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Here's some help for anyone that owns or is considering a Fulcrum.   The kite comes in a bag and when removed is wrapped commonly around the spars.   The best way to start assembling it is to unwrap it and lay it out with the back facing up.

Fulcrum Wrapped.jpg

Fulcrum Back.jpg

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The Fulcrum I purchased came with two frames/spine sets.   A standard frame and an UL Frame.  There are three pieces, two for the ends and a center.

There are 4 standoffs.  Two slightly larger standoffs for the back of the wings and smaller standoffs for the center spine.

Fulcrum Standard Frame.jpg

Fulcrum UL Frame.jpg

Fulcrum Standoffs.jpg



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Take one of the end spines and insert it into the T connector on the back.  Make sure the ferruled end goes thru the opening to the front of the kite.   Be sure to push the spine completely into the T connector until it gets to the stop.  Once that's done, install the other end of the spine to the leading edge connector on the wing.   Do the same for the other side.

Fulcrum Cross Spreader 1.jpg

Fulcrum Cross Spreader 2.jpg

Fulcrum Cross Spreader 3.jpg

Fulcrum Cross Spreaders installed.jpg

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Next is the center spine.   It has a knot in the center of the spine that is attached to the bridle by a larks head.   This is for easy removal when switching standard and UL center spines.

Make sure the bridle lines are clear and install the center spine with the ferruled ends of the wing spines.

Fulcrum Center Spine Attachment.jpg

Fulcrum Center Spine Attached.jpg

Fulcrum Center Spine Assembled.jpg

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Finally, install the standoffs.  The slightly large ones go into the connectors on the back of the wings.  The smaller ones go into the connectors in the center.

That's it!  Done with the assembling.

Fulcrum Back Wing Standoff.jpg

Fulcrum Front Center Standoffs.jpg

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  • riffclown pinned this topic
  • 11 months later...

I had nice session w/Dugard on his, assembly was unique, easier in wind with my assistance holding edges.  It was different, but certainly a great time, doing somethings easier or impossible with a flat quad.  We had enough wind and open space (sandy point state park) to honestly evaluate and compare flight dynamics.  

Paul also had a stock DJinn and the new 3 rivers wing, whereas I had set-up a Phoenix Ash w/French & sticks framed in SS.  Swapped back and forth for a few hours, merits for each example, packed up double-quick and headed home before the downpour that lasted 48 hours!

  • Thanks 1

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