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Vented Inverted Hover Stabilizer

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I flew the "Vented Inverted Hover Stabilizer" prototype today for a few hours and everything I have to report is positive to amazing! But the name is now just "Vented Stabilizer", because it improved the performance of the kite all around. :)

The wind was very gusty and according to my wind meter was running from 0 to 12 mph. And the stuff in between, you could feel hitting the kite like a shotgun...bam...bam...bam. Lousy wind for trying to do inverted hovers, but great wind to check out the prototype.

The kite flew more stable then before, not only in the inverted hovers, but all around. But, the most impressive thing was in rising up while in an inverted hover. I was able to do things I just couldn't do before. I could back the kite up, while inverted, all the way to the top of the wind tunnel with out the least bit of flap. And backing up from any position was straighter, and I could do it faster, without any flapping.

I took "Elvira" (my mid-vent) out to check the STD against her because she always does better in wind like this, the vents seem to smooth things out a bit, but not today. I couldn't do with her what I was doing with the STD B with the vent add on.

Of course this isn't "proof positive" that it's a great thing. And I take no responsibility for anything that might go amiss from someone putting one on their kite. Someone that knows what they are doing like JB or Watty, or other top dogs, would have to try it out to get a true evaluation and also see if they find anything else coming up negative in doing other things because of it. And I'd sure like to hear from anyone that checks it out...to know what they think! But, when I asked my wife to sew it for me I told her just to run one line of stitching, because I might have to take it off. But, when she gets home I'm having her run some more lines of stitching to nail it in place! (And “Elvira wants one too!)

I posted a picture at the top of the forum to show "about" what I was doing, but I actually made it smaller then shown in the picture (I'll post another picture tonight when my wife brings the camera home.) In stead of going to the second seam, away from center, of the semi-vertical panel, I went to the first one closer to center, thinking that would be a better stress point and also I didn't think it needed to be that big. Actual the addition of this vent will probably take a lot of the stress off the center of the kite and spread it around a little, but I'm no Rev. R&D person...just my impression!

I used plastic window screening, which is what I believe they use for venting material, and laid it over the center of the kite forming a triangle below the center and cut it 1/2" larger then the area all around. The only edge that needs a straight is the base of the triangle running horizontally, so use the “factory cut” for that edge. Then take the screen triangle off the kite and fold the base edge over 1/2' and sew across the base to strengthen that edge. I used 100% polyester thread (looks like fishing line momofiliment, but real thin). Then, pin it in place on the "BACK" of the kite with the bottom of the triangle aligned with the first contact point, closest to center, of the first semi-vertical panel, which will give an extra 1/2", or so, on the other 2 sides that are going to be sewn. Sew it in place sewing on the overlapping edge where the kite was sewn in the first place. After sewing in place come back and carefully cut off the excess screening on the 2 upper legs of the triangle. And That It!

Should the Rev. Guys and Gals decide to incorporate this in any of their kite designs, it’s for sale! It will cost them (1) Rev. B-series JB w/ handles and the DVD and 2 & 3 wrap rods...sent to James M. in Missouri! (with the color of his choice!) heehee! :P

Keep It Up!


PS I will repeat again...if anyone does this...it's at their own risk and I will accept "no" responsibility for any damage that may occur to them or their kite or the neighbors dog! :greedy::P

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I am going to guess that this is the picture you referred to.

It's kind of difficult for me to tell what it is that you did, but it looks like you filled up a bit of the "v" under the Revolution logo between the two wings of the kite, is this correct? I'm not sure if I am looking at it right because the piece that I think might be the venting looks like just grey fabric...

Would it be possible for you to add some more pictures without the stuff behind it, and maybe from some other angles so we can get a better idea of what it is?

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Hi Watty,

Yeah...in that picture, before I nailed everything down, you'll see the venting material coming down on the second tie in, away from center, of the first semi-vertical panel. I slid it up and sewed it in the spot just north of that, closer to center, where that same semi-vertical panel attaches to the kite at the bottom, closer to center.

I'll send some pictures as soon as my wife gets home. She's off getting some ashes put on her forehead for Lent, or something, which I told her is really pretty stupid, because I smoke cigars and could put the ashes on her forehead right here at home, if she wanted...but, either she didn't hear me or I was ignored, but she left and took the camera! heehee!

But, seriously I think this is really good...not training wheels for the inapt, but really "possibly" advantageous for the kite! (But, I could be wrong...need someone like you or JB to try it out!)

But I'll get some pictures off about 9:00 PM, or so, EST...that's Florida time, (if she's in a receptive mood)! :)

Keep It Up!


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There have been a number of quad line kites made like this over the years...

Problem is, it links the two wings too much when you make R/L inputs and will probably slow the kite down a lot.

Play is good, if you like it, that's good too... But it's been done before, and there's no substitute for practice. :)

Reversing all the way to the top of the window is actually quite easy, doesn't take a lot of effort or input... Just takes the *right* input.

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Just to clarify in retrospect, I don't mean to stifle, all's good, keep going... I was just sharing my own thoughts and experiences. ;)

Thanks John,

I appreciate your comments and help! Thanks!

I sort of figured someone had already “been there, and done that” and I also supposed there isn’t any easier or softer way, but it was fun playing with it anyway!

Now, back to my :) Practice-Practice-Practice :ani_weightlift:

Thanks again,

Keep It Up!


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