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:unsure: Hey Progcraft those are some GREAT pictures!! Just wanted to know though, I don't see any boxes on those kites, where did the boxes go??? Hello Penny, how are you doing? come visit us sometime at www.oregonkiteclub.com site sometime, we are pretty peaceful creatures with moss between our toes, just ask Mr. Gomberg, the head moss grower :devil:

Eh?!? What boxes are you refeering to? I don't follow you (but I'm sure your makeing some sort of joke) :P


Yea, Progcraft. It is sort of a joke. Codykiteguy is all about box kites, I would assume. So no kite is a real kite unless based on a box. :(

I am all wrapped up in inflatable line laundry at the moment. I got some very colorful balloon material and am enjoying working with it.

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:devil: Okay, you just found someone willing to split the cost a motel room for the week, when are you getting into town? I was going to be there for the full week but after talking to some friends I may delay getting there till Tuesday night or Wedensday morning since there isn't much going on till Tuesday or Wedensday. The referance to boxes on kites is due to the fact that the only kites I build are Codys, I have tried building other kites but they are too simple to build and I keep trying to make them more difficult than they are. :unsure:
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Thursday night is the AOK... So those that are there go!

Kitelife will be Friday night, correct? :unsure:

Rick you must have enough fun all week for me, too. :( I hope you have a red/white and blue cody for the red/wh/blue day. And when is the cody mass ascension? Got a spare that needs someone on the end of the lines to hold?

My very favorite day is train day... and I'm gonna miss it. :P

We should start a little bit of a joke festival.... you know... like tie Carl's feet together.. What could we come up with? :devil: Should we start with a list of flyers we'd like to play a joke on... I nominate Doc! :P



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:unsure: As yet I do not have a red, white and blue Cody but I will take care of that before WSIKF. As for the mater of having enough Codys for everyone to fly, I will be bringing along several with me, gotta get a photo of John with a Cody in his hands, Penny, you have got the Cowdy and I will supply the bell, Carl ... man I just want to see how you are going to fly the stable of Codys you have. :devil:
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that bell better be shiney. :P

Amy, :( you better hold on.. your initation might be a bit of a bumpy ride. :devil: If they get out of control, just take their kite away from them.

Boys, now be nice. :unsure: Remember your manners. We want ladies in kiteflying.

Penny grumbling to herself.... <_< and they wonder why there's so few woman in kiting!

Don't you scare her away!



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Don't you scare her away!

Now Penny....it seems to me that we were chastising thee Leetle Ant...not supporting the lonely leetle thing! :P

We are the the humble ones :devil: in defense of all of those who traverse these pages..... men or women! :P How else can we present with such honors as to welcome the lass to these regal offerings from friendly kite flyers and yet to uphold and restrain those who find themselves just short of discipline from such excessives of inhaling melted/cut spinnaker sailcloth and find themselves too delirious to maintain control of their loneliness. We wish to protect all including those from themselves! :unsure:

:(and having fun too!

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Boys, now be nice. :( Remember your manners. We want ladies in kiteflying.

Don't you scare her away!

Nope... not saying a word... :P

It's kinda fun to sit back and watch the primitive courting rituals of elderly single-line flyers. :P

:unsure: Shhh. Be bery bery kwiet! We're huntin Twillbees! :devil:

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:sq-upsidedown: Okay I gottcha, so the old Codygeezer makes a fool of himself again and ya all get a big chuckle :w00t: You will all pardon me while I go write an e-mail to Trilbygirl and let her know it is safe to come back now ..... (then he slunk off to the horizon looking back every once in awhile to see if there was any pity in anyones eyes) slink, slink, slink ..... :w00t:
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Rick your to funny! He's kinda charming to, huh Amy? I mean for an old single liner. :w00t: (Oh, the things I can say... that even Carl won't say)

I thought AOK was on Thursday night. So if we do that it will be Thur. and if we do the beer garden it will be Fri? :sq-upsidedown:



Please except my confusion... it's a way of life.

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what do I do now? I wasn't expecting this? She is an extra special Lady but .........

Ok BuddyAnt....the first thing you do is :w00t: don't show them the "fear" you have in your quavering voice! Honesty of course is surmount! But, don't show your fear. They can bite, yes....but you are wise and talented, so just be yourself pulled back some! :w00t: And take DEEP breaths.....and relax.....

I'd say more, but..... :sq-upsidedown:

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Just be yourself Rick, you might have a new friend for life. :w00t:

Kites, think kites.. common ground and it's ok to show fear.......... keeps you kinda humble. :w00t:

Don't cow down, and don't throw caution or anything else to the wind...unless you have a string on it.

Remember, we're living vicareously through you on this, so be kiteful. :sq-upsidedown:

Enough bad puns?




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  • 3 months later...

G'day all, thought I should be polite and introduce myself since I've already had a few posts - and replies.

Pretty new to kiting, its only taken me 2-3 years to get a couple together (S*#t, I hate work) anyway, excuses besides.

Theres no better way of messing about on a great beach and having some fun.

Cheers all.

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Welcome Ianola ^_^ You got a kite bug then this is the place to fly when you actually can't play in th sky. oh oh.. coffee is kicking in again. :P

I'm jealous you two can go fly so much Cody. I'm going to have to get to the gym here real soon. Time to start getting up before work again and get some air time before work.

Angel's did you know the Boss is in Hawaii!!!!!!! And I'll bet he took all the little umbrella's with him. I know I never saw one at convention. Angels... I'm talking mutiny here. B)

Speaking of convention.. I went for the party. And I was not disappointed. :pinch:

Thank goodness it only comes once a year.

Someone find me a little cup w/umbrella icon. Here's to a great next year!BB

Penny.... :ninja:putting the rum away till next year.

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