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It is almost May...

With 31 more days set aside I am excited.

I plan on getting another Wala..La...La session going during the Month. They are just so colourful.

Also I am going to confront the iFlite Stack again. I have a couple of bridle options to try.

With all the Rain coming my way, indoor Glider opportunities should be ample.

I hope you all enjoy Watching/Joining me for 31 Glides of May, the May Fly....

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As the Spring winds continue I find myself looking forward to some calm evenings during May, I must be getting eccentric. Plan on gliding right along with you. Twilight morning here now, birds chirping & dead calm. Guess that dang wind will start blowing soon.

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I put a lot of thought into my Day 1 flight location, kite and time.

My Local Park was the place of Choice

I decided on a dawn Flight in a little space between the trees.

Kite of Choice.... My iFlite vented in white. My first iFlite.




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May Fly - Day 1

Hi Everyone,

And we're back! ... Another International Glide Month, Excellent!

March was great fun, so why not repeat the experiment! Thanks to West for keeping things gliding along!

It stormed most of the afternoon here in North Florida but had eased off near the end of the day.


When I arrived home, Kelli was already outside gliding her iFlite Fusion Vented #1490 in the driveway.


I followed up shortly with iFlite II Vented #78.


National Kite Month continues thru Sunday here in the US.

Happy Flying Everybody,


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May Fly Day 2 - iFlite Fusion #1487



My how quickly the days pass by. We've had storms and iffy winds but the gliders keep on flying!

Such wonderful therapy while sitting on the couch.

Day 2 brought out iFlite Fusion #1487, an attractive kite in the colors of the University of Florida.

This one likes to spin and can keep you busy especially if you give it a quick pull. It's quite fun and easy to get some distance from the pilot with a quick spin at the end of a glide. That spin will allow it to climb and then head further away from the pilot as it glides using the energy from the height gathered in the spin.

May Fly Day 3 - iFlite Classic #962



I almost missed my perfect attendace record as it was a quarter til midnight before i started gliding.

I flew for about 25 minutes so it could really count as Sunday's fly as well, but no need for that ;-)

May Fly Day 4 - iFlite Vented #1217



May The Fourth Be With You and all that ;-) Today was iFlite #1234, one of my favorite gliders. It flies very smooth and slow and pretty much goes right where you tell it to. Thank you Patrick Tan for your masterful craftsmanship and all these wonderful toys!

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Brilliant Photo's dashgee.

Thanks for Joining In.

May Day 3-5 photos are on a Camera I left at home.

I am planning on spending some time with my iPrey tonight.

I will catch up on Pictures Tomorrow.

Anyone else can Join in. Just glide away and tell us about it. Photo's are not a requirement.

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Day 5:

I flew the Wala XL at a little Park near to my Work.

(don't worry about the power lines in the Pic. they are further than they look)

Day 6:

I flew the iPrey in my Yard.

It was late Afternoon.





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Hi Tmadz,

The iPrey is a sweet Glider. it has a slow and stable glide with a pretty snappy turning circle.

Set-up, Pack-up of the iPrey is a little more complex than the iFlite.

The iPrey is a very unusual shaped Glider that Fly's Really Really Nicely.


May Fly - Day 5

It was a Family Fun Glide as we all got into the air just before Monday's daylight began to retreat.

Morgan had great success flying his iFlite Vented Fusion #1489 making for some fun pictures while Kelli flew her iFlite Vented Fusion #1490.


It sure seems like more than twice the fun when two iFlites are flying in the same airspace at the same time.


I took the Emong out for a spin to round out the family gliding session. A fun way to finish off a Monday.


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May Fly - Day 6

Kelli got some great shots flying on the campus of the University of Florida. The wind went from calm to a light breeze and back again allowing for a little slk flying between glides.


During break down a spectator stepped up to check out her kite.


I got a chance to fly my printed rev on thirty foot lines in no wind conditions which was kinda gliding especially with a toss for the launch. I really am not that good, but the kite sure is. This was the first time I have been able to maintain my position on the field in low to no-wind conditons without eventually having to walk forward to relaunch. I need a lot more low-wind practice before I will be able to stay aloft as long as I want, but calm winds are a lot more fun than they used to be.


Later when all was quiet i flew iFlite Classic #962 while sitting on the bed. The blue sail fabric on this kite seems much softer than other iFlite sails and almost flutters in flight.This kite has a very claming effect on its pilot. :-)


May Fly - Day 7

A quick flight at the end of the day with Vented iFlite #855. This fabric is crisp and shiny and flies nearly horizontal making for some nice long glides.


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Brilliant pictures there dashgee.

I started the day with some predawn flying on the white iFlite. But As I had the wrong camera none of the pictures came out.

After getting to work and discovering the lack of a good photo, I flew the IFlite Ui in my office.

Blurry shots is all I could get.



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Great pictures again by the glider guys. I can see I am really missing out especially when I see the indoor flight pictures. Only had the nerve to fly at work a few times & that was in the parking lots when no one was around. The office flying has got to be an ultimate statement of commitment to kites & their fun. Rock on, Rock on!

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Sorry I don't get pix, but on Mondays and Wednesdays I fly indoors at my soccer field! Mostly my Indoor Rev, but several different gliders get used too!

Glide on!!

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Awesome Wayne, thanks for Joining In. Which Gliders did you use in your last session?

I returned to my flying field for a Predawn iFlite Flight... :)

The better camera yielded much better results.






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Well.. I have not been gliding :( But the thread was in my thoughts on a recent rainy day...a little out of context without the other post.....you get the jist of it ;)

Don't think it ends there..

As the rain still falls..

I sit at this window..

Surrounded by walls.

A single line kite..indoors..

A "glider" it's called..

31 days of May..

Just might get more involved!


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The 2 that get the most airtime are my iFlite II and my Frigate (a Skate type) gliders!! They come out when I need a break from the Rev!! Lots depends on the length of session - if short, it's mostly the Rev - if long, then I take the time to setup several gliders to break up the session!!

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I've had out the Plutz, mega Plutz, iFlite vented, iFlite II and today the Hybrid 200. I love the Hybrids and can't wait for the Horvaths to arrive.



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