hvkmike Posted September 13, 2004 Report Posted September 13, 2004 I have done the naked thing..and your right.loads of smles. My son was 12 in that shot.Already with 4 years of kiting under his belt. If anything I am holding him back. He is 14 now & an avid buggy mountainboarder & kitesurfer. I often think I should just turn him lose to see what he can do. Kids! I don't know where he gets it from.LOL also..parachuting over water is no safer.Water gets very hard at 100mph. Although we strive to go higher,longer & faster....we do try to do it in the safest possible manner..........well most of the time.hahahha Later Good Winds Mike Quote
windofchange Posted September 13, 2004 Report Posted September 13, 2004 I would have to agree with Peggy. I tried my best to stay out of this one but feel I must say something to whoever is thinking of doing this type of activity. Those kind of careless stunts are exactly what give kite flyers a bad name. I think you are lucky that the only hazard that came from that was that your pals were dragged across the grass. I have heard of many situations here where overpowered kites have gotten out of control and caused damage to vehicles, picnic areas, other patrons at the park (namely families with small children), pets...etc, not to mention the countless injuries to the pilot. I would hate to face the city council and the national parks and recreation here trying my best to keep power kites from being totally banned when they are looking at a news article about how a family outing turned into a serious and expensive trip to the emergency room with their child who is now in intensive care - I hope this never happens. Kite bans are a serious concern around the world these days and have been implemented in several spots in the US. Try showing this kind of irresponsible behavior to the Chicago Kite Surfing Association...I don't think they would find it amusing in the least, especially after fighting for the last 6+ months to try and lift their ban on all forms of kite traction activity (including surfing and buggying). Hawaii is also facing similar threats as well as South Padre in Texas and certain areas in Florida. California has been another area of serious scrutiny about kite flyers. One beach that I was at last year only allowed kite flyers after 5:00 at night because of the growing concerns about public safety and the dangers and accidents that so many officials have heard of. By anchoring yourself to the ground and being pulled up into the air you risk many of the terrifying things that Penny has mentioned. Wind gusts can be severe and unpredictable. A 20mph gust could be the cause of you being ripped in half, lines breaking and you dropping to the ground, kite ripping out of your hands and taking out a group of people while you fall to the ground, etc... I also noticed that you do not wear a helmet, after being knocked unconcious while flying my F-arc 1200 I would seriously recommend getting one, especially if you are going to be getting any type of air....and I did have a helmet on when I got whacked!! Would hate to even imagine what whould have happened to me without it. I don't mean to condem your activity but want to warn others who are not fully experienced in the amount of power kites are capable of producing. Please make sure that if you do attempt to do land based jumping that you have tons of down wind room in case something goes wrong or the wind conditions change abruptly, make sure that families and children are well behind you. Make sure you wear proper protection for youself (helmet and pads) and that you have safety features that you can activate to detatch the kite in the event of an emergency. If you do have a safety release, make sure you have a leash on your kite so the loose kite does not rocket downwind and cause injury to others (picture a 8+ meter kite flying onto an express way... .) Never put others in danger from your flying activities and I do not ever recommend anchoring yourself to any type of stationary object while flying. Ok, off of my soap box now..... Have fun, fly safe and fly tomorrow too. Quote
John Barresi Posted September 13, 2004 Report Posted September 13, 2004 Agreed... Experienced fliers aside, I have to think back on an incident that happened in the early 90's with Dean Jordan where he was manlifting (tethered between kite and telephone pole)... His helmet slipped over his eyes, the kites went out of control, and he went plummeting at the ground so hard that his pelvis shattered in a number of places and cost him thousands of dollars to recover from. I think there's a time and place for it, but should always be conducted hand in hand with safety education and the assurance (waiver) that all participants are taking sole responsibility. With regard to kids, or those under the age of majority... I think until there is a designated place (like skateboard parks, ski parks, etc for their respective sports) where fliers can do this kind of thing - that 18 or over might be the recommended rule of thumb simply due to the legal aspects, and public perception... Do we look at the day's fun, or kiting's long term preservation? Not that I think you would Mike, but be sure not to take these comments on a personal note... Simply as other opinions, to which you should feel free to reply as even-handedly. Quote
