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Pop quiz!

John Barresi

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Okay, a few questions...

  1. Who is this?
  2. What kite is he flying?
  3. Aside from actual modification, how is he flying the kite near himself?
  4. What is the major modification done to the kite itself? (hint: look at his hands)
  5. In what city was the photo taken?


Looking forward to your replies...

I know the answers, just curious to see how far back some of your memories go. <grin>

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You said three questions and then asked five ... geez. Three or five doesn't seem to matter for a newbie kite flyer ...

Although, it looks like the gentleman modified a dual line kite to fly it with quad lines ... probably using a dog stake to fly it close to himself. Love the handles ... they seem to disappear in his hands.



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im gonna guess the flier is lee sedwick.. the kite looks like an 86b spinoff but im probly wrong there dont know the city . the setup he is useing looks like a dogstake dual line attachment and he,s flying the kite with both lines in 1 hand useing finger loops .. i hope im close anyway.. that was soo long ago

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Hey John...

A few answers:

1. John Barresi with a mask on :blink:

2. OPK... and an old one!

3. The facial expression reminds me of Rich trying to catch his Rev; although, not quite as intense!

4. Serious for a moment, it looks like he could have made it a quadline.

5. I'm waiting for a the homeowner across the street to tell me where he lives... if he knows :wacko: ... and then I can tell everyone.

Just being silly, but with a very short flying career as opposed to you Veterans :ani_notworthy: I haven't begun to scratch the surface of the kiting history. I think it's great that you did this. Like any other sport, there's always flashbacks (at the ver least) to pay homage to the greats of their game, we should do the same. (IMHO)

I would have guessed Lee Sedwig, the only old kite I know by name is a Hawaiian, and I'd guess San Francisco.

Keep the history lessons coming....I enjoy the education, Thanks.

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Well done so far...

1. Who is this?

Lee Sedgwick

2. What kite is he flying?

(still waiting for the right guess)

3. Aside from actual modification, how is he flying the kite near himself?

Aye, dogstake.

4. What is the major modification done to the kite itself? (hint: look at his hands)

True, this is a quad-lined dual line kite... No handles, just a knotted rope that he cycles through his fingers.

5. In what city was the photo taken?

WOW Laura, GREAT guess... San Francisco indeed!

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I knew the others except wasn't 100% on 5. I thought I'd see if others would know too.

2. Spectrum Dart, designed by Lee and Sue Taft.

Also I believe Lee was first to add stand-offs to a kite.

Lots of great stuff from a real nice guy.

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Right on, nailed it... Lee's own design, the Spectrum Dart. :blink:

Nice job folks!


Cool stuff. I would love to see him dogstaking that in person!

Not live, but one of Lee's classics, Lady In Red (< click) from the archives here. Not quad, but flying his Spectrum Dart 2-line.

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