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Great Texas Kite Club Fun Fly

Dano Wright

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Hello to all you fellow windjunkies, breeze beggars, and silkworm farmers, sewing fanatics, etc, etc, etc. --

. We invite all the Texas kite clubs to Rockport for a winter kite-a-pa-loza-- is that a word?? it is now!!

This event was moved a couple of years ago because it gives a little more time between events i.e.- GTKCFF and SPI kite fest on February the first, and two it gives the City of Rockport a little extra color in the air for their annual "beginning of the season" celebration. They have asked for kite fliers the last three years of this event which includes street fairs, two parades, musical offerings outdoors, lighting of the big tree in the kite field, and in general a street party downtown.

It also has more for us windjunkies to do to keep entertained after 5 pm when the sun goes down--- lighted boat parade, various drinking establishments, and music and street dancing!!! This occurs on December 3rd, 2011, at 10AM, Saturday, the City is renting the "Festival Grounds" just for us kite flyers which is the tri-cornered field at the front of the beach facing Hwy 35 -- so we should have lots of room for everyone's favorite kite to be displayed.

As a special treat this year interested bird watchers can join a bunch of kiters on a Whooping Crane bird tour via the Wharf Cat, a tour leaves the Rockport Harbor on Sunday to view these magnificent animals in their natural habitats to the north of us.

More info as to reservations, fees, times etc with be forthcoming.

Further info inquiries can be made at 361-442-4608 -- also check out the Facebook page --Coastal Bend Skypirates, current info will be posted there i.e Friday nite meet/greet dinner etc . ---- Dano


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