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weights for the QP

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I'm currently getting my set of QPs ready for JB's Dual line clinic. I was looking at the setup for each and realized the only kite I'm using the stock weight set on is the VV. The stock weight set is super heavy. It does afford a wide range of positions, but frankly I feel the set was designed early on in the pitch oriented kite craze, and just isn't practical for anything other than the beast that is the VV. So my mod for my other QPs is to use barrel weights. Much lighter, while providing enough weight where its needed, with no excess threaded rod, etc. I keep the barrel weight in place with some tape I keep in my tool kit because I mostly fly inland and don't need to worry about sand. For the Ocean Shores clinic, I'll put some really small zip ties around the spine. I'll also be careful to dremel off any sharp edges in the ties, created by cutting the tag end,

One more thing, I usually put a quarter in the velcro right at the end cap of the spine. Having it right at the end of the spine increases the effect of the weight, making less overall weight needed. A buddy showed me this back when the E2 was new. He found a quarter in the velcro made learning the backspin easier.

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I made a new weight armature for my QPros out of threaded rod, a bunch of washers, and nuts at either end. I bent it up like the original armature, but the weight was highly adjustable by adding or removing washers. The diameter of the threaded rod was similar to the stock weight set, so it screwed right into the QPro center T. I thought the stock QPro weight set was way to heavy, even the smallest weight. This was a great solution that only cost a couple of bucks at the hardware store.

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If it has a velcro fastening on the tail the easiest way is to make some weights from self adhesive velcro and lead. Cut a piece on velcro about 2" long and then cut a piece of lead sheet to the right weight and stick it between the velcro strips back to back. These just go between the spine velcro and the tail fastening velcro. You can make a range of weights to suit your kite 5grams, 10 grams, 15 grams, whatever. Tim Benson uses these.item-weight-big.png

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