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KiteLife Forum

What is "Reputation"?

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If you are a registered member of this forum, you should see this in the bottom right corner of each post...


It's a "reputation" feature of the forum, wherein you can + or - to indicate if you felt it was an unusually useful/positive or destructive/negative.

I know the implications, trust me... But, I'm going to leave it up for now and trust the members of this forum to use it appropriately.

Yes, if there are any real problems, I will consider deactivating it, but I'm looking it primarily as a way to PLUS particularly good posts.

Won't be using the minus portion, such things are better worked out or settled directly, imho.

I trust everyone else will do the same, but I'll also do whatever needs doing. :D

Have fun!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Aha, a couple of mods made to the "reputation" system...

1. Members can no longer + themselves, I'd over looked that one.

2. There is no more negative rating option.

Remember, "tip your hat" to especially good posts and hit that little + symbol! :)

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