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Hi, it would be interesting to ask a meteorologist or weather man (or woman) how, we regular and common people can read the weather conditions to predict wind days inland, because in the seaside wind is more constant.

I have learned watching the skies that when is hot and clear and a change of weather is coming (example: cold front) the air pressure difference because of the temperature makes the cold air to move to where the hot air is, making the wind to move above the 10mph mark. This is only by observation, but professional help would be useful.

I will try to contact a meteorologist to give us more info on this, or if you know someone who knows about it, please ask him to enlighten us in this matter.

I´m sure it would make an intersting article for the next issue.

Have a good day




I work for the National Weather Service and I suggest visiting www.weather.gov

You can enter your city or zip and you will be taken to the proper weather forcast office web site serving that area. Once at that site you can get the latest forcast. I am not sure if all individual sites have the same info but I know I just checked my office site and I was able to link to "model data". Model data is the raw data that the Meteorologist use to make the forcast. I believe there is more info than you care to look at.

There are also links to contact people for more info.

Remember the NWS is your federal government working for you. If you have a question please contact your local office.

Hope this helps



I think this would be a great article for someone to research and write something up for John to add to one of the Kitelife issues.

We are constantly checking the wind/rain conditions on line, prior to flying.

Thank you for the link suggestion!

Something that was intersting yesterday at WSKC, was...even though the wind was measured by the judges....holding the meter up at arms length......there where HUGE variances higher up at 80 to 100 feet....and also at ground level passes.

The kites were ALL set up for high wind. Tremendous power and speed (and turbulances) higher up in the window, yet when they would come down for a ground pass, or landing, you could definitely see the loss of power and 'lufting'. A lot of botched landings...as the kites came down, under FULL power....then hit that lower wind at ground level.

Wind 100 feet may have been at least 25 to 30mph. Yet at ground level was maybe 15 to 18mph.



Thank you Dave for the information, the problem is that I live in Mexico and there´s not much of that information, only the regular information on the local TV guide channel that I think they might get from the local weather service.

My purpose is to get a guide for the normal guy to read the weather and expect winds for kite flying.

Im doing my homework... more info in the nbext day.

have a good day


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