Mousie Posted September 14, 2004 Report Posted September 14, 2004 ok ok.. think I will fly the trilbys a bit longer... lol.. I beat myself up falling off horses too long to do that.. and I have to agree about the safety issues. You only get one body and one head.. I am ignorant as to this power lift stuff.. and willing to admit it.. but safety is first regardless. These stories you all just shared are not exactly pretty. Thanks for the heads up.. I consider myself more educated.. Hugs , Mousie... <:3_)~~~~~ Quote
Mousie Posted September 14, 2004 Report Posted September 14, 2004 and by the way... AMENNNNNNNNNN lol Quote
codykiteguy Posted September 14, 2004 Report Posted September 14, 2004 Got a better idea there Trilbygirly! Stick with your Cody, you can drink beer, smoke cigars or do what ever with one hand (dont get the wrong ideas there guys) and fly your kite with the other Hey folks dont blame me for showing up here, the Trilbygirly said I should come and take a look, but after hearing about the possibilities in Cody kite flying I expect to see a lot of quad fliers headed for the single line side of the field?????? Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted September 14, 2004 Author Report Posted September 14, 2004 I like lto watch kite jumping, surfing boarding.... all of it. Just be careful out there. And share the pictures and the knowledgle. Thanks for all the help you've given me with my preconceptions. Preconceptions can cause a lot of problems, or hold a lot of people back. That information was priceless. I don't want to go to someone's web page and read all about it. I want my questions answered, or other's questions answered that I might learn from it. And it's great we're trying not to be judgemental in this forum. Now hold on Rick. Cody's can require more then one hand. You know Cody's are a man lifting machine. I've got the shirt to prove it! Melinda Davis created a few excellent cartoon shirts about a decade ago. One of them is a guy changing a flat tire. Nothing unusual about that, but the jack he used to raise the car was a cody wound around a tree limb for leverage. I like it. I thought about you when I wore it the other day. Thought I might give it to you.. but thinking it's maybe a little small...... and huh.. how do you feel about wearing hot pink? BB Penny Quote
hvkmike Posted September 14, 2004 Report Posted September 14, 2004 No problem John....everyone has their own opinion. He did have some very good points. I'd like to point out that my son & I are both seasoned & experienced traction kiters. The shots were from a festival where we were doing a demo. A controlled safe setting....& we were by no means overpowered to the point of danger. It was meant to show the power that can be generated by larger kites.We do stress the danger & that it should NOT be attempted by anyone but expert flyers. To do a demo & get trashed would defeat the purpose. Bans on traction kites is a concern on many beaches & we kite responsibly whenever in the publics eye.Respect & knowledge of the wind is important too. This could go on forever..lol Later Good Winds Mike Quote
RICHWIWA Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 For Penny - I found the Kite Fairy!!! Thanks for letting me try the Super Blast, I was amazed it flew in such lite wind...AWESOME! I mean't to ask if you have your own buggy and what kind? I may be able to afford one next spring. That was fun flying in the fog huh?? LOL Breezes Rich Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted September 27, 2004 Author Report Posted September 27, 2004 It was a super blast huh! Glad you found the sight and forum. Pretty kewl, yeah! I enjoyed playing with you too. good flying! Yes, I have my own buggy.. so no buggy cops have to come after me if I fly to long. Yes, keep up on events. Your in the middle of nowhere.. kinda nice place to be.. But we're not that far away! keep in touch.. Come play in here.. sometimes we're serious, sometimes.. we're just like the kite fair.... a little goofy. Back to work for me! BB Penny Quote
markrogers Posted December 31, 2004 Report Posted December 31, 2004 codykiteguy said: Got a better idea there Trilbygirly! Stick with your Cody, you can drink beer, smoke cigars or do what ever with one hand (dont get the wrong ideas there guys) and fly your kite with the other Hey folks dont blame me for showing up here, the Trilbygirly said I should come and take a look, but after hearing about the possibilities in Cody kite flying I expect to see a lot of quad fliers headed for the single line side of the field?????? There are some of us with bars/harnesses who can do the same with both hands free Quote
