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Race Rods


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can anyone give me some feedback on race rods? like some of the pros and cons?


The same weight as a 2 wrap (in fact a little lighter) but the strength of a 3 wrap, so greater wind range. Also they bend and un-bend more snappily which is great for precision. Buy them and you won't regret it. See the rev forum for more info

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their are more pros then cons.. sailor is right they are slightly lighter theb a 2 wrap but the real trick to them is the extra flex you get out of them allowing more wind to get to the sail.. the springy responce also helps for the precision part.. they can also handlw a very wide wind range too.. allowing a vented kite to peform nicely in winds lighter then it can handle

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can anyone give me some feedback on race rods? like some of the pros and cons?


Wen, if you ever flew my 1.5 at WSIKF I probably had race rods in it.

I love the race rods.

Pros: They are amazing in light wind, and they are great still in slightly higher winds.

Cons: They cost money ;)

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I just had an illuminating thought.

I have 2 sets of race rods. That makes 2 leading edges and 4 downspars.

If I buy 2 more Race centre spars, then match them up with existing 2 and 3 wrap spars I have, I would in effect have 4 Race'ish sets of rods.

Now that bears a bit of thinking about.

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A set of race rods and a set of 4 wraps with a 1.5 standard and 1.5 vented you are good from about 2 mph up to ????.

I use the race rods in my standard down as low as 2 or 3 usually with 50 lb lines. At about 7 or 8 I go to vented with race rods. At about 15 plus I switch to 4 wrap in the vented and have not found the high end for that yet. It will handle at least 30 mph.

I only have one set of race rods so I remove the rods from the kite when I am finished so I start from scratch each time I set up. John I think somewhere describes how to remove the LE easily.

Performance is pretty good with Race Rods. Because of their flexibility you can really animate your kite during ballet.

Of course the combo is Vented and Race Rods and winds 10 to 15.

I think the Race Rod is pretty good in bumpy winds as its range is pretty wide. At Seaside this past weekend we had builidings blocking the wind flow for a while and 10 mph on the right side of the window and about 3 or 4 on the left side. This was easily handled with the race rods.

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