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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2018 in all areas

  1. Great comments Breezin - I so agree with you. The woman behind that kite was really worried about negatively impacting the rest of the flyers, but I was really glad she stuck it out and flew with us. We were so much better off having her part of the team. I'll fly with her anytime. BTW: The flyer 2nd from the left and 2nd up did a bunch of wonky stuff too. And I sure had fun doing it!
    3 points
  2. FYI... https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaijukite/permalink/508909256171273/ We are pleased to announce the start of our Kaiju Video Contest! Entries will be accepted (uploaded to YouTube and time stamped) between April 1st and 22nd, with THREE winners being selected in the week following the close of the contest. Terms of the contest: Venue can be indoor or outdoor, flown on maximum 12’ lines (on an honor system). Video must be UNCUT, 2 to 2:30 in length with pilot’s choice of music playing in the background near the camera and uploaded to YouTube with this title format: “Kaiju by Kite Forge contest: <pilot name>” After uploading to YouTube, just post your video link right here to the Kaiju Owner’s Group. Fixed points will be awarded for **successful start and exit (or landing)** of the following maneuvers found in our tutorials (you can repeat maneuvers but you only get points for one success each) for a possible total of 40 points: Fade throw = 5 points Up and over = 5 points Launch, 360, land = 5 points One hand flight = 5 points Fade to catch = 10 points Basic rodeo = 10 points Two subjective scores will also be judged by each of the 4 members of Team KiteLife - TKL (John Barresi, Scott Benz, Eli Russell and Brett Marchel) as follows: Technical = 0-30 points possible Style / Flow = 0-30 points possible While the indoor/urban skill levels of the judges naturally vary, all have seen enough to appreciate what they’re looking at... Subjective scores will be averaged between the four judges and added to the fixed points for each pilot’s final score. Prizes? Oh yes: 1st place $75 Kite Forge shop credit 3 year KL subscription ($173.85 value) 2nd place $25 store credit 3 year KL subscription ($148.85 value) 3rd place 3 year KL subscription ($98.85 value) NOTE: Kite Forge and KiteLife staff are ineligible to enter, as are any clinic / workshop instructors from those two companies. Again, don’t upload your video until April 1st, but before end of the day on April 22nd... Best of luck to all, go forth, have fun, and show your best stuff - no shame, it’s all in the effort itself! Video entries may also be posted here on this discussion topic.
    2 points
  3. When you DO bow tie, best method is to default to a “forward flight” position with your hands, slowly step backward, and the kite should auto-right by the count of 3... At that moment, it’s all about neutral, hover.
    2 points
  4. That’s Phyllis Gribbon, gets better... She’s EIGHTY THREE YEARS OLD. She was my “wingman” in that grid, indeed she went through the whole range of emotions but she persevered really, really well - I’d fly with her anytime too.
    2 points
  5. Please do not take this the wrong way but I have watched this video many times trying to gain some insight. Just watched it a couple more times. It is hysterical. Tears have flowed. I keep watching the kite far right 2nd from top. The determination of that flyer is FANTASTIC. Keep imaging how I'd be acting if that was me. The many oh no, excuse me, not again, what the hell,so sorry. Kite veers off out of camera range. Pretty soon back it comes wobbling for position. Few more oh no,so sorry what the hells off it goes again. Pretty soon here it comes. Then down it goes taking another with it. First time I watched that I thought I was going to pass out from the laughter. Little bit later much to my delight here they both come.More gales of laughter and a bunch of you go flier,go,go,go.Makes me want to buy a quad and take a road trip. I'd fly with that person anytime. No quit in em.
    2 points
  6. Just to clarify; I doubt I could sustain more than 2 complete circles, my attention would need to move on... But it's got me thinking now! Sent from a Galaxy 8 Far Far Down Under.
    1 point
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