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Just had an offer on a kite I had in kite classifieds. The potential buyer wanted to have someone who owed him money, send me the owed money and then have me send him the kite and the remainder of the money. The amount was in the thousands of dollars. He wanted my reassurance I would send him the money and that he could trust me :w00t: . Read the petting my ego, sure I'm trustworthy? ;) Then he ended the scam with "God Bless". :unsure:

Seller Be Aware

This is a fairly common scheme in many calassifieds, thank you for bringing it to our attention Jim.

Was this person a registered user?

John, I'll email you the name.


I went through the same thing a while back.It is called the Nigerian scam I believe.

You will receive a certified or cashiers cheque...the bank will cash it....the cheque is stolen however & in 5-15 days(depending on the bank)the bank will take the amount from your account....as the cheque won't clear.

I suggest you get in touch with authorities.I contacted the city police,but there are some other agencies you can contact.Here in Canada...I called phonebusters...they work with provincial police,RCMP,FBI & interpol.

THese scammers don't want the kite..they want the $$.

By using western union they can't be caught.

Think about it....wouldn't it be easier for his friend or associate who owes him $ to just wire it to you....or to him?

Wize up folks.....the days of taking someones word are gone.

I also found another group who go on about being devote Christians....but clearly aren't.(like thats suppose to make it all believable??)

Be very cautious in your internet sales....C.Y.A. always!

Good Winds


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