samritter Posted January 4, 2005 Report Posted January 4, 2005 Buggying with a SuperBlast!!!!! Now that was fun!!! Last I did that was on Ivanpah 2003. Joe Hadzicki and I were out. That kite can really cut up wind, much more so than the foils. Imagine doing 20 mph with the kite going backwards. Joe couldn't believe it when I did that. I think he got 40mph(Timed by GPS) out of the SuperBlast while I could only do about 30mph. I had to be nice to his kite. I would have popped his lines if I went for more. The kite requires fine control and really depowers nicely!!! Sam Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted January 4, 2005 Author Report Posted January 4, 2005 I popped two sets of 90 lb till I got my 200lb. No problems since. Yeah, I totally love it and still don't get to spend enough time with it. BB Penny Quote
weebaldy Posted April 16, 2005 Report Posted April 16, 2005 Hi Guys I read this thread with great interest. I used to fly stunties and also buggy ( about 2 years ago ) and had to give it up due to work committments. Got so sad seeing the kites and buggy go unsed I sold the lot :-((. Anyway things have changed and I was looked for a kite to use on my forthcoming hols, pretty much settled for a rev and also saw the SuperBlast and it looks AWESOME!!!. As someone with a fair amount of 4 line foil experience would you guys say that a SuperBalst would be worth try. I am still going to get a Rev 1.5SLE cause they look sweet, will the experience I get from flying the Rev help with the SuperBlast. Why do I feel a grave reduction in my bank balance looming on the Horizon :-)))) Thanks for your advice RG Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted April 16, 2005 Author Report Posted April 16, 2005 Hi RG, Welcome back. You'll love the Revolution 1.5 and yes, it will help with the Super Blast. If your looking for more then "just" speed, the Super Blast... is a Super Blast! It offers low wind flying and ballet, as well as speed. They fly similiar, but not the same as power kites. The response is quicker, the control more precise. The flying will depend on each pilots flying capabilities and personal learning curve. Unless your just a natural (and they are out there) you will have to practice. Ahhh, tough luck huh? Now which 1.5 will you be picking up? A SLE or standard leading edge... or are they calling it classic? Enjoy your kite and the hollidays. BB Penny Quote
weebaldy Posted April 16, 2005 Report Posted April 16, 2005 Hi Penny Thanks for the welcome and the Advice. I have ordered an SLE today and should get it by the end of next week (cant wait!!). The online shop also has a SB 4.8 in stock so I will need to make sure my wife sleeps on my Credit Cards until I get back from the Hols :-))). I am really looking forward to the challange of learning the REV, off now to negociate about buggys and that SB 4.8............... I'll let you all know how the first flights go with the SLE, should be fun cause I am NOT one of those blessed with Natural talent ( Apart from some very Balletic face plants when first flying Foils ) Cya Ray G Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted April 16, 2005 Author Report Posted April 16, 2005 Face plant.. been there.. splat that... Hey, don't forget once you learn.. or even at the same time to turn your wife on to the Rev. Woman love this kite. Give her a head set with some music she likes... and stand back... you'll probably need 2 of those Revs. Good luck with the price wrangling. BB Penny Quote
weebaldy Posted April 16, 2005 Report Posted April 16, 2005 Hey good idea Penny, I'll give that a try on Hols........... look out for an update when I get back in May Ray G Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted April 17, 2005 Author Report Posted April 17, 2005 Enjoy your vacation~ BB Penny Quote
windofchange Posted April 19, 2005 Report Posted April 19, 2005 If you can get your woman some time on the 1.5 you will probably not be able to get it back. Really an awesome kite! The SuperBlast's are also awesome, excellent power when you want it as well as depower when you don't. I would recommend test flying the 4-8 before you buy, it is an expensive kite that does take quite a bit of time to learn to control. Very touchy on the handles. It does require quite a bit of Rev experience to be able to fly it (not to mention a lot of strength when powered up). I would suggest the SuperBlast 2-4 instead, unless you are looking for a lot of power in winds that are constantly under 10mph. The 2-4 will give you excellent buggy power in winds from 10-20 mph and will still be fun to fly in winds from 3-10 mph. The 2-4 is also a lot easier to control than the 4-8 is. The 1.5 is an excellent choice as it is such a great kite and will definatly teach you everything you need to know about the larger SuperBlasts. Be careful tho, once your woman gets a hold of it you may not see her or your kite again. Quote
weebaldy Posted April 22, 2005 Report Posted April 22, 2005 Thanks WoC for the heads up on the 4-8 and the 2-4. I just received my new 1.5 SLE Rev in the post today so hopefully will get a chance to try it out over the weekend. I will also try and have a test fly of the 2-4 ASAP. Thanks to all for taking the time to reply to my newbie questions. looks like I have started the old obsession off again :-))) oh well we need to spend our hard earned cash on something huh Cheers Ray G Quote
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