He's scrappy, but old and probably cant run fast for long. :lol::lol:

so... :D Shall I bring the hair dye? :w00t:


:devil: OH yesssssssssss Bring it all LLama.... If anyone can get the job done, it will be your Angels!!! I am on it..Got the rope packed up, and the other high tech stuff Bosley sent us. How bout you Tater???? Think we can take care of this?

By the way LLama, how are ya doing out on the yacht?? Catching anything? :sq-smile: ...

Tater, Plane, and Moon, get a hold of me fast.. If we are getting these black catsuits, with pink writting... I need to get on it. Email me! Make sure you put the self destruct feature in.... You know how LLama gets if we dont.


Rebel Angel

aka mousie


haha.... ok Rebel. Well... hmmmm should we doooo

1. Sweat pants

2. Tee-shirts

3. hoodies

4. shorts

lol.... pick one. muwahahahaha... i shall make them happen.... Hopefully before nationals.. WHICH IS IN A WEEK!!!! *DIES*

:sq-smile: Oh darn, I just found out I can't go to Lincoln City, something about Cody kites being more appreachiated at the North Jetty beach in Florence, I get free room and board for the weekend and everything. Picture me on the beach being hugged and kissed on by little red haired girlys in pink T-shirts with black lettering :devil:

Hey Plane girl... gonna ck out the tshirts tommorow... unless we wanna go with the cat suits.... hmmm achoooooooooooooooo nope.. allergic.. better stick with the t shirts..

too bad Cody is gonna miss all the fun.... perhaps we should redirect... *looks over at Mnkyboy...hmmm bettin he is not that fast...

What do ya think LLama??? Shall we get the monkey???

waits for instructions..

rebel angel..

Beach monkeys are notorious for being very wily and very fast, so, you'll have to be fast... :sq-smile:

MUWAHAHAHA.... don't worry.. I'm a sprinter in track, AND a long distance in X-country MUWAHAHAHA!!!!! :devil: I shall prevail!!!

oh yeah!!! Go mousie!!!! :w00t: I think i'm alergic to tight fitting suits... LOL. :D i'd look like a dork.. which is NOTHING from the norm. LMAO :w00t:

i do like the monkey thing, although i won't be at LC, i WILL be at Nationals!!!

Since i am the ARCHANGEL i order all angels at LC to get monkey!!



Lets not lose focus Angels! Let the monkey boy run, we'll get him later :w00t:

:lol: Right now, the task at hand is Codygeezer. :lol:

I am thinking a good bath in the D River at Lincoln City :w00t: then a little fresh hair coloring should do the trick.

I'll bring the hair color... who has the soap and scrub brush? :D

:sq-smile: Careful out there Angels! :devil:

Lets not lose focus Angels! Let the monkey boy run, we'll get him later :w00t:

:lol: Right now, the task at hand is Codygeezer. :o

I am thinking a good bath in the D River at Lincoln City :w00t: then a little fresh hair coloring should do the trick.

I'll bring the hair color... who has the soap and scrub brush? :D

:sq-smile: Careful out there Angels! :devil:

what does Bosley have to say about this?! :lol:


Right now, the task at hand is Codygeezer. 

Looks as if CodyGuy is not going to be at LC, remeber this posting:

Oh darn, I just found out I can't go to Lincoln City, something about Cody kites being more appreachiated at the North Jetty beach in Florence

So who are we after now Bosley?????

Now for a technical question, how do you get all this "quote" stuff to work with all the clickable smiles?

Sometimes I am not the brightest crayon in the box :sq-smile:

what does Bosley have to say about this?! :w00t:

Bosley is gone. I am in charge! What the heck... Boz is just a figurehead anyway! :sq-smile::devil::D

After all, is isn't Bosley's angels, is it? sheesh! <_<

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