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the only thing about kite competitions is the "weather permitting" aspect of travel. come to the UP THE RIVER kite festival and competition in arlington oregon... yes, ARLINGTON , OREGON. see http://www.honkernet.net/visitarlington/uptheriverkites.htm for more flying information about this amazing event in ARLINGTON, OREGON. hosted in part by Columbia River Kites, and the Arlington Chamber of Commerce. email hailragnar(at)honkernet.net for more information

  • 3 weeks later...

THIS JUST IN... PASS TIMES IN HOOD RIVER HAS DONATED A RASPBERRY VAPOR by prism (yes.. raspberry is a CUSTOM kite frm Prism) for the auction at the Up the River Kite Festival. for more info... email Alan Cunningham. What a great cotribution.

We hope to see lots of OR fliers there, too.  There's a few of us coming down from WA.  B)



Great event! Good job, everybody, who worked so hard to put this together!

Congrats to Penny, Wayne and Bud! Nice trophies! ;)

Next stop...Lincoln City Indoor Event March 23-26!


March 23-26, 2005

Indoor Kite Festival - Plan on attending Oregon's Only Indoor Kite Festival, in Lincoln City, March 23-26. Yes, it's true. If you have the right kite and know how to do it, you can fly kites indoors without wind---and have great fun even if the weather outside is frightful! So everyone can enjoy this great sport, Lincoln City is bringing expert indoor kite fliers from all over the country to demonstrate the art and teach kids of all ages how to soar without wind. Check out more about the event at our web site www.oregoncoast.org or 541-996-1274 or 1-800-452-2151

Everybody mark your calendars!


edited to add this link page: http://www.oregoncoast.org/kite-festival/indoor-kite-04.html


Definitely some great flying--saw some indoor team after the comp that was awesum.

I tried my hand at flying indoors for the first time. Hey, I kept the kite in the air--sometimes.

Actually I was real proud to see my new Amazing perform in the hands of some masters. I sure won't say it's the kites fault. Lucky I have a dead wind spot in the front yard. Ready to start practicing that stuff.

Kudos to Alan Cunningham for organizing the event--I came away with great admiration for what Alan is doing with the kids in Arlington--with and without kites.


To Penny

You did not work with me on flying a Quad for the first time at this event.

In that regard you are indefatigable.

You did get me on one at Whidbey Is though. I'll be sure to say hi at the next opportunity.


UP THE RIVER 2005 was amazing.. it was true... if you book them, they will come.

Next year the crowd will be larger... lots of curiosity AFTER THE FACT!

We had great experienced and beginner fliers. the floor was busy the entire time.

Thanks to ALL the people who donated time, effort, and stuff to make this work.

Spectators felt welcome to approach ANY flier and ask questions of have a lesson... no age limit!

Up the River 2005 CREW:


Linda Hayes

Carmen Kontour-Gronquist-Mayor of Arlington

Colleen Cunningham

BOB Wendt

Kirstie Hayes

DOOR CREW and 'whatever we need' ladies--Colleen Cunningham & Kelly Wright

ANNOUNCERS---Rick Wright & Dave Shattuck

EVENT HOW TO DUDE---Scott Davis ( I could have NEVER pulled this off without his help!)

AUCTION/RAFFLE/SUPPORT DONORS 70+ items for the bag raffle and live auction

Columbia River Kites...trophies and SO MUCH MORE!

Daniel Haigh---feathers for recognition awards

Pass Times, Hood River OR Prism Vapor and Air Yo

The Kite Shoppe, Vancouver WA Lynx Feather

Johnny's of Fife

Arlington Chamber of CommerceUp the River 2005---Food for FLiers on Saturday

Local Businesses:

Mid-Columbia Hair Design

Pheasant Grill

Happy Canyon Pizza

Village Inn Motel

AHS Class of 2006---concessions

Flier Families---too many things to list

Arlington School District/High School

New Tech Kites--Air Yo's, Pyro, Firecrackers

PHOTOJOURNALIST---Caitlin Bartlemay


MEDIA---East Oregonian, Hermiston Herald,

The Dalles Chronicle, KiteLife (John Barresi & Dave Shattuck), 97.5 COOL FM

Special Thank yous to the generosity of the fliers and spectators generating over 400 dollars for the World Kite Museum.

What can I say? I am Tired, Sore, and ready for bed... what a perfect weekend of flying!

Many Happy regards

Captain CHaos(also known as ALAN)---ANNUAL Up the River INDOOR Kite Festival event coordinator.

Caitlin also says thanks for your support.. and G'Day!


How did Caitlin do? ;)

What do you think would happen, if we split the proceeds of a future festival for the kite museum and a local cause or two? That would have a few benifits, one of them bringing in more local people. It might raise awareness for both causes.

Great festival, lots of hard work there Allen. Up The River 2005 Kite Festival and Competition Rocked!! B)

Thanks again to all responsible.




yes... what a great idea.

we can get more local involvement if a local entity benefits

we are looking at some serious budgetary cuts in the next few years in the schools, both oregon and washington. to benefit them as well as the kite museum would be totally awesome! lions clubs, rotary, and other entities would also be great benfactors. lets look into that!